
Defines functions .getType .getJSONValue .getSymbol .getValue .getValueTyped .convertJSONString .convert_JSON_Datetime .convert_JSON_Date .convert_JSON_Double .convert_JSON_String .convert_JSON_Integer .convert_JSON_Bool

#' @name dotconvert_JSON_Bool
#' @title .convert_JSON_Date
#' @details converts a JSON Boolean string to an R
#'  logical object
#' @description this is a modification of the function provided by
#'  'phiver' on
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076957/nas-introduced-when-
#' transforming-json-date
#' @param Input_Strings a JSON string (or an array)
#' @return an array of Dates
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.convert_JSON_Bool <- function(Input_Strings) {
    ret <- sapply(X = Input_Strings, FUN = as.logical)

#' @name dotconvert_JSON_Integer
#' @title .convert_JSON_Date
#' @details converts a JSON Date string (including with Timezone) to a R
#'  Date object
#' @description this is a modification of the function provided by
#'  'phiver' on
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076957/nas-introduced-when-
#' transforming-json-date
#' @param Input_Strings a JSON Date string (or an array)
#' @return an array of Dates
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.convert_JSON_Integer <- function(Input_Strings) {
    ret <- sapply(X = Input_Strings, FUN = as.integer)


#' @name dotconvert_JSON_String
#' @title .convert_JSON_Date
#' @details converts a JSON Date string (including with Timezone) to a R
#'  Date object
#' @description this is a modification of the function provided by
#'  'phiver' on
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076957/nas-introduced-when-
#' transforming-json-date
#' @param Input_Strings a JSON Date string (or an array)
#' @return an array of String
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.convert_JSON_String <- function(Input_Strings) {
    ret <- sapply(X = Input_Strings, FUN = as.character)


#' @name dotconvert_JSON_Double
#' @title .convert_JSON_Double
#' @details converts a JSON Double object an R
#'  Double object
#' @description this is a modification of the function provided by
#'  'phiver' on
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076957/nas-introduced-when-
#' transforming-json-date
#' @param Input_Strings a JSON Date string (or an array)
#' @return an array of Dates
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.convert_JSON_Double <- function(Input_Strings) {
    ret <- sapply(X = Input_Strings, FUN = as.numeric)

#' @name dotconvert_JSON_Date
#' @title .convert_JSON_Date
#' @details converts a JSON Date string (including with Timezone) to a R
#'  Date object
#' @description this is a modification of the function provided by
#'  'phiver' on
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076957/nas-introduced-when-
#' transforming-json-date
#' @param Input_Strings a JSON Date string (or an array)
#' @return an array of Dates
#' @importFrom stringi stri_locate stri_sub
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.convert_JSON_Date <- function(Input_Strings) {
  start <- stringi::stri_locate(Input_Strings, regex = "\\(")[,1]
  endPlus <- stringi::stri_locate_first(Input_Strings, regex = "\\+")[,1]
  endBracket <- stringi::stri_locate_first(Input_Strings, regex = "\\)")[,1]
  end <- endPlus
  overwrites <- (endBracket < endPlus) | is.na(endPlus)
  end[which(overwrites)] <- endBracket[which(overwrites)]

  # shift 1 position from the start and end to get the string between the parentheses
  JSON_Date <- stringi::stri_sub(Input_Strings, start + 1, end - 1)

  # Not interested in time element - return just the date
  JSON_Date <- as.Date(structure(as.numeric(JSON_Date)/1000, class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")))


#' @name dotconvert_JSON_Datetime
#' @title .convert_JSON_Datetime
#' @details converts a JSON Date string (including with Timezone) to a
#'  POSIXct/POSIXt object
#' @description this is a modification of the function provided by
#' 'phiver' on
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076957/nas-introduced-when
#' -transforming-json-date
#' @param Input_Strings a JSON Date string (or an array)
#' @return an array POSIXct/POSIXt object
#' @importFrom stringi stri_locate stri_sub
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.convert_JSON_Datetime <- function(Input_Strings) {
  start <- stringi::stri_locate(Input_Strings, regex = "\\(")[,1]
  endPlus <- stringi::stri_locate_first(Input_Strings, regex = "\\+")[,1]
  endBracket <- stringi::stri_locate_first(Input_Strings, regex = "\\)")[,1]
  end <- endPlus
  overwrites <- (endBracket < endPlus) | is.na(endPlus)
  end[which(overwrites)] <- endBracket[which(overwrites)]

  # shift 1 position from the start and end to get the string between the parentheses
  JSON_Date <- stringi::stri_sub(Input_Strings, start + 1, end - 1)

  return(structure(as.numeric(JSON_Date)/1000, class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "GMT"))

#' @name dotconvertJSONString
#' @title .convertJSONString
#' @details converts a JSON string (including with Timezone) into either a
#' numeric, string, or a R Date object
#' @description this is a modification of the function provided by
#' 'phiver' on
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076957/nas-introduced-when
#' -transforming-json-date
#' @param x the JSON string
#' @return the parsed result: either Date, String or numeric
#' @importFrom stringi stri_locate stri_sub
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.convertJSONString <-
    if (is.null(x)) return(NA)
    if (grepl("/?(new )?Date\\(", x)) {
      # date
      start <- stringi::stri_locate(x, fixed = "/Date(")[,1] + 6
      endPlus <- stringi::stri_locate_first(x, fixed = "+")[,1] - 1
      endBracket <- stringi::stri_locate_first(x, fixed = ")")[,1] - 1

      if ((endBracket < endPlus) | is.na(endPlus)) {
        end <- endBracket
      } else {
        end <- endPlus
      JSON_Date <- stringi::stri_sub(x, start, end)
      # Not interested in time element - return just the date
      JSON_Date <- as.Date(structure(as.numeric(JSON_Date)/1000, class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")))

    } else {
      if (!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x)))) {
      } else{


#' @name dotgetValueTyped
#' @title .getValueTyped
#' @details extracts and converts a JSON string (including with Timezone)
#'  from the item 'Value'
#' in the list x.  the item is parsed from JSON into either a numeric,
#' string, or a R Date object
#' according to the rules in item 'Type'
#' @description this is a modification of the function provided by
#' 'phiver' on
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076957/nas-introduced-when
#' -transforming-json-date
#' @param x a list that is expected to have an item 'Value' and item 'Type'
#' @return the parsed result: either Date, String or numeric
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.getValueTyped <- function(x, myType) {
  thisValue <- .convertJSONString(x$Value)

  if (TRUE %in% grepl("\\$\\$ER:", thisValue)) {
    #TODO: write the response in the errorList object
  } else {
    if (myType == 4) {
      if (!inherits(thisValue, "Date") && thisValue == "NA") {
      } else {

    #TODO: do we need to hard type the rest

#' @name dotgetValue
#' @title .getValue
#' @details extracts and converts a JSON string (including with Timezone)
#'  from the item 'Value'
#' in the list x.  the item is parsed from JSON into either a numeric,
#' string, or a R Date object
#' @description this is a modification of the function provided
#'  by 'phiver' on
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076957/nas-introduced-when
#' -transforming-json-date
#' @param x a list that is expected to have an item 'Value'
#' @return the parsed result: either Date, String or numeric
#' @importFrom stringr fixed str_detect
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.getValue <- function(x) {
  if (!("Value" %in% names(x)) | !("Type" %in% names(x))) {
  } else {
    if (TRUE %in% str_detect(string = x$Value, pattern = fixed("$$\"ER"))) {
      #TODO: write the response in the errorList object
    } else {
      return(.getJSONValue(value = x$Value, type = .getType(x)))


#' @name dotgetSymbol
#' @title .getSymbol
#' @details extracts and converts a JSON string (including with Timezone)
#'  from the item 'Symbol'
#' in the list x.  the item is parsed from JSON into either a numeric,
#'  string, or a R Date object
#' @description extracts and converts a JSON string from 'Symbol'
#' @param x a list that is expected to have an item 'Symbol' and 'Type'
#' @return the parsed result: either Date, String or numeric
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.getSymbol <- function(x) {

  if (!("Symbol" %in% names(x) )) {
  } else {
    thisValue <- x$Symbol
    if (TRUE %in% grepl("\\$\\$ER:", thisValue)) {
      #TODO: write the response in the errorList object
    } else {
#' @name dotgetJSONValue
#' @title .getSymbol
#' @description extracts and converts a JSON string
#' @details extracts and converts a JSON string (including with Timezone)
#'  The item is parsed from JSON into either a numeric,
#'  string, or a R Date object
#' @param value the string in JSON to be parsed
#' @param type the json type of the value (integer)
#' @return the parsed result: either Date, String or numeric
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.getJSONValue <- function(value, type) {

  if (length(type) == 0) {
    # Type was missing

  if (TRUE %in% grepl("\\$\\$ER:", value)) {

  if (type == 0) {
    # Value is error
  if (type == 1) {
    # Value is empty
  if (type == 2) {
    # Value is Bool
  if (type == 3) {
    # Value is Integer
  if (type == 4) {
    # Value is DateTime
  if (type == 5) {
    # Value is Double
  if (type == 6) {
    # Value is String
  if (type == 7) {
    # Value is BoolArray
    # TODO: Not handled
  if (type == 8) {
    # Value is IntegerArray
    # TODO: Not handled
  if (type == 9) {
    # Value is DateTimeArray
    # TODO: Not handled
  if (type == 10) {
    # Value is DoubleArray
    # TODO: Not handled
  if (type == 11) {
    # Value is String Array
    # TODO: Not handled
  if (type == 12) {
    # Value is Object Array
    # TODO: Not handled


#' @name dotgetType
#' @title .getType
#' @details extracts and converts a JSON string (including with Timezone)
#'  from the item 'Type'
#' in the list x.  the item is parsed from JSON into either a numeric,
#'  string, or a R Date object
#' @description this is a modification of the function provided
#'  by 'phiver' on
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32076957/nas-introduced-when
#' -transforming-json-date
#' @param x a list that is expected to have an item 'Type'
#' @return the parsed result: either Date, String or numeric
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.getType <- function(x) {
  thisValue <- .convertJSONString(x$Type)
  if (TRUE %in% grepl("\\$\\$ER:", thisValue)) {
    #TODO: write the response in the errorList object
  } else {

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