
Defines functions SAVF_categorical_score

Documented in SAVF_categorical_score

#'@title Single Attribute Value Function (SAVF) Categorical Score
#'@description: Calculates the Single Attribute Value Function (SAVF) score for a categorical value.
#'@param x Attribute raw value
#'@param categories Vector of categories
#'@param weights Numeric vector of category weights
#'@return Categorical SAVF Score
#'@importFrom dplyr left_join mutate
#'SAVF_categorical_score("Tom", c("Tom", "Bill" ,"Jerry"), c(0.1, 0.25, 0.65))

SAVF_categorical_score <- function(x, categories, weights){
  if(is.element(x, categories)==FALSE) {
    stop('Attribute raw value or vector of values, x, is not in the vector of categories')
  if(sum(weights) < 1) {
    warning('Sum of weights is less than 1')
  if(sum(weights) > 1) {
    warning('Sum of weights is greater than 1')

  x <- data.frame(x)
  names(x) <- c("categories")
  df <- data.frame(categories, weights)
  #combined <- sort(union(levels(x$categories), levels(df$categories)))
  #value <- dplyr::left_join(dplyr::mutate(x, categories=factor(categories, levels=combined)),
  #                          dplyr::mutate(df, categories=factor(categories, levels=combined)),by="categories")
  value <- left_join(x,df, by = "categories")

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DecisionAnalysis documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6:19 p.m.