
### Reference:
### Tang X, Wahed AS: Comparison of treatment regimes with adjustment for auxiliary
### variables. Journal of Applied Statistics 38(12):2925-2938, 2011

### code chunk number 1: chunklibraries

#Libraries required

### code chunk number 2: chunkCox

PHfit <- function(data, # A complete data frame representing the data for two-stage randomization designs
                        # data = data frame {X, TR, R, Z, U, delta, V}
                        # V represents covariates
                        # There could be no covariate, one covariate, and more than one covariates
                  covar=NULL # Covariate list
) {
  #Retrieve data
  n <- nrow(data)
  X <- data$X # X=0 for A1, 1 for A2
  TR <- data$TR
  R <- data$R
  Z <- data$Z # Z=0 for B1, 1 for B2
  U <- data$U
  delta <- data$delta
  #Chek for errors
  if (is.null(X)) stop("X can not be empty") 
  if (is.null(TR)) stop("TR can not be empty")  
  if (is.null(R)) stop("R can not be empty")
  if (is.null(Z)) stop("Z can not be empty")  
  if (is.null(U)) stop("U can not be empty")  
  if (is.null(delta)) stop("delta can not be empty") 
  if(is.null(covar)) {
    #Format data
    data.model <- data.frame(
      t.start = c(rep(0, n), TR[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
      t.end = c(U[which(TR>U | R==0)], TR[which(TR<=U & R==1)], U[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
      t.delta = c(delta[which(TR>U | R==0)], rep(0, length(which(TR<=U & R==1))), delta[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
      V.X = c(X[which(TR>U | R==0)], X[which(TR<=U & R==1)], X[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
      V.R = c(rep(0, n), rep(1, length(which(TR<=U & R==1)))),
      V.XR = c(rep(0, n), X[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
      V.RZ = c(rep(0, n), Z[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
      V.XRZ = c(rep(0, n), X[which(TR<=U & R==1)]*Z[which(TR<=U & R==1)])
    #Get rid of t.start=t.end=0
    if(length(which(data.model$t.end==0))>0) data.model <- data.model[which(data.model$t.end!=0),]
    #Change the names
    names(data.model) <- c("start", "end", "delta", "X", "R", "XR", "RZ", "XRZ")
    #Fit the Cox proportional hazard model
    fit <- coxph(Surv(start, end, delta) ~ ., data=data.model)
    #Change the argument of object
    fit$call <- "coxph(Surv(U, delta)~ X + R + XR + RZ + XRZ)" 
  } else {
    if(FALSE %in% (covar %in% names(data))) { stop("Covariate(s) can not be found in the data") 
    } else { V <- data[, names(data) %in% covar] }
    if(NCOL(V)==1) {
      #Format data
      data.model <- data.frame(
        t.start = c(rep(0, n), TR[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        t.end = c(U[which(TR>U | R==0)], TR[which(TR<=U & R==1)], U[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        t.delta = c(delta[which(TR>U | R==0)], rep(0, length(which(TR<=U & R==1))), delta[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        V.X = c(X[which(TR>U | R==0)], X[which(TR<=U & R==1)], X[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        V.R = c(rep(0, n), rep(1, length(which(TR<=U & R==1)))),
        V.XR = c(rep(0, n), X[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        V.RZ = c(rep(0, n), Z[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        V.XRZ = c(rep(0, n), X[which(TR<=U & R==1)]*Z[which(TR<=U & R==1)]), 
        V.V = c(V[which(TR>U | R==0)], V[which(TR<=U & R==1)], V[which(TR<=U & R==1)])
      #Get rid of t.start=t.end=0
      if(length(which(data.model$t.end==0))>0) data.model <- data.model[which(data.model$t.end!=0),]
      #Change the names
      names(data.model) <- c("start", "end", "delta", "X", "R", "XR", "RZ", "XRZ", covar)
      #Fit the Cox proportional hazard model
      fit <- coxph(Surv(start, end, delta)~., data=data.model)
      #Change the call
      fit$call <- paste("coxph(Surv(U, delta) ~ X + R + XR + RZ + XRZ + ", covar, ")", sep="")
    if(NCOL(V)>1) {
      #Format data
      data.model <- data.frame(
        t.start = c(rep(0, n), TR[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        t.end = c(U[which(TR>U | R==0)], TR[which(TR<=U & R==1)], U[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        t.delta = c(delta[which(TR>U | R==0)], rep(0, length(which(TR<=U & R==1))), delta[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        V.X = c(X[which(TR>U | R==0)], X[which(TR<=U & R==1)], X[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        V.R = c(rep(0, n), rep(1, length(which(TR<=U & R==1)))),
        V.XR = c(rep(0, n), X[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        V.RZ = c(rep(0, n), Z[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),
        V.XRZ = c(rep(0, n), X[which(TR<=U & R==1)]*Z[which(TR<=U & R==1)]),  
        rbind(V[which(TR>U | R==0),], V[which(TR<=U & R==1),], V[which(TR<=U & R==1),])
      #Get rid of t.start=t.end=0
      if(length(which(data.model$t.end==0))>0) data.model <- data.model[which(data.model$t.end!=0),]
      #Change the names
      names(data.model) <- c("start", "end", "delta", "X", "R", "XR", "RZ", "XRZ", covar)
      #Fit the Cox proportional hazard model
      fit <- coxph(Surv(start, end, delta)~., data=data.model)
      #Change the call
      fit$call <- paste("coxph(Surv(U, delta) ~ X + R + XR + RZ + XRZ + ", 
                      paste(covar, collapse=" + "), ")", sep= "")
  #Return class
  class(fit) <- "coxph"

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DTR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:26 p.m.