cde_aipw: Initialize an AIPW CDE estimator

View source: R/aipw.R

cde_aipwR Documentation

Initialize an AIPW CDE estimator


Initializes the specification of a CDE estimator based on an augmented inverse probability weighting approach.


cde_aipw(trim = c(0.01, 0.99), aipw_blip = TRUE)



A vector of length 2 indicating what quantiles of the propensity scores should be trimmed. By default this is c(0.01, 0.99) meaning that the top and bottom 1% of propensity scores are trunctated to these quantiles. If NULL, no trimming occurs.


If TRUE (the default), augmented inverse probability weighting estimators will be used to estimate intermediate outcome regressions (blip functions).

DirectEffects documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 5:07 p.m.