summary.tmatch: Summarize telescope match objects

View source: R/telescope_match.R

summary.tmatchR Documentation

Summarize telescope match objects


Summarize telescope match objects


## S3 method for class 'tmatch'
summary(object, ...)



an object of class tmatch – results from a call to telescope_match


additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


summary method for tmatch objects returned by telescope_match

Returns a summary data frame containing the estimate and standard errors from the 'telescope_match' object.


Returns an object of class summary.tmatch. Contains the following components

  • call: matched call.

  • m_summary: data.frame summarizes the matching ratios ({ratio}), number of units n_1, n_0, and number of matched units (matched_1, matched_0) for each treatment/mediator (term).

  • K: K data frame from the object telescope matching output.

  • L: L vector from the object telescope matching output.

  • a_names: character vector of the names of the treatment/mediator variables used in matching.

  • estimates: matrix of estimated ACDEs with and without bias correction and the estimated standard errors.

DirectEffects documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 5:07 p.m.