getDeps: Compute dependencies between positions

View source: R/DepLogoR.R

getDepsR Documentation

Compute dependencies between positions


Computes the dependencies (as measures by mutual information) between all positions (columns) of discrete data. Specifically, it returns for each pair of positions (i,j) the mutual information I(X_i,X_j) multiplied by the number N of sequences (rows), which may also be used for testing the statistical significance of mutual information values, as for large N, 2*N*I(X_i,X_j) is approximately chi squared.


getDeps(data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'DLData'
getDeps(data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
getDeps(data, alphabet, ...)



the data for computing mutual information. Either a DLData object or a data.frame; In the latter case, the symbols of the alphabet must be provided as a second parameter


the symbols of the alphabet as character vector, only if data is a data.frame


only required when called on a data.frame


a matrix of the mutual information values, where the diagonal is fixed to zero


Jan Grau <>


data <- DLData(c("ACGT", "ATTA"))
deps <- getDeps(data)

DepLogo documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:53 a.m.