
Defines functions bmdfilter

Documented in bmdfilter

bmdfilter <- function(res,
                      BMDfilter = c("definedCI", "finiteCI", "definedBMD", "none"),
                      BMDtype = c("zSD", "xfold")) {
  if (missing(res) || !is.data.frame(res)) {
    stop("The first argument of bmdfilter must be a dataframe 
    (see ?bmdfilter for details).")
  BMDfilter <- match.arg(BMDfilter, c("definedCI", "finiteCI", "definedBMD", "none"))
  BMDtype <- match.arg(BMDtype, c("zSD", "xfold"))
  cnames <- colnames(res)
  # Definition of the filter to apply
  if ((BMDtype == "zSD") && (BMDfilter != "none")) {
    if (!all(is.element(c("BMD.zSD"), cnames))) {
      stop("The first argument of bmdfilter must be a dataframe
      containing a column named BMD.zSD.")
    BMD <- res$BMD.zSD
    if ((BMDfilter ==  "definedCI") || (BMDfilter ==  "finiteCI")) {
      if (!all(is.element(c("BMD.zSD.upper", "BMD.zSD.lower"), cnames))) {
        stop("To apply a filter on BMD.zSD confidence intervals, the first argument of bmdfilter 
        must be a dataframe containing columns named BMD.zSD, BMD.zSD.lower, BMD.zSD.upper.")
      BMDupper <- res$BMD.zSD.upper
      BMDlower <- res$BMD.zSD.lower
  } else if ((BMDtype == "xfold") && (BMDfilter != "none")) {
    if (!all(is.element(c("BMD.xfold"), cnames))) {
      stop("The first argument of bmdfilter must be a dataframe
      containing a column named BMD.xfold.")
    BMD <- res$BMD.xfold
    if ((BMDfilter ==  "definedCI") || (BMDfilter ==  "finiteCI")) {
      if (!all(is.element(c("BMD.xfold.upper", "BMD.xfold.lower"), cnames))) {
        stop("To apply a filter on BMD.xfold confidence intervals, the first argument of bmdfilter 
      must be a dataframe containing columns named BMD.xfold, BMD.xfold.lower, BMD.xfold.upper.")
      BMDupper <- res$BMD.xfold.upper
      BMDlower <- res$BMD.xfold.lower
  # Filtering
  if (BMDfilter == "definedCI") {
    subres <- res[!is.na(BMD) & !is.na(BMDupper) & !is.na(BMDlower), ]
  } else if (BMDfilter == "finiteCI") {
    subres <- res[is.finite(BMD) & is.finite(BMDupper) & is.finite(BMDlower), ]
  } else if (BMDfilter == "definedBMD") {
    subres <- res[!is.na(BMD), ]
  } else if (BMDfilter == "none") {
    subres <- res

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DRomics documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 5:09 p.m.