Man pages for DLMtool
Data-Limited Methods Toolkit

AvCAverage Catch
AvC_MLLAverage Catch with a size limit
BKBeddington and Kirkwood life-history MP
CCAge-based Catch Curve
CC1Geromont and Butterworth (2015) Constant Catch
CompSRAAge-Composition Stock-Reduction Analysis
CompSRA_Internal function for CompSRA MP
curEFishing at current effort levels
DBSRADepletion-Based Stock Reduction Analysis
DBSRA_Depletion-based SRA internal function
DBSRAoptInternal optimization function
DCACDepletion Corrected Average Catch
DCAC_Depletion Corrected Average Catch
DDDelay - Difference Stock Assessment
DD_Delay-Difference Internal Function
DDeEffort-based Delay - Difference Stock Assessment
DD_RDelay-Difference Internal Function
demographic2Internal demographic function
DLMtool-packageDLMtool: Data-Limited Methods Toolkit
DTe40Effort searching MP aiming for a fixed stock depletion
DynFDynamic Fratio MP
EtargetLoptEffort Target Optimum Length
FadaptAdaptive Fratio
FdemDemographic FMSY method
Fdem_Internal function for Fdem MP
FilterSmoothKalman filter and Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother
FratioFMSY/M ratio methods
Fratio_Fratio internal function
GB_CCGeromont and Butterworth Constant Catch Harvest Control Rule
GB_slopeGeromont and Butterworth index slope Harvest Control Rule
GB_targetGeromont and Butterworth target CPUE and catch MP
GcontrolG-control MP
getrInternal function to estimate r
ICIIndex Confidence Interval
IratioMean Index Ratio
Islope_Index Slope Internal Function
Islope1Index Slope Tracking MP
IT_Index Target Internal Function
IT5Iterative Index Target MP
Itarget_Incremental Index Target MP Internal Function
Itarget1Incremental Index Target MP
Itarget1_MPAItarget1 with an MPA
ItargetE1Incremental Index Target MP - Effort-Based
Itargeteff_Incremental Index Target MP Internal Function - Effort MP
ITe5Index Target Effort-Based
ITMIndex Target based on natural mortality rate
iVBInverse von Bertalanffy
LBSPRLength-Based SPR MPs
LBSPR_Internal Estimation Function for LBSPR MP
Lratio_BHIMean length-based indicator MP of Jardim et al. 2015
LstepCC1Step-wise Constant Catch
LstepCE1Step-wise Constant Effort
Ltarget1Length Target TAC MP
LtargetE1Length Target TAE MP
matlenlimSize limit management procedures
MCDMean Catch Depletion
MRrealSpatial closure and allocation management procedures
RcontrolIntrinsic rate of Increase MP
SBT1SBT simple MP
SPmodSurplus production based catch-limit modifier
SPMSYCatch trend Surplus Production MSY MP
SPslopeSlope in surplus production MP
SPSRASurplus Production Stock Reduction Analysis
SPSRA_Surplus Production Stock Reduction Analysis Internal Function
YPRYield Per Recruit analysis to get FMSY proxy F01
YPR_Internal function for YPR MPs
DLMtool documentation built on June 20, 2022, 5:14 p.m.