Man pages for DRIP
Discontinuous Regression and Image Processing

brainBrain image
circlesImage of circles
cv.jpexBandwidth Selection and Noise Level Estimation
diffLC2Klocal constant kernel difference
diffLCKlocal constant kernel difference
diffLL2Klocal linear kernel difference
diffLLKlocal linear kernel difference
dKQedge detection, performance measure
jpexBlind Image Deblurring
JPLLK_surfaceDenoising and jump-preserving
kidImage of a kid taking test
lenaImage of Lena
modify1Edge detection, post processing
modify2Edge detection, post processing
peppersImage of peppers
roofDiffroof/valley edge detection
roofEdgeEdge detection, denoising and deblurring
roofEdgeParSelroof/valley edge detection, parameter selection
sarSynthetic aperture radar image of an area near Thetford...
stepEdgeLC2KEdge detection, denoising and deblurring
stepEdgeLCKEdge detection, denoising and deblurring
stepEdgeLL2KEdge detection, denoising and deblurring
stepEdgeLLKEdge detection, denoising and deblurring
stepEdgeParSelLC2Kedge detection, parameter selection
stepEdgeParSelLCKedge detection, parameter selection
stepEdgeParSelLL2Kedge detection, parameter selection
stepEdgeParSelLLKedge detection, parameter selection
stopsignImage of Stop Sign
surfaceClusterDenoising, deblurring and edge-preserving
surfaceCluster_bandwidthDenoising, deblurring, bandwidth selection, and...
threeStageDenoising, deblurring and edge-preserving
threeStageParSelimage denoising/deblurring, bandwidth selection, bootstrap
DRIP documentation built on Sept. 1, 2023, 5:08 p.m.