jobcorps: Data on health and employment outcomes measured as part of...

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Data on health and employment outcomes measured as part of the U.S. Job Corps employment training experiment.


A dataset to replicate the analysis in Huber (2014).

A dataset to replicate the analysis in Huber (2014).





A data frame with 10025 observations and 62 variables.

A data frame with 10025 observations and 62 variables.


  • treat. 1 = in program group. 0 = in control group.

  • schobef. "in school 1yr before eligibility"

  • trainyrbef. "training in year before Job Corps"

  • jobeverbef. "ever had a job before Job Corps"

  • jobyrbef. "job in year before job corps"

  • health012. "good or very good health at assignment"

  • health0mis. "general health at assignment missing"

  • pe_prb0. "physical/emotional problems at assignment"

  • pe_prb0mis. "missing - physical/emotional problems at assignment"

  • everalc. "ever abused alcohol before assignment"

  • alc12. "alcohol abuse one yr after assignment"

  • everilldrugs. "ever took illegal drugs before assignment"

  • age_cat. "age at application in years 16-24"

  • edumis. "education missing"

  • eduhigh. "higher education"

  • rwhite. "white"

  • everarr. "ever arrested before Job Corps"

  • hhsize. "household size at assignment"

  • hhsizemis. "household size at assignment missing"

  • hhinc12. "low household income at assignment"

  • hhinc8. "high household income at assignment"

  • fdstamp. "received foodstamps in yr before assignment"

  • welf1. "once on welfare while growing up"

  • welf2. "twice on welfare while growing up"

  • publicass. "public assistance in yr before assignment"

  • emplq. "worked some time 9-12 months after assignment"

  • emplq4full. "worked all the time in 9-12 months after assignment"

  • pemplq4. "proportion of weeks worked 9-12 months after assignment"

  • pemplq4mis. "missing - proportion of weeks worked 9-12 months after assignment"

  • vocq4. "in vocational training 9-12 months after assignment"

  • vocq4mis. "missing - in vocational training 9-12 months after assignment"

  • health1212. "very good or good health 1 yr after assignment"

  • health123. "fair health 1 yr after assignment"

  • pe_prb12. "1=phys/emot probs at 12 mths 0=no prob"

  • pe_prb12mis. "missing - physical/emotional problems 1 yr after assignment"

  • narry1. "number of arrests in year 1"

  • numkidhhf1zero. "no own kids living in household 1 yr after assignment"

  • numkidhhf1onetwo. "one or two own kids living in household 1 yr after assignment"

  • pubhse12. "1=in public housing 1 yr after assignment, 0=not in"

  • h_ins12a. "afdc and other transfers one yr after assignment"

  • h_ins12amis. "missing - afdc and other transfers one yr after assignment"

  • ... other variables as annotated in the source.

  • treat. 1 = in program group. 0 = in control group.

  • schobef. "in school 1yr before eligibility"

  • trainyrbef. "training in year before Job Corps"

  • jobeverbef. "ever had a job before Job Corps"

  • jobyrbef. "job in year before job corps"

  • health012. "good or very good health at assignment"

  • health0mis. "general health at assignment missing"

  • pe_prb0. "physical/emotional problems at assignment"

  • pe_prb0mis. "missing - physical/emotional problems at assignment"

  • everalc. "ever abused alcohol before assignment"

  • alc12. "alcohol abuse one yr after assignment"

  • everilldrugs. "ever took illegal drugs before assignment"

  • age_cat. "age at application in years 16-24"

  • edumis. "education missing"

  • eduhigh. "higher education"

  • rwhite. "white"

  • everarr. "ever arrested before Job Corps"

  • hhsize. "household size at assignment"

  • hhsizemis. "household size at assignment missing"

  • hhinc12. "low household income at assignment"

  • hhinc8. "high household income at assignment"

  • fdstamp. "received foodstamps in yr before assignment"

  • welf1. "once on welfare while growing up"

  • welf2. "twice on welfare while growing up"

  • publicass. "public assistance in yr before assignment"

  • emplq. "worked some time 9-12 months after assignment"

  • emplq4full. "worked all the time in 9-12 months after assignment"

  • pemplq4. "proportion of weeks worked 9-12 months after assignment"

  • pemplq4mis. "missing - proportion of weeks worked 9-12 months after assignment"

  • vocq4. "in vocational training 9-12 months after assignment"

  • vocq4mis. "missing - in vocational training 9-12 months after assignment"

  • health1212. "very good or good health 1 yr after assignment"

  • health123. "fair health 1 yr after assignment"

  • pe_prb12. "1=phys/emot probs at 12 mths 0=no prob"

  • pe_prb12mis. "missing - physical/emotional problems 1 yr after assignment"

  • narry1. "number of arrests in year 1"

  • numkidhhf1zero. "no own kids living in household 1 yr after assignment"

  • numkidhhf1onetwo. "one or two own kids living in household 1 yr after assignment"

  • pubhse12. "1=in public housing 1 yr after assignment, 0=not in"

  • h_ins12a. "afdc and other transfers one yr after assignment"

  • h_ins12amis. "missing - afdc and other transfers one yr after assignment"

  • ... other variables as annotated in the source.


\Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1002/jae.2341")} \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1002/jae.2341")}


Huber, M. (2014). Identifying causal mechanisms (primarily) based on inverse probability weighting. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(6), 920-943. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1002/jae.2341")}

Huber, M. (2014). Identifying causal mechanisms (primarily) based on inverse probability weighting. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(6), 920-943. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1002/jae.2341")}

DirectEffects documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 5:07 p.m.