
Defines functions Heatmap

Documented in Heatmap

 Heatmap=function(DataOrDistances,Cls,method='euclidean',LowLim=0,HiLim,LineWidth=0.5,Clabel="Cluster No."){
  # Heatmap(DataOrDistances,Cls,method) 
  # Heatmap: Distances of DataOrDistances sorted by Cls
  # DataOrDistances                    [1:n,1:d] data cases in rows, variables in columns oder [1:n,1:n] distances
  # Cls                   numeric vector, [1:n,1]  classified data 
  # Distanz               see DistanceMatrix(...,method):
  # LowLim,HiLim  limits for the color axis as in PlotPixMatrix
  # author: MT 08/2016, edited 28.01.2018
  #2.Editor: MT 06/18
  #3.Editor: 07/2020 because of reviews in GMD journal

     message('DataOrDistances is not a matrix. Calling as.matrix()')
     warning('Data is not a numeric matrix. Calling mode(DataOrDistances)="numeric"')
   AnzData = nrow(DataOrDistances)
   if (missing(Cls))
     Cls = rep(1, AnzData)
   #MT: Reihenfolge muss unbedingt fest sein ab hier, sie unten
   ind = order(Cls,decreasing = SortOrder,na.last = T)
   if (isSymmetric(unname(DataOrDistances))) {
     # nach Cls sortieren
     DataOrDistances = DataOrDistances[ind, ]
     DataOrDistances = DataOrDistances[, ind]
     AnzVar = ncol(DataOrDistances)
     DataDists = DataOrDistances
      message('Distances are not in a symmetric matrix, Datamatrix is assumed and parallelDist::parDist is called')
     AnzVar = ncol(DataOrDistances)
     # nach Cls sortieren
     DataOrDistances = DataOrDistances[ind, ]
     #DataDists = as.matrix(dist(DataOrDistances, method = method, diag =TRUE))
     if (!requireNamespace('parallelDist',quietly = TRUE)){
        message('Subordinate package (parallelDist) is missing. No computations are performed.
Please install the package which is defined in "Suggests". Falling back to dist().')
        DataDists = as.matrix(dist(DataOrDistances, method = method, diag =TRUE))
         DataDists=as.matrix(parallelDist::parDist(DataOrDistances[ind, ],method = method))
     #DataDists = DistanceMatrix(DataOrDistances, method = method)
   if (missing(HiLim)){}
     HiLim = max(DataDists,na.rm=T)
  isnumber=function(x) return(is.numeric(x)&length(x)==1)  
     stop('"HiLim" is not a numeric number of length 1. Please change Input.')
     stop('"LowLim" is not a numeric number of length 1. Please change Input.')
   # Zeichnen
   #MT: sollte in der selbenreihenfolge sein wie anordnung der cls welche daten anordnet
   Vunique = sort(unique(Cls),decreasing = SortOrder,na.last = T)

   # Klassen Unterteilungslinien anbringen
   if (length(Vunique) > 1) {
       countPerClass <- rep(0, length(Vunique))
    for (i in 1:length(Vunique)) {
        inClassI <- sum(Cls == Vunique[i])
        countPerClass[i] = inClassI
     ClassSepLines = cumsum(countPerClass) + 0.5

     #does not look good to change the color of the seperating lines of the clusters
     # and it is not applicable to color labels with multiple colors
    #  cols=c('black','coral','gray41','lightpink1','darksalmon','magenta','rosybrown2','thistle','wheat4','mistyrose1')
    #  if(cnn<=length(cols)){
    #   cols=cols[1:cnn]
    # }else{
    #    cols=rep('black',cnn)
    # }
   #Xnames has to be null so that this works!
     plt = Pixelmatrix(DataDists,XNames = NULL,LowLim = LowLim, HiLim = HiLim) +
        ylab("") +
     if (length(Vunique) > 1) {
      plt = plt + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = head(ClassSepLines,cnn-1),color=head(cols,cnn-1),lwd=LineWidth)#+geom_vline(xintercept = ClassSepLines,color=cols,lwd=LineWidth)

      #this works only for one segment
       #plt=plt+ geom_segment(aes(x = ClassSepLines[3], y = 0, xend = ClassSepLines[3], yend = n),lwd=LineWidth,color="black")
      for(i in 1:(cnn-1)){
         plt = plt + ggplot2::geom_segment(x = clsep, y = -n, xend = clsep, yend = 0,lwd=LineWidth,color="black")
         # segment_data = data.frame(
         #    x = ClassSepLines,
         #    xend = ClassSepLines, 
         #    y = rep(0,cnn),
         #    yend = rep(n,cnn)
         # )
         #plt=plt+ geom_segment(data = segment_data, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend))#geom_segment(x = clsep, y = 0, xend = clsep, yend = n,lwd=LineWidth,color="black")
     plt = plt + ggplot2::theme(aspect.ratio = 1)

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