
list(list(package = "ACDm", family = "burr", family_info = list(
    lower = c(theta = -Inf, kappa = -Inf, sig2 = 0.01, forceExpectation = -Inf
    ), upper = c(theta = Inf, kappa = Inf, sig2 = 1.19, forceExpectation = Inf
    ), accepts_float = c(theta = TRUE, kappa = TRUE, sig2 = TRUE, 
    forceExpectation = TRUE), defaults = c(theta = 1, kappa = 1.2, 
    sig2 = 0.3, forceExpectation = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
    support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(theta = FALSE, 
    kappa = FALSE, sig2 = FALSE, forceExpectation = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(theta = FALSE, 
    kappa = FALSE, sig2 = FALSE, forceExpectation = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "ACDm", family = "gengamma", family_info = list(
        lower = c(gamma = 0.01, kappa = 0.01, lambda = -Inf, 
        forceExpectation = -Inf), upper = c(gamma = Inf, kappa = Inf, 
        lambda = Inf, forceExpectation = Inf), accepts_float = c(gamma = TRUE, 
        kappa = TRUE, lambda = TRUE, forceExpectation = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(gamma = 0.3, kappa = 3, lambda = 0.3, forceExpectation = 0.5
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(gamma = FALSE, kappa = FALSE, 
        lambda = FALSE, forceExpectation = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(gamma = FALSE, 
        kappa = FALSE, lambda = FALSE, forceExpectation = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "adehabitatLT", family = "chi", family_info = list(
        lower = c(df = 0.01), upper = c(df = Inf), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(df = 2), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = 0.01, support_max = 38.6, supp_max_depends_on = c(df = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(df = FALSE))), list(package = "agop", 
        family = "dpareto2", family_info = list(lower = c(k = 0.01, 
        s = 0.01), upper = c(k = Inf, s = Inf), accepts_float = c(k = TRUE, 
        s = TRUE), defaults = c(k = 1, s = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = TRUE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(k = FALSE, 
            s = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(k = FALSE, s = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "agop", family = "pareto2", family_info = list(
        lower = c(k = 0.01, s = 0.01), upper = c(k = Inf, s = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(k = TRUE, s = TRUE), defaults = c(k = 1, 
        s = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(k = FALSE, 
        s = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(k = FALSE, s = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "ARTIVA", family = "invgamma", family_info = list(
        lower = c(shape = 0.01, scale = 0), upper = c(shape = Inf, 
        scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, scale = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(shape = 0.5, scale = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "bayesmeta", family = "halfcauchy", family_info = list(
        lower = c(scale = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(scale = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE))), list(package = "bayesmeta", 
        family = "halflogistic", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01), 
            upper = c(scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(scale = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE))), list(package = "bayesmeta", 
        family = "halfnormal", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01), 
            upper = c(scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(scale = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE))), list(package = "bayesmeta", 
        family = "halft", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01, 
        df = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        df = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, df = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, df = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, df = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "bayesmeta", family = "invchi", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01, df = 0.01), 
            upper = c(scale = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
            df = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, df = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.03, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, df = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, df = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "bayesmeta", family = "lomax", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0.01, scale = 0.01
        ), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "bayesmeta", family = "rayleigh", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE))), list(package = "benchden", 
        family = "berdev", family_info = list(lower = c(dnum = 1), 
            upper = c(dnum = 28), accepts_float = c(dnum = FALSE), 
            defaults = c(dnum = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(dnum = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(dnum = FALSE))), list(package = "benchden", 
        family = "histo", family_info = list(lower = c(dnum = 1), 
            upper = c(dnum = 4), accepts_float = c(dnum = FALSE), 
            defaults = c(dnum = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = 1, supp_max_depends_on = c(dnum = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(dnum = FALSE))), list(package = "bmixture", 
        family = "mixgamma", family_info = list(lower = c(weight = 0.01, 
        alpha = 0, beta = 0.01), upper = c(weight = Inf, alpha = Inf, 
        beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(weight = TRUE, alpha = TRUE, 
        beta = TRUE), defaults = c(weight = 1, alpha = 1, beta = 1
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(weight = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(weight = FALSE, 
            alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(package = "bmixture", 
        family = "mixnorm", family_info = list(lower = c(weight = 0.01, 
        mean = -Inf, sd = 0), upper = c(weight = Inf, mean = Inf, 
        sd = Inf), accepts_float = c(weight = TRUE, mean = TRUE, 
        sd = TRUE), defaults = c(weight = 1, mean = 0, sd = 1
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(weight = FALSE, 
            mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(weight = FALSE, 
            mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE))), list(package = "bmixture", 
        family = "mixt", family_info = list(lower = c(weight = 0.01, 
        df = 0.01, mean = -Inf, sd = -Inf), upper = c(weight = Inf, 
        df = Inf, mean = Inf, sd = Inf), accepts_float = c(weight = TRUE, 
        df = TRUE, mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE), defaults = c(weight = 1, 
        df = 1, mean = 0, sd = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(weight = FALSE, 
            df = FALSE, mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(weight = FALSE, 
            df = FALSE, mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE))), list(package = "BMT", 
        family = "BMT.Phi", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = 0.01), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, 
        sd = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -28.19, support_max = 28.19, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "BMT", family = "BMT.Psi", family_info = list(
        lower = c(mean = -Inf, sd = 0.01), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
        sd = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = -29.81, support_max = 29.81, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
        sd = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "Boom", family = "invgamma", family_info = list(
        lower = c(shape = 0.01, rate = 0), upper = c(shape = Inf, 
        rate = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, rate = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(shape = 0.5, rate = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, rate = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, rate = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "brms", family = "asym_laplace", family_info = list(
        lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf, quantile = -Inf), 
        upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, quantile = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, quantile = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, quantile = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
        sigma = FALSE, quantile = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
        sigma = FALSE, quantile = TRUE))), list(package = "brms", 
        family = "exgaussian", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0, beta = 0), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        beta = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0.5, sigma = 0.5, beta = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(package = "brms", 
        family = "frechet", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01), upper = c(loc = 9.99, scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -9.99, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "brms", 
        family = "gen_extreme_value", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, xi = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        xi = 900), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        xi = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, xi = 0), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, xi = FALSE))), list(package = "brms", 
        family = "inv_gaussian", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = 0.01, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 1, shape = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "brms", family = "shifted_lnorm", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(meanlog = -Inf, sdlog = 0, 
        shift = -Inf), upper = c(meanlog = 710, sdlog = 1001, 
        shift = Inf), accepts_float = c(meanlog = TRUE, sdlog = TRUE, 
        shift = TRUE), defaults = c(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, shift = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(meanlog = FALSE, 
            sdlog = FALSE, shift = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(meanlog = FALSE, 
            sdlog = FALSE, shift = TRUE))), list(package = "brms", 
        family = "student_t", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, df = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        df = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        df = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, df = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, df = FALSE))), list(package = "brms", 
        family = "von_mises", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        kappa = 0), upper = c(mu = Inf, kappa = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        kappa = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0.5, kappa = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, kappa = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, kappa = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "CaDENCE", family = "bgamma", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(prob = -Inf, scale = -949.5, 
        shape = -Inf), upper = c(prob = Inf, scale = Inf, shape = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE, scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(prob = 0.5, scale = 0.5, shape = 0.5), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "CaDENCE", 
        family = "blnorm", family_info = list(lower = c(prob = -Inf, 
        meanlog = -Inf, sdlog = -899.5), upper = c(prob = Inf, 
        meanlog = 990.27, sdlog = Inf), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE, 
        meanlog = TRUE, sdlog = TRUE), defaults = c(prob = 0.5, 
        meanlog = 0.5, sdlog = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            meanlog = FALSE, sdlog = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            meanlog = FALSE, sdlog = FALSE))), list(package = "CaDENCE", 
        family = "bpareto2", family_info = list(lower = c(prob = -Inf, 
        scale = -Inf, shape = -Inf), upper = c(prob = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(prob = 0.5, scale = 0.5, 
        shape = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "CaDENCE", 
        family = "bweibull", family_info = list(lower = c(prob = -Inf, 
        scale = -899.5, shape = -Inf), upper = c(prob = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(prob = 0.5, 
        scale = 0.5, shape = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "CaDENCE", 
        family = "pareto2", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = -Inf, 
        shape = -Inf), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 1), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "cbinom", family = "cbinom", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(size = 0, prob = 0), upper = c(size = Inf, 
        prob = 1), accepts_float = c(size = TRUE, prob = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(size = 0.5, prob = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = 11, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(size = FALSE, prob = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(size = FALSE, prob = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "chi", family = "chi", family_info = list(
        lower = c(ncp = 0, df = 0), upper = c(ncp = Inf, df = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(ncp = TRUE, df = TRUE), defaults = c(ncp = 0, 
        df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
        df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, df = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "chi", family = "invchi", family_info = list(
        lower = c(ncp = 0, df = 0.01), upper = c(ncp = Inf, df = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(ncp = TRUE, df = TRUE), defaults = c(ncp = 0, 
        df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.02, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
        df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, df = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "circular", family = "cardioid", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(rho = -0.5), upper = c(rho = 0.5), 
            accepts_float = c(rho = TRUE), defaults = c(rho = 0), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(rho = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(rho = FALSE))), list(package = "circular", 
        family = "mixedvonmises", family_info = list(lower = c(mu1 = -Inf, 
        mu2 = -Inf, kappa1 = 0, kappa2 = 0, prop = 0), upper = c(mu1 = Inf, 
        mu2 = Inf, kappa1 = Inf, kappa2 = Inf, prop = 1), accepts_float = c(mu1 = TRUE, 
        mu2 = TRUE, kappa1 = TRUE, kappa2 = TRUE, prop = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(mu1 = 0.5, mu2 = 0.5, kappa1 = 0.5, kappa2 = 0.5, 
        prop = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu1 = FALSE, 
            mu2 = FALSE, kappa1 = FALSE, kappa2 = FALSE, prop = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu1 = FALSE, mu2 = FALSE, 
            kappa1 = FALSE, kappa2 = FALSE, prop = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "circular", family = "vonmises", family_info = list(
        lower = c(mu = -Inf, kappa = 0), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        kappa = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, kappa = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(mu = 0.5, kappa = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
        kappa = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, kappa = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "ContaminatedMixt", family = "CN", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(alpha = 0.01, eta = 1.01, 
        Sigma = 0), upper = c(alpha = 1, eta = Inf, Sigma = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(alpha = TRUE, eta = TRUE, Sigma = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(alpha = 0.99, eta = 1.01, Sigma = 0.5
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
            eta = FALSE, Sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
            eta = FALSE, Sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "contextual", 
        family = "invgamma", family_info = list(lower = c(rate = 0, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(rate = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(rate = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(rate = 1, shape = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "CoSMoS", family = "burrIII", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = -Inf, shape1 = 0, 
        shape2 = 0), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape1 = Inf, shape2 = 1000.5
        ), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, shape1 = TRUE, shape2 = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(scale = 0.5, shape1 = 0.5, shape2 = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE))), list(package = "CoSMoS", 
        family = "burrXII", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = -Inf, 
        shape1 = 0, shape2 = 0), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape1 = Inf, 
        shape2 = 950.5), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, shape1 = TRUE, 
        shape2 = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 0.5, shape1 = 0.5, 
        shape2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -1, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE))), list(package = "CoSMoS", 
        family = "ggamma", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = -Inf, 
        shape1 = 0, shape2 = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape1 = Inf, 
        shape2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, shape1 = TRUE, 
        shape2 = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 0.5, shape1 = 0.5, 
        shape2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE))), list(package = "CoSMoS", 
        family = "paretoII", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0, 
        shape = 0), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = 900.5), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 0.5, shape = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE))), list(package = "countfitteR", family = "ZINB", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(size = 0, mu = 0, r = 0), 
            upper = c(size = Inf, mu = Inf, r = 1), accepts_float = c(size = TRUE, 
            mu = TRUE, r = TRUE), defaults = c(size = 0.5, mu = 0.5, 
            r = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(size = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, r = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(size = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, r = FALSE))), list(package = "countfitteR", 
        family = "ZIP", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0, 
        r = 0), upper = c(lambda = Inf, r = 1), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, 
        r = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 0.5, r = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, r = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, r = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "crch", family = "clogis", family_info = list(
        lower = c(location = -Inf, scale = -Inf, right = -Inf
        ), upper = c(location = Inf, scale = Inf, right = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, scale = TRUE, right = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1, right = Inf), 
        log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE, 
        right = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, right = FALSE))), list(package = "crch", 
        family = "cnorm", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = -Inf, right = -Inf), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf, 
        right = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE, 
        right = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1, right = Inf
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, right = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, right = FALSE))), list(package = "crch", 
        family = "ct", family_info = list(lower = c(location = -Inf, 
        scale = -Inf, right = -Inf, df = 0.01), upper = c(location = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, right = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, right = TRUE, df = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, 
        scale = 1, right = Inf, df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, right = FALSE, df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, right = FALSE, df = FALSE))), list(
        package = "crch", family = "tlogis", family_info = list(
            lower = c(location = -Inf, scale = -Inf, right = -Inf
            ), upper = c(location = Inf, scale = Inf, right = Inf
            ), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
            right = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1, 
            right = Inf), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, right = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, right = FALSE))), list(package = "crch", 
        family = "tnorm", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = -Inf, right = -Inf), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf, 
        right = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE, 
        right = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1, right = Inf
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, right = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, right = FALSE))), list(package = "crch", 
        family = "tt", family_info = list(lower = c(location = -Inf, 
        scale = -Inf, right = -Inf, df = 0.01), upper = c(location = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, right = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, right = TRUE, df = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, 
        scale = 1, right = Inf, df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, right = TRUE, df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, right = FALSE, df = FALSE))), list(
        package = "cubfits", family = "asl", family_info = list(
            lower = c(theta = -Inf, mu = -Inf, sigma = 0.01), 
            upper = c(theta = Inf, mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(theta = TRUE, 
            mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(theta = 0, 
            mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(theta = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(theta = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "cubfits", 
        family = "asla", family_info = list(lower = c(theta = -Inf, 
        kappa = 0.01, sigma = 0.01), upper = c(theta = Inf, kappa = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(theta = TRUE, kappa = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(theta = 0, kappa = 1, sigma = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(theta = FALSE, 
            kappa = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(theta = FALSE, 
            kappa = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "dcurver", 
        family = "dc", family_info = list(lower = c(phi = -Inf), 
            upper = c(phi = Inf), accepts_float = c(phi = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(phi = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -38.76, support_max = 38.76, supp_max_depends_on = c(phi = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(phi = FALSE))), list(package = "deamer", 
        family = "laplace", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        b = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, b = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        b = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, b = 1), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, b = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            b = FALSE))), list(package = "DelayedArray", family = "binom", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(size = 0, prob = 0), upper = c(size = Inf, 
        prob = 1), accepts_float = c(size = FALSE, prob = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(size = 1, prob = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(size = TRUE, 
            prob = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(size = FALSE, 
            prob = FALSE))), list(package = "DelayedArray", family = "logis", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(location = -Inf, scale = 0.01
        ), upper = c(location = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE))), list(package = "DelayedArray", 
        family = "norm", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = 0), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, 
        sd = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "DelayedArray", family = "pois", family_info = list(
        lower = c(lambda = 0), upper = c(lambda = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(lambda = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, 
        support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE))), list(package = "DescTools", 
        family = "Benf", family_info = list(lower = c(ndigits = 1), 
            upper = c(ndigits = 2), accepts_float = c(ndigits = FALSE), 
            defaults = c(ndigits = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, 
            support_min = 1, support_max = 9, supp_max_depends_on = c(ndigits = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(ndigits = TRUE))), list(package = "DescTools", 
        family = "Frechet", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "DescTools", 
        family = "GenExtrVal", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = 900), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "DescTools", 
        family = "GenPareto", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "DescTools", 
        family = "Gompertz", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = -8.64, 
        rate = 0.01), upper = c(shape = Inf, rate = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        rate = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, rate = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, rate = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, rate = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "DescTools", family = "Gumbel", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01
        ), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "DescTools", family = "NegWeibull", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, shape = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "DescTools", 
        family = "RevGumbel", family_info = list(lower = c(location = -719.78, 
        scale = 1), upper = c(location = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, 
        scale = FALSE), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE))), list(package = "DescTools", family = "RevWeibull", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, shape = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "desire", 
        family = "harrington1", family_info = list(lower = c(y1 = -Inf, 
        d1 = 0, y2 = -Inf, d2 = 0, mean = -Inf, sd = 0), upper = c(y1 = Inf, 
        d1 = 0.99, y2 = Inf, d2 = 1, mean = Inf, sd = Inf), accepts_float = c(y1 = TRUE, 
        d1 = TRUE, y2 = TRUE, d2 = TRUE, mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(y1 = 1, d1 = 0.5, y2 = 0.5, d2 = 0.5, 
        mean = 0.5, sd = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(y1 = TRUE, 
            d1 = FALSE, y2 = TRUE, d2 = FALSE, mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(y1 = TRUE, d1 = FALSE, 
            y2 = TRUE, d2 = FALSE, mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE))), 
    list(package = "DGLMExtPois", family = "hP", family_info = list(
        lower = c(gamma = 0, lambda = 0), upper = c(gamma = Inf, 
        lambda = 148.4), accepts_float = c(gamma = TRUE, lambda = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(gamma = 0.5, lambda = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
        discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = 46, supp_max_depends_on = c(gamma = FALSE, 
        lambda = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(gamma = FALSE, 
        lambda = FALSE))), list(package = "dhh", family = "hh", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(a = -Inf, b = 0.01, alpha = 0.01
        ), upper = c(a = 0.99, b = Inf, alpha = Inf), accepts_float = c(a = TRUE, 
        b = TRUE, alpha = TRUE), defaults = c(a = 0, b = 1, alpha = 0.1
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            b = TRUE, alpha = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(a = TRUE, 
            b = FALSE, alpha = FALSE))), list(package = "disclap", 
        family = "disclap", family_info = list(lower = c(p = 0), 
            upper = c(p = 0.99), accepts_float = c(p = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(p = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = TRUE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(p = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(p = FALSE))), list(package = "DiscreteLaplace", 
        family = "dlaplace", family_info = list(lower = c(p = -Inf, 
        q = -Inf), upper = c(p = Inf, q = Inf), accepts_float = c(p = TRUE, 
        q = TRUE), defaults = c(p = 0.5, q = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = TRUE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(p = FALSE, q = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(p = FALSE, 
            q = FALSE))), list(package = "DiscreteLaplace", family = "dlaplace2", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(p = 0, q = 0), upper = c(p = Inf, 
        q = 1000.5), accepts_float = c(p = TRUE, q = TRUE), defaults = c(p = 0.5, 
        q = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(p = FALSE, 
            q = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(p = FALSE, q = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "documair", family = "pert", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mode = -1, max = 0, shape = 0.01
        ), upper = c(mode = 1, max = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(mode = TRUE, 
        max = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(mode = 0, max = 1, 
        shape = 4), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -0.99, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mode = FALSE, 
            max = TRUE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mode = FALSE, 
            max = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "DWreg", 
        family = "dw", family_info = list(lower = c(beta = 0.01), 
            upper = c(beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(beta = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(beta = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = TRUE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(beta = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(beta = FALSE))), list(package = "EDISON", 
        family = "invgamma", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0.01, 
        scale = 0), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 0.5, scale = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "eha", family = "EV", family_info = list(
        lower = c(shape = 0.01, scale = 0.01), upper = c(shape = Inf, 
        scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, scale = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE))), list(package = "eha", family = "gompertz", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0.01, scale = 0.01
        ), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = 43.3, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "eha", family = "llogis", family_info = list(
        lower = c(shape = 0.01, scale = 0.01), upper = c(shape = Inf, 
        scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, scale = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE))), list(package = "eha", family = "makeham", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = 42.66, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "elfDistr", family = "kwcwg", family_info = list(
        lower = c(alpha = 0, beta = 0.01, gamma = 0, a = 0, b = 0.01
        ), upper = c(alpha = 1, beta = Inf, gamma = Inf, a = Inf, 
        b = Inf), accepts_float = c(alpha = TRUE, beta = TRUE, 
        gamma = TRUE, a = TRUE, b = TRUE), defaults = c(alpha = 0.5, 
        beta = 0.5, gamma = 0.5, a = 0.5, b = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE, 
        gamma = FALSE, a = FALSE, b = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
        beta = FALSE, gamma = FALSE, a = FALSE, b = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "emdbook", family = "betabinom", family_info = list(
        lower = c(prob = 0, size = 0, theta = 0, shape1 = 0, 
        shape2 = 0), upper = c(prob = 1, size = Inf, theta = Inf, 
        shape1 = Inf, shape2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE, 
        size = FALSE, theta = TRUE, shape1 = TRUE, shape2 = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(prob = 0.5, size = 1, theta = 0.5, shape1 = 0.5, 
        shape2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
        size = TRUE, theta = FALSE, shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE
        ), supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, size = FALSE, 
        theta = FALSE, shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE))), list(
        package = "emdbook", family = "chibarsq", family_info = list(
            lower = c(df = 1, mix = -Inf), upper = c(df = Inf, 
            mix = Inf), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE, mix = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(df = 1, mix = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
            mix = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
            mix = FALSE))), list(package = "emdbook", family = "zinbinom", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = 0, size = 0, zprob = -Inf
        ), upper = c(mu = Inf, size = Inf, zprob = 1), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        size = TRUE, zprob = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0.5, size = 0.5, 
        zprob = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            size = FALSE, zprob = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            size = FALSE, zprob = FALSE))), list(package = "emg", 
        family = "emg", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, lambda = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        lambda = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        lambda = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, lambda = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, lambda = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, lambda = FALSE))), list(package = "EnvStats", 
        family = "evd", family_info = list(lower = c(location = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01), upper = c(location = Inf, scale = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, scale = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "EnvStats", family = "gammaAlt", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(cv = -Inf, mean = 0), upper = c(cv = Inf, 
        mean = Inf), accepts_float = c(cv = TRUE, mean = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(cv = 1, mean = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(cv = FALSE, 
            mean = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(cv = FALSE, 
            mean = FALSE))), list(package = "EnvStats", family = "gevd", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(location = -Inf, scale = 0.01, 
        shape = -957.79), upper = c(location = 719.78, scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1, 
        shape = 0), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "EnvStats", 
        family = "lnorm3", family_info = list(lower = c(meanlog = -Inf, 
        sdlog = 0, threshold = -Inf), upper = c(meanlog = 710, 
        sdlog = Inf, threshold = Inf), accepts_float = c(meanlog = TRUE, 
        sdlog = TRUE, threshold = TRUE), defaults = c(meanlog = 0, 
        sdlog = 1, threshold = 0), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(meanlog = FALSE, 
            sdlog = FALSE, threshold = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(meanlog = FALSE, 
            sdlog = FALSE, threshold = TRUE))), list(package = "EnvStats", 
        family = "lnormMix", family_info = list(lower = c(meanlog1 = -Inf, 
        sdlog1 = 0.01, meanlog2 = -Inf, sdlog2 = 0.01, p.mix = 0
        ), upper = c(meanlog1 = Inf, sdlog1 = Inf, meanlog2 = Inf, 
        sdlog2 = Inf, p.mix = 1), accepts_float = c(meanlog1 = TRUE, 
        sdlog1 = TRUE, meanlog2 = TRUE, sdlog2 = TRUE, p.mix = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(meanlog1 = 0, sdlog1 = 1, meanlog2 = 0, 
        sdlog2 = 1, p.mix = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(meanlog1 = FALSE, 
            sdlog1 = FALSE, meanlog2 = FALSE, sdlog2 = FALSE, 
            p.mix = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(meanlog1 = FALSE, 
            sdlog1 = FALSE, meanlog2 = FALSE, sdlog2 = FALSE, 
            p.mix = FALSE))), list(package = "EnvStats", family = "normMix", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mean1 = -Inf, sd1 = 0.01, 
        mean2 = -Inf, sd2 = 0.01, p.mix = 0), upper = c(mean1 = Inf, 
        sd1 = Inf, mean2 = Inf, sd2 = Inf, p.mix = 1), accepts_float = c(mean1 = TRUE, 
        sd1 = TRUE, mean2 = TRUE, sd2 = TRUE, p.mix = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(mean1 = 0, sd1 = 1, mean2 = 0, sd2 = 1, 
            p.mix = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean1 = FALSE, 
            sd1 = FALSE, mean2 = FALSE, sd2 = FALSE, p.mix = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean1 = FALSE, sd1 = FALSE, 
            mean2 = FALSE, sd2 = FALSE, p.mix = FALSE))), list(
        package = "EnvStats", family = "normTrunc", family_info = list(
            lower = c(mean = -Inf, sd = 0.01, max = -Inf), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
            sd = Inf, max = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, 
            sd = TRUE, max = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1, 
            max = Inf), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, max = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, max = FALSE))), list(package = "EnvStats", 
        family = "pareto", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0.01, 
        location = 0.01), upper = c(shape = Inf, location = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, location = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(shape = 1, location = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, location = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, location = TRUE
            ))), list(package = "EnvStats", family = "tri", family_info = list(
        lower = c(min = -Inf, max = 0.5), upper = c(min = 0.49, 
        max = Inf), accepts_float = c(min = TRUE, max = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(min = 0, max = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(min = FALSE, 
        max = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(min = TRUE, max = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "EnvStats", family = "zmlnorm", family_info = list(
        lower = c(meanlog = -Inf, sdlog = 0.01, p.zero = 0), 
        upper = c(meanlog = 1000, sdlog = Inf, p.zero = 0.99), 
        accepts_float = c(meanlog = TRUE, sdlog = TRUE, p.zero = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, p.zero = 0.5), 
        log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(meanlog = FALSE, sdlog = FALSE, 
        p.zero = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(meanlog = FALSE, 
        sdlog = FALSE, p.zero = FALSE))), list(package = "EnvStats", 
        family = "zmnorm", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = 0.01, p.zero = 0), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf, 
        p.zero = 0.99), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE, 
        p.zero = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1, p.zero = 0.5
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, p.zero = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, p.zero = FALSE))), list(package = "epandist", 
        family = "epan", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf), 
            upper = c(mu = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(mu = 0), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -12.23, support_max = 12.23, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE))), list(package = "eva", 
        family = "gpd", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = 950), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "evd", 
        family = "frechet", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "evd", 
        family = "gev", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "evd", 
        family = "gpd", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "evd", 
        family = "gumbel", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "evd", family = "nweibull", family_info = list(
        lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01), upper = c(loc = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, 
        shape = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "evd", 
        family = "rweibull", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "evir", 
        family = "gev", family_info = list(lower = c(xi = -Inf, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(xi = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(xi = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(xi = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(xi = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(xi = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "evir", 
        family = "gpd", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        beta = -Inf, xi = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, beta = Inf, 
        xi = 900.5), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, beta = TRUE, 
        xi = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, beta = 1, xi = 0.5), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE, xi = FALSE))), list(package = "extremefit", 
        family = "burr", family_info = list(lower = c(a = -Inf, 
        k = -Inf), upper = c(a = Inf, k = Inf), accepts_float = c(a = TRUE, 
        k = TRUE), defaults = c(a = 0.5, k = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, k = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            k = FALSE))), list(package = "extremefit", family = "pareto", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(a = -Inf, loc = -Inf, scale = -Inf
        ), upper = c(a = Inf, loc = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(a = TRUE, 
        loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE), defaults = c(a = 1, loc = 0, 
        scale = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            loc = FALSE, scale = TRUE))), list(package = "extremefit", 
        family = "paretomix", family_info = list(lower = c(a = -Inf, 
        b = -Inf, c = -Inf), upper = c(a = Inf, b = Inf, c = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(a = TRUE, b = TRUE, c = TRUE), defaults = c(a = 1, 
        b = 2, c = 0.75), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 1, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            b = FALSE, c = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            b = FALSE, c = FALSE))), list(package = "extRemes", 
        family = "evd", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf, threshold = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, shape = 1000, threshold = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE, threshold = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, 
        scale = 1, shape = 0, threshold = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE, threshold = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE, threshold = FALSE))), list(package = "FAdist", 
        family = "gamma3", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0, 
        scale = 0.01, thres = -Inf), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        thres = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        thres = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1, thres = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, thres = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, thres = TRUE))), list(package = "FAdist", 
        family = "gev", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = -Inf, 
        scale = -Inf, location = -Inf), upper = c(shape = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, location = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, location = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, 
        scale = 1, location = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, location = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, location = FALSE))), list(package = "FAdist", 
        family = "gp", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = -699, 
        scale = -Inf), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "FAdist", family = "gumbel", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = -Inf, location = -Inf
        ), upper = c(scale = Inf, location = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        location = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, location = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            location = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            location = FALSE))), list(package = "FAdist", family = "kappa", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(shape = -Inf, scale = -Inf
        ), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "FAdist", family = "kappa4", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = -Inf, location = -Inf, 
        shape1 = -Inf, shape2 = -Inf), upper = c(scale = Inf, 
        location = Inf, shape1 = Inf, shape2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        location = TRUE, shape1 = TRUE, shape2 = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, 
        location = 0, shape1 = 0.5, shape2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, location = FALSE, 
            shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            location = FALSE, shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "FAdist", family = "lgamma3", family_info = list(
        lower = c(shape = 0, scale = 0.01, thres = -Inf), upper = c(shape = 701, 
        scale = Inf, thres = 709.49), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, thres = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, 
        scale = 1, thres = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, thres = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, thres = FALSE))), list(package = "FAdist", 
        family = "llog", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0.01, 
        scale = -Inf), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = 710.57), 
            accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, scale = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, 
            scale = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE))), list(package = "FAdist", family = "llog3", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0.01, scale = -Inf, 
        thres = -Inf), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = 711, thres = 9.99
        ), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, scale = TRUE, thres = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1, thres = 0), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE, 
            thres = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, thres = TRUE))), list(package = "FAdist", 
        family = "lnorm3", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0, 
        scale = -Inf, thres = -Inf), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = 709.9, 
        thres = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        thres = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1, thres = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, thres = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, thres = TRUE))), list(package = "FAdist", 
        family = "weibull3", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01, 
        thres = -Inf, shape = 0), upper = c(scale = Inf, thres = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, thres = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, thres = 0, shape = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            thres = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            thres = TRUE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "fBasics", 
        family = "gh", family_info = list(lower = c(alpha = 0.01, 
        beta = -0.99, delta = 0.01, mu = -Inf), upper = c(alpha = Inf, 
        beta = 0.99, delta = Inf, mu = Inf), accepts_float = c(alpha = TRUE, 
        beta = TRUE, delta = TRUE, mu = TRUE), defaults = c(alpha = 1, 
        beta = 0, delta = 1, mu = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE, delta = FALSE, mu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE, delta = FALSE, mu = FALSE))), list(
        package = "fBasics", family = "ght", family_info = list(
            lower = c(beta = -Inf, delta = 0.01, mu = -Inf, nu = -303.18
            ), upper = c(beta = Inf, delta = Inf, mu = Inf, nu = 301.18
            ), accepts_float = c(beta = TRUE, delta = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
            nu = TRUE), defaults = c(beta = 0.1, delta = 1, mu = 0, 
            nu = 10), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(beta = FALSE, 
            delta = FALSE, mu = FALSE, nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(beta = FALSE, 
            delta = FALSE, mu = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "fBasics", 
        family = "hyp", family_info = list(lower = c(alpha = 0.01, 
        beta = -0.99, delta = 0.01, mu = -Inf), upper = c(alpha = 709.78, 
        beta = 0.99, delta = 709.78, mu = Inf), accepts_float = c(alpha = TRUE, 
        beta = TRUE, delta = TRUE, mu = TRUE), defaults = c(alpha = 1, 
        beta = 0, delta = 1, mu = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE, delta = FALSE, mu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE, delta = FALSE, mu = FALSE))), list(
        package = "fBasics", family = "nig", family_info = list(
            lower = c(alpha = 0.01, beta = -0.99, delta = 0.01, 
            mu = -Inf), upper = c(alpha = Inf, beta = 0.99, delta = Inf, 
            mu = Inf), accepts_float = c(alpha = TRUE, beta = TRUE, 
            delta = TRUE, mu = TRUE), defaults = c(alpha = 1, 
            beta = 0, delta = 1, mu = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE, delta = FALSE, mu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE, delta = FALSE, mu = FALSE))), list(
        package = "fBasics", family = "sgh", family_info = list(
            lower = c(zeta = 0.01, rho = -0.99, lambda = -150.96
            ), upper = c(zeta = Inf, rho = 0.99, lambda = 148.96
            ), accepts_float = c(zeta = TRUE, rho = TRUE, lambda = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(zeta = 1, rho = 0, lambda = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(zeta = FALSE, rho = FALSE, 
            lambda = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(zeta = FALSE, 
            rho = FALSE, lambda = FALSE))), list(package = "fBasics", 
        family = "sght", family_info = list(lower = c(beta = -Inf, 
        delta = 0.01, mu = -Inf, nu = -303.18), upper = c(beta = Inf, 
        delta = Inf, mu = Inf, nu = 301.18), accepts_float = c(beta = TRUE, 
        delta = TRUE, mu = TRUE, nu = TRUE), defaults = c(beta = 0.1, 
        delta = 1, mu = 0, nu = 10), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(beta = FALSE, 
            delta = FALSE, mu = FALSE, nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(beta = FALSE, 
            delta = FALSE, mu = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "fBasics", 
        family = "snig", family_info = list(lower = c(zeta = 0.01, 
        rho = -0.99), upper = c(zeta = Inf, rho = 0.99), accepts_float = c(zeta = TRUE, 
        rho = TRUE), defaults = c(zeta = 1, rho = 0), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(zeta = FALSE, rho = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(zeta = FALSE, rho = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "fExpressCertificates", family = "BrownianBridgeMinimum", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(t0 = -Inf, T = 0.01, a = -Inf, 
        b = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(t0 = 0.99, T = Inf, 
        a = Inf, b = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(t0 = TRUE, 
        T = TRUE, a = TRUE, b = TRUE, sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(t0 = 0, 
        T = 1, a = 0, b = 0, sigma = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = 4.99, supp_max_depends_on = c(t0 = FALSE, 
            T = FALSE, a = FALSE, b = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(t0 = FALSE, T = FALSE, a = FALSE, 
            b = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "fExtremes", 
        family = "gev", family_info = list(lower = c(xi = -Inf, 
        mu = -Inf, beta = 0.01), upper = c(xi = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(xi = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        beta = TRUE), defaults = c(xi = 1, mu = 0, beta = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(xi = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(xi = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(package = "fExtremes", 
        family = "gpd", family_info = list(lower = c(xi = -Inf, 
        mu = -Inf, beta = 0.01), upper = c(xi = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(xi = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        beta = TRUE), defaults = c(xi = 1, mu = 0, beta = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(xi = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(xi = FALSE, 
            mu = TRUE, beta = FALSE))), list(package = "fGarch", 
        family = "ged", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = -Inf, nu = 0.02), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf, 
        nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1, nu = 2), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE, 
            nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "fGarch", 
        family = "sged", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = -Inf, nu = 0.02, xi = -Inf), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
        sd = Inf, nu = Inf, xi = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, 
        sd = TRUE, nu = TRUE, xi = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, 
        sd = 1, nu = 2, xi = 1.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, nu = FALSE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, nu = FALSE, xi = FALSE))), list(package = "fGarch", 
        family = "snorm", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = -Inf, xi = -Inf), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf, 
        xi = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE, 
        xi = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, xi = FALSE))), list(package = "fGarch", 
        family = "sstd", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = -Inf, nu = 2.01, xi = -Inf), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
        sd = Inf, nu = Inf, xi = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, 
        sd = TRUE, nu = TRUE, xi = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, 
        sd = 1, nu = 5, xi = 1.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, nu = FALSE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, nu = FALSE, xi = FALSE))), list(package = "fGarch", 
        family = "std", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = -Inf, nu = 2.01), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf, 
        nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1, nu = 5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE, 
            nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "fitur", 
        family = "dunif", family_info = list(lower = c(min = -Inf, 
        max = -Inf), upper = c(min = Inf, max = Inf), accepts_float = c(min = TRUE, 
        max = TRUE), defaults = c(min = 0, max = 1), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = TRUE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(min = FALSE, max = TRUE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(min = TRUE, max = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "flexsurv", family = "genf", family_info = list(
        lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = 0, Q = -299.5, P = 0), upper = c(mu = 710, 
        sigma = 1001, Q = Inf, P = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, Q = TRUE, P = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, Q = 0.5, P = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
        sigma = FALSE, Q = FALSE, P = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
        sigma = FALSE, Q = FALSE, P = FALSE))), list(package = "flexsurv", 
        family = "genf.orig", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0, s1 = 0, s2 = 0.01), upper = c(mu = 713, sigma = Inf, 
        s1 = Inf, s2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        s1 = TRUE, s2 = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, 
        s1 = 0.5, s2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, s1 = FALSE, s2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, s1 = FALSE, s2 = FALSE))), list(package = "flexsurv", 
        family = "gengamma", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0, Q = -99.5), upper = c(mu = 709.9, sigma = Inf, 
        Q = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        Q = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, Q = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, Q = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, Q = FALSE))), list(package = "flexsurv", 
        family = "gengamma.orig", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0, 
        shape = 0, k = 0), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf, 
        k = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE, 
        k = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5, k = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE, 
            k = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE, k = FALSE))), list(package = "flexsurv", 
        family = "gompertz", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = -9, 
        rate = 0.01), upper = c(shape = Inf, rate = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        rate = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, rate = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, rate = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, rate = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "flexsurv", family = "llogis", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0.01, scale = 0.01
        ), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "flexsurv", family = "weibullPH", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = -Inf, shape = 0), 
            upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
            shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5
            ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE))), list(package = "fMultivar", family = "cauchy2d", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(rho = -0.99), upper = c(rho = 0.99), 
            accepts_float = c(rho = TRUE), defaults = c(rho = 0), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(rho = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(rho = FALSE))), list(package = "fMultivar", 
        family = "norm2d", family_info = list(lower = c(rho = -0.99), 
            upper = c(rho = 0.99), accepts_float = c(rho = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(rho = 0), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -36.51, support_max = 36.51, supp_max_depends_on = c(rho = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(rho = FALSE))), list(package = "fMultivar", 
        family = "t2d", family_info = list(lower = c(rho = -0.99, 
        nu = 0.01), upper = c(rho = 0.99, nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(rho = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE), defaults = c(rho = 0, nu = 4), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(rho = FALSE, nu = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(rho = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "ForestFit", family = "gsm", family_info = list(
        lower = c(omega = 0, beta = 0), upper = c(omega = Inf, 
        beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(omega = TRUE, beta = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(omega = 0.5, beta = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(omega = FALSE, beta = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(omega = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "gambin", family = "gambin", family_info = list(
        lower = c(w = 0, alpha = 0.01, maxoctave = 0), upper = c(w = Inf, 
        alpha = Inf, maxoctave = Inf), accepts_float = c(w = TRUE, 
        alpha = TRUE, maxoctave = TRUE), defaults = c(w = 1, 
        alpha = 0.5, maxoctave = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, 
        support_min = 0, support_max = 10, supp_max_depends_on = c(w = FALSE, 
        alpha = FALSE, maxoctave = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(w = FALSE, 
        alpha = FALSE, maxoctave = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "EGB2", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = -Inf, nu = 0.02, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 1, tau = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "GAF", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = 0.01, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 1, sigma = 1, nu = 2), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "GB2", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = 0.01, 
        sigma = -Inf, nu = 0.01, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 1, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 1, tau = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "GP", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = 0.01, 
        sigma = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 1, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", family = "GT", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = 0.01, 
        nu = 0.05, tau = 0.2), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, 
        nu = 3, tau = 1.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "GU", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", family = "JSU", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = 0.01, 
        nu = -354.73, tau = 0.06), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = 354.73, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 1, tau = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "JSUo", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -711.88, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = 709, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "LO", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", family = "LOGNO2", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.01), 
            upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
            sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 1, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", family = "LQNO", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.01), 
            upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
            sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 1, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", family = "NBII", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.01), 
            upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
            sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 1, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", family = "NET", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = 0.01, 
        nu = 0.51, tau = 1.5), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = 2, tau = 102), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, 
        nu = 1.5, tau = 2), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "NO", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", family = "NO2", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = 0.01), 
            upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
            sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", family = "NOF", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = 0.01, 
        nu = 0), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, nu = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, 
            nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "PE", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 2), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "PE2", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 2), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "RG", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", family = "SEP", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = 0.01, 
        nu = -Inf, tau = 0.02), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = Inf, tau = 202), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, 
        nu = 0, tau = 2), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "SEP1", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -Inf, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 2), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "SEP2", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -Inf, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = 207.51), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 2), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "SEP3", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0.01, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 2, tau = 2), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "SEP4", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0.01, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 2, tau = 2), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "SHASH", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0, tau = 0), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, 
        nu = 0.5, tau = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "SHASHo", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -710, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = 709, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "SHASHo2", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -710, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = 711.09, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "SN1", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "SN2", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 2), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "SST", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0.01, tau = 2.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 0.8, tau = 7), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "ST1", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -Inf, tau = 0.07), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 2), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "ST2", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -Inf, tau = 0.1), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = 867.46, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 2), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "ST3", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0.01, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 1, tau = 10), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "ST3C", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0.01, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 1, tau = 10), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "ST4", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0.01, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 1, tau = 10), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "ST5", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -Inf, tau = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = 800, tau = 701), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "TF", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 10), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlss.dist", 
        family = "TF2", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = 2.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        nu = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 10), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(package = "gamlssbssn", 
        family = "BSSN", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, nu = -Inf, tau = 0), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, nu = Inf, tau = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE, tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, nu = 1, tau = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -37.33, support_max = 37.33, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, nu = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "gb", 
        family = "rsgld", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = -Inf), 
            upper = c(lambda = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(lambda = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = TRUE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = TRUE))), list(package = "GB2", 
        family = "gb2", family_info = list(lower = c(shape1 = -Inf, 
        scale = -Inf, shape2 = 0, shape3 = 0.01), upper = c(shape1 = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, shape2 = Inf, shape3 = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape1 = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape2 = TRUE, shape3 = TRUE), defaults = c(shape1 = 0.5, 
        scale = 0.5, shape2 = 0.5, shape3 = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape1 = FALSE, scale = FALSE, 
            shape2 = FALSE, shape3 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape1 = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE, shape3 = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "GeneralizedHyperbolic", family = "ghyp", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, delta = 0.01, 
        alpha = 0.01, beta = -0.99, lambda = -245.82), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        delta = Inf, alpha = Inf, beta = 0.99, lambda = 246.82
        ), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, delta = TRUE, alpha = TRUE, 
        beta = TRUE, lambda = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, delta = 1, 
        alpha = 1, beta = 0, lambda = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            delta = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE, lambda = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, delta = FALSE, 
            alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE, lambda = FALSE))), list(
        package = "GeneralizedHyperbolic", family = "gig", family_info = list(
            lower = c(chi = 0.01, psi = 0.01, lambda = -Inf), 
            upper = c(chi = Inf, psi = Inf, lambda = Inf), accepts_float = c(chi = TRUE, 
            psi = TRUE, lambda = TRUE), defaults = c(chi = 1, 
            psi = 1, lambda = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(chi = FALSE, 
            psi = FALSE, lambda = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(chi = FALSE, 
            psi = FALSE, lambda = FALSE))), list(package = "GeneralizedHyperbolic", 
        family = "hyperb", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        delta = 0.01, alpha = 0.01, beta = -0.99), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        delta = Inf, alpha = Inf, beta = 0.99), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        delta = TRUE, alpha = TRUE, beta = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        delta = 1, alpha = 1, beta = 0), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            delta = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            delta = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(
        package = "GeneralizedHyperbolic", family = "nig", family_info = list(
            lower = c(mu = -Inf, delta = 0.01, alpha = 0.01, 
            beta = -0.99), upper = c(mu = Inf, delta = Inf, alpha = Inf, 
            beta = 0.99), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, delta = TRUE, 
            alpha = TRUE, beta = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
            delta = 1, alpha = 1, beta = 0), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            delta = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            delta = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(
        package = "GeneralizedHyperbolic", family = "skewlap", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, alpha = 0.01, 
        beta = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, alpha = Inf, beta = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, alpha = TRUE, beta = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(mu = 0, alpha = 1, beta = 1), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(package = "genlogis", 
        family = "genlog", family_info = list(lower = c(b = 0, 
        p = 0.01, mu = -12.37), upper = c(b = Inf, p = Inf, mu = 9.86
        ), accepts_float = c(b = TRUE, p = TRUE, mu = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(b = 0.5, p = 2, mu = 0), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -25.49, support_max = 37.21, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(b = FALSE, p = FALSE, mu = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(b = FALSE, p = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE))), list(package = "genlogis", family = "genlog_sk", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(b = 0, p = 0.01, mu = -12.37, 
        skew = -1), upper = c(b = Inf, p = Inf, mu = 9.86, skew = 1
        ), accepts_float = c(b = TRUE, p = TRUE, mu = TRUE, skew = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(b = 0.5, p = 2, mu = 0, skew = 0.5), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -25.49, 
            support_max = 37.21, supp_max_depends_on = c(b = FALSE, 
            p = FALSE, mu = FALSE, skew = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(b = FALSE, 
            p = FALSE, mu = FALSE, skew = FALSE))), list(package = "GEVStableGarch", 
        family = "gat", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = 0.01, nu = 0.02, d = 0.01, xi = 0.01), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
        sd = Inf, nu = Inf, d = Inf, xi = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, 
        sd = TRUE, nu = TRUE, d = TRUE, xi = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, 
        sd = 1, nu = 2, d = 3, xi = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, nu = FALSE, d = FALSE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, nu = FALSE, d = FALSE, xi = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "GEVStableGarch", family = "skstd", family_info = list(
        lower = c(mean = -Inf, sd = 0.01, nu = 2.01, xi = 0.01
        ), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf, nu = Inf, xi = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE, nu = TRUE, 
        xi = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1, nu = 3, xi = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
        sd = FALSE, nu = FALSE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
        sd = FALSE, nu = FALSE, xi = FALSE))), list(package = "GIGrvg", 
        family = "gig", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = -Inf, 
        chi = 0, psi = 0), upper = c(lambda = Inf, chi = Inf, 
        psi = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, chi = TRUE, 
        psi = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 0.5, chi = 0.5, psi = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            chi = FALSE, psi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            chi = FALSE, psi = FALSE))), list(package = "glmx", 
        family = "pregibon", family_info = list(lower = c(a = -500, 
        b = -511), upper = c(a = 130.1, b = 511.98), accepts_float = c(a = TRUE, 
        b = TRUE), defaults = c(a = 0, b = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            b = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, b = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "glogis", family = "glogis", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(location = -Inf, scale = 0.01, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(location = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1, 
        shape = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "gnorm", 
        family = "gnorm", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        alpha = 0.01, beta = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, alpha = Inf, 
        beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, alpha = TRUE, 
        beta = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, alpha = 1, beta = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(package = "gren", 
        family = "enet", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda1 = -75.03, 
        lambda2 = 0.01), upper = c(lambda1 = 75.03, lambda2 = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(lambda1 = TRUE, lambda2 = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(lambda1 = 1, lambda2 = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -43.56, support_max = 43.56, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda1 = FALSE, lambda2 = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda1 = FALSE, lambda2 = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "GSM", family = "gsm", family_info = list(
        lower = c(weight = 0, rateparam = 0), upper = c(weight = Inf, 
        rateparam = Inf), accepts_float = c(weight = TRUE, rateparam = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(weight = 0.5, rateparam = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(weight = FALSE, rateparam = FALSE
        ), supp_min_depends_on = c(weight = FALSE, rateparam = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "harmonicmeanp", family = "harmonicmeanp", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(L = 0), upper = c(L = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(L = TRUE), defaults = c(L = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(L = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(L = FALSE))), list(package = "hermite", 
        family = "hermite", family_info = list(lower = c(m = 2, 
        a = 0, b = 0), upper = c(m = Inf, a = Inf, b = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(m = FALSE, a = TRUE, b = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(m = 2, a = 0.5, b = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(m = FALSE, a = FALSE, b = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(m = FALSE, a = FALSE, 
            b = FALSE))), list(package = "hesim", family = "weibullNMA", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(a0 = -745.13, a1 = -0.99
        ), upper = c(a0 = 709.78, a1 = Inf), accepts_float = c(a0 = TRUE, 
        a1 = TRUE), defaults = c(a0 = 0.5, a1 = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(a0 = FALSE, a1 = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(a0 = FALSE, a1 = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "hoa", family = "Huber", family_info = list(
        lower = c(k = 0.005), upper = c(k = Inf), accepts_float = c(k = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(k = 1.345), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(k = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(k = FALSE))), list(package = "hurdlr", 
        family = "gpd", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = -Inf, xi = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        xi = 1001), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        xi = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, xi = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = TRUE, 
            sigma = FALSE, xi = FALSE))), list(package = "icensBKL", 
        family = "llogis", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE))), list(package = "ihs", family = "ihs", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, lambda = -709.69, 
        k = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, lambda = 709.69, 
        k = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, lambda = TRUE, 
        k = TRUE, sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, lambda = 0, 
        k = 1, sigma = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            lambda = FALSE, k = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            lambda = FALSE, k = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(
        package = "invgamma", family = "invchisq", family_info = list(
            lower = c(ncp = 0, df = 0.01), upper = c(ncp = Inf, 
            df = Inf), accepts_float = c(ncp = TRUE, df = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(ncp = 0, df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
            df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
            df = FALSE))), list(package = "invgamma", family = "invexp", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(rate = 0.01), upper = c(rate = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(rate = TRUE), defaults = c(rate = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE))), list(package = "invgamma", 
        family = "invgamma", family_info = list(lower = c(rate = 0, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(rate = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(rate = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(rate = 1, shape = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "jmuOutlier", family = "laplace", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, sd = 0), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
        sd = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE))), list(package = "kdist", family = "k", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0.01, scale = 0, 
        intensity = -Inf), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        intensity = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        intensity = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1, 
        intensity = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, intensity = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, intensity = FALSE))), list(package = "KScorrect", 
        family = "lunif", family_info = list(lower = c(min = 0, 
        max = 0.5), upper = c(min = 0.5, max = Inf), accepts_float = c(min = TRUE, 
        max = TRUE), defaults = c(min = 0.5, max = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(min = FALSE, max = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(min = FALSE, max = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "kyotil", family = "doublexp", family_info = list(
        lower = c(location = -Inf, scale = 0.01), upper = c(location = Inf, 
        scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, scale = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1), log = FALSE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE
        ), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "L1pack", family = "laplace", family_info = list(
        lower = c(location = -Inf, scale = 0.01), upper = c(location = Inf, 
        scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, scale = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1), log = TRUE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE
        ), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "LearnBayes", family = "mnorm", family_info = list(
        lower = c(varcov = 0), upper = c(varcov = Inf), accepts_float = c(varcov = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(varcov = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(varcov = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(varcov = FALSE))), list(package = "llogistic", 
        family = "llogistic", family_info = list(lower = c(m = 0, 
        phi = 0.01), upper = c(m = 0.99, phi = 538), accepts_float = c(m = TRUE, 
        phi = TRUE), defaults = c(m = 0.5, phi = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = 1, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(m = FALSE, phi = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(m = FALSE, phi = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "loglognorm", family = "loglognorm", family_info = list(
        lower = c(mean = -Inf, sd = 0), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
        sd = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = 0.01, support_max = 0.99, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
        sd = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "lqmm", family = "al", family_info = list(
        lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf, tau = 0), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, tau = 1), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        tau = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, tau = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
        sigma = FALSE, tau = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
        sigma = FALSE, tau = FALSE))), list(package = "marg", 
        family = "Huber", family_info = list(lower = c(k = 0.005), 
            upper = c(k = Inf), accepts_float = c(k = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(k = 1.345), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(k = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(k = FALSE))), list(package = "mc2d", 
        family = "bern", family_info = list(lower = c(prob = 0), 
            upper = c(prob = 1), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(prob = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = 1, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE))), list(package = "mc2d", 
        family = "betagen", family_info = list(lower = c(min = -Inf, 
        max = 0.01, ncp = 0, shape1 = 0, shape2 = 0), upper = c(min = 0.99, 
        max = Inf, ncp = Inf, shape1 = Inf, shape2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(min = TRUE, 
        max = TRUE, ncp = TRUE, shape1 = TRUE, shape2 = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(min = 0, max = 1, ncp = 0, shape1 = 0.5, 
            shape2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(min = FALSE, 
            max = TRUE, ncp = FALSE, shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(min = TRUE, max = FALSE, 
            ncp = FALSE, shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE))), list(
        package = "mc2d", family = "pert", family_info = list(
            lower = c(mode = -1, max = 0, shape = 0.01), upper = c(mode = 1, 
            max = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(mode = TRUE, 
            max = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(mode = 0, 
            max = 1, shape = 4), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -0.99, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mode = FALSE, 
            max = TRUE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mode = FALSE, 
            max = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "mc2d", 
        family = "triang", family_info = list(lower = c(mode = -1, 
        max = 0), upper = c(mode = 1, max = Inf), accepts_float = c(mode = TRUE, 
        max = TRUE), defaults = c(mode = 0, max = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -0.99, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mode = FALSE, max = TRUE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(mode = FALSE, max = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "MCMC4Extremes", family = "ggev", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(xi = -Inf, mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf, 
        delta = 0.01), upper = c(xi = Inf, mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        delta = Inf), accepts_float = c(xi = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, delta = TRUE), defaults = c(xi = 0.5, mu = 0.5, 
        sigma = 0.5, delta = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(xi = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, delta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(xi = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, delta = FALSE))), list(
        package = "MCMCpack", family = "invgamma", family_info = list(
            lower = c(scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf, 
            shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "mdmb", family = "bct_scaled", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(location = -Inf, shape = -Inf, 
        lambda = -899, df = -Inf), upper = c(location = Inf, 
        shape = Inf, lambda = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE, lambda = TRUE, df = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, 
        shape = 1, lambda = 1, df = Inf), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE, lambda = FALSE, df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE, lambda = FALSE, df = FALSE))), list(
        package = "mdmb", family = "yjt_scaled", family_info = list(
            lower = c(location = -Inf, shape = -Inf, lambda = -999, 
            df = -Inf, probit = -Inf), upper = c(location = Inf, 
            shape = Inf, lambda = 601, df = Inf, probit = Inf
            ), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, shape = TRUE, 
            lambda = TRUE, df = TRUE, probit = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, 
            shape = 1, lambda = 1, df = Inf, probit = 0), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, shape = FALSE, 
            lambda = FALSE, df = FALSE, probit = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE, lambda = FALSE, df = FALSE, probit = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "metRology", family = "t.scaled", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, sd = -Inf, 
        df = 0.01, ncp = -Inf), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf, 
        df = Inf, ncp = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, 
        sd = TRUE, df = TRUE, ncp = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, 
        sd = 1, df = 0.5, ncp = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, df = FALSE, ncp = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, df = FALSE, ncp = FALSE))), list(package = "minimax", 
        family = "minimax", family_info = list(lower = c(a = 0.01, 
        b = 0.01), upper = c(a = Inf, b = Inf), accepts_float = c(a = TRUE, 
        b = TRUE), defaults = c(a = 1, b = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            b = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, b = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "mistr", family = "burr", family_info = list(
        lower = c(shape1 = 0.01, shape2 = 0.01), upper = c(shape1 = Inf, 
        shape2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape1 = TRUE, shape2 = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(shape1 = 0.5, shape2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE
        ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "mistr", family = "frechet", family_info = list(
        lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01), upper = c(loc = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, 
        shape = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "mistr", 
        family = "GPD", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = 700), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "mistr", 
        family = "gumbel", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0.5, scale = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE))), list(package = "mistr", family = "pareto", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01
        ), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = TRUE, shape = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "mixAK", family = "MVNmixture", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(weight = 0, mean = -Inf, 
        Q = -Inf, Sigma = 0), upper = c(weight = Inf, mean = Inf, 
        Q = Inf, Sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(weight = TRUE, 
        mean = TRUE, Q = TRUE, Sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(weight = 0.5, 
        mean = 0.5, Q = 0.5, Sigma = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(weight = FALSE, 
            mean = FALSE, Q = FALSE, Sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(weight = FALSE, 
            mean = FALSE, Q = FALSE, Sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "modehunt", 
        family = "lin", family_info = list(lower = c(a = -Inf, 
        b = -Inf, s = -Inf), upper = c(a = Inf, b = Inf, s = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(a = TRUE, b = TRUE, s = TRUE), defaults = c(a = 0.5, 
        b = 0.5, s = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            b = FALSE, s = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            b = FALSE, s = FALSE))), list(package = "mombf", 
        family = "alapl", family_info = list(lower = c(th = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, alpha = -Inf), upper = c(th = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        alpha = Inf), accepts_float = c(th = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        alpha = TRUE), defaults = c(th = 0, scale = 1, alpha = 0
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(th = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, alpha = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(th = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, alpha = FALSE))), list(package = "msm", 
        family = "2phase", family_info = list(lower = c(l1 = 0, 
        mu1 = 0, mu2 = 0), upper = c(l1 = Inf, mu1 = Inf, mu2 = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(l1 = TRUE, mu1 = TRUE, mu2 = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(l1 = 0.5, mu1 = 0.5, mu2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(l1 = FALSE, mu1 = FALSE, 
            mu2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(l1 = FALSE, 
            mu1 = FALSE, mu2 = FALSE))), list(package = "msm", 
        family = "menorm", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = 0.01, upper = -Inf, sderr = 0, meanerr = -Inf), 
            upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf, upper = Inf, sderr = Inf, 
            meanerr = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE, 
            upper = TRUE, sderr = TRUE, meanerr = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, 
            sd = 1, upper = Inf, sderr = 0, meanerr = 0), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE, 
            upper = TRUE, sderr = FALSE, meanerr = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, upper = FALSE, sderr = FALSE, meanerr = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "msm", family = "meunif", family_info = list(
        lower = c(lower = -Inf, upper = 0.01, sderr = 0, meanerr = -Inf
        ), upper = c(lower = 0.99, upper = Inf, sderr = Inf, 
        meanerr = Inf), accepts_float = c(lower = TRUE, upper = TRUE, 
        sderr = TRUE, meanerr = TRUE), defaults = c(lower = 0, 
        upper = 1, sderr = 0, meanerr = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lower = FALSE, 
        upper = TRUE, sderr = FALSE, meanerr = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lower = TRUE, 
        upper = FALSE, sderr = FALSE, meanerr = TRUE))), list(
        package = "msm", family = "tnorm", family_info = list(
            lower = c(mean = -Inf, sd = 0, upper = -Inf), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
            sd = Inf, upper = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, 
            sd = TRUE, upper = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, 
            sd = 1, upper = Inf), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, upper = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, upper = FALSE))), list(package = "NFWdist", 
        family = "nfw", family_info = list(lower = c(con = 0.01), 
            upper = c(con = Inf), accepts_float = c(con = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(con = 5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0.01, support_max = 1, supp_max_depends_on = c(con = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(con = FALSE))), list(package = "nimble", 
        family = "cat", family_info = list(lower = c(prob = -Inf), 
            upper = c(prob = Inf), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(prob = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, 
            support_min = 1, support_max = 1, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE))), list(package = "nimble", 
        family = "dexp", family_info = list(lower = c(location = -Inf, 
        scale = 0), upper = c(location = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE))), list(package = "nimble", family = "exp_nimble", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "nimble", family = "interval", family_info = list(
        lower = c(t = -Inf, c = -Inf), upper = c(t = Inf, c = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(t = TRUE, c = TRUE), defaults = c(t = 0.5, 
        c = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, 
        support_max = 1, supp_max_depends_on = c(t = FALSE, c = FALSE
        ), supp_min_depends_on = c(t = FALSE, c = FALSE))), list(
        package = "nimble", family = "invgamma", family_info = list(
            lower = c(scale = 0, shape = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf, 
            shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "nimble", family = "sqrtinvgamma", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0, shape = 0.01), 
            upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
            shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5
            ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.04, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE))), list(package = "nimble", family = "t_nonstandard", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(df = 0.01, mu = -Inf, sigma = 0
        ), upper = c(df = Inf, mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE, 
        mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(df = 1, mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "NormalLaplace", 
        family = "nl", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, alpha = 0.01, beta = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, alpha = Inf, beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, alpha = TRUE, beta = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, 
        sigma = 1, alpha = 1, beta = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(
        package = "normalp", family = "normp", family_info = list(
            lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigmap = 0.01, p = 1), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
            sigmap = Inf, p = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
            sigmap = TRUE, p = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigmap = 1, 
            p = 2), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigmap = FALSE, p = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigmap = FALSE, p = FALSE))), list(package = "ordinal", 
        family = "gumbel", family_info = list(lower = c(location = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, max = -Inf), upper = c(location = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, max = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, max = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, 
        scale = 1, max = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, max = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, max = FALSE))), list(package = "ParetoPosStable", 
        family = "PPS", family_info = list(lower = c(lam = -Inf, 
        sc = -Inf, v = 0.06), upper = c(lam = Inf, sc = Inf, 
        v = Inf), accepts_float = c(lam = TRUE, sc = TRUE, v = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(lam = 0.5, sc = 0.5, v = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(lam = FALSE, sc = FALSE, 
            v = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lam = FALSE, 
            sc = TRUE, v = FALSE))), list(package = "pearson7", 
        family = "pearson7", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "PIGShift", family = "norminvgamma", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(alpha = 0.01, beta = 0), 
            upper = c(alpha = Inf, beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(alpha = TRUE, 
            beta = TRUE), defaults = c(alpha = 0.5, beta = 0.5
            ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE))), list(package = "polyaAeppli", family = "PolyaAeppli", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0, prob = 0), upper = c(lambda = Inf, 
        prob = 0.99), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, prob = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(lambda = 0.5, prob = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, prob = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, prob = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "POT", family = "gpd", family_info = list(
        lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, 
        shape = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "expow", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = -Inf, k = -1), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        k = 1), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, k = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, k = 0), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, 
            k = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, 
            k = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", family = "gumbel", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), 
            upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
            sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "powdist", family = "pcauchy", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = -Inf), upper = c(lambda = Inf, mu = Inf, sigma = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(lambda = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "pexpow", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf, k = -1), upper = c(lambda = Inf, 
        mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, k = 1), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, 
        mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, k = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, 
        mu = 0, sigma = 1, k = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, k = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, k = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "plaplace", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(lambda = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "plogis", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(lambda = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "pnorm", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(lambda = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "prgumbel", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(lambda = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "pt", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf, df = 0.01), upper = c(lambda = Inf, 
        mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, 
        mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, df = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, 
        mu = 0, sigma = 1, df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, df = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "rgumbel", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "powdist", family = "rpcauchy", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = -Inf), upper = c(lambda = Inf, mu = Inf, sigma = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(lambda = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "rpexpow", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf, k = -1), upper = c(lambda = Inf, 
        mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, k = 1), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, 
        mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, k = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, 
        mu = 0, sigma = 1, k = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, k = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, k = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "rplaplace", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(lambda = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "rplogis", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(lambda = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "rpnorm", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(lambda = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "rprgumbel", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.02, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf), upper = c(lambda = Inf, mu = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "powdist", 
        family = "rpt", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0.01, 
        mu = -Inf, sigma = -Inf, df = 0.01), upper = c(lambda = Inf, 
        mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, 
        mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, df = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 1, 
        mu = 0, sigma = 1, df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, df = FALSE))), list(package = "poweRlaw", 
        family = "plcon", family_info = list(lower = c(xmin = -Inf, 
        alpha = -Inf), upper = c(xmin = Inf, alpha = Inf), accepts_float = c(xmin = TRUE, 
        alpha = TRUE), defaults = c(xmin = 0.5, alpha = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(xmin = FALSE, 
            alpha = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(xmin = TRUE, 
            alpha = FALSE))), list(package = "PowerNormal", family = "pn", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(alpha = 0.01), upper = c(alpha = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(alpha = TRUE), defaults = c(alpha = 0.5), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -37.51, 
            support_max = 38.56, supp_max_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(alpha = FALSE))), list(package = "ProDenICA", 
        family = ".gaussmix", family_info = list(lower = c(means = -Inf), 
            upper = c(means = Inf), accepts_float = c(means = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(means = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -38.56, support_max = 38.56, supp_max_depends_on = c(means = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(means = FALSE))), list(package = "ProDenICA", 
        family = "mix.dexp", family_info = list(lower = c(means = -719.78), 
            upper = c(means = 719.78), accepts_float = c(means = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(means = 0), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(means = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(means = FALSE))), list(package = "qmap", 
        family = "bernexp", family_info = list(lower = c(prob = -Inf, 
        rate = -919.5), upper = c(prob = Inf, rate = Inf), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE, 
        rate = TRUE), defaults = c(prob = 0.5, rate = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, rate = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, rate = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "qmap", family = "berngamma", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(prob = -Inf, scale = -799.5, 
        shape = -Inf), upper = c(prob = Inf, scale = Inf, shape = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE, scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(prob = 0.5, scale = 0.5, shape = 0.5), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "qmap", 
        family = "bernlnorm", family_info = list(lower = c(prob = -Inf, 
        meanlog = -Inf, sdlog = -Inf), upper = c(prob = Inf, 
        meanlog = Inf, sdlog = Inf), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE, 
        meanlog = TRUE, sdlog = TRUE), defaults = c(prob = 0.5, 
        meanlog = 0.5, sdlog = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            meanlog = FALSE, sdlog = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            meanlog = FALSE, sdlog = FALSE))), list(package = "qmap", 
        family = "bernweibull", family_info = list(lower = c(prob = -Inf, 
        scale = -999.5, shape = -899.5), upper = c(prob = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(prob = 0.5, 
        scale = 0.5, shape = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "qqtest", 
        family = "kay", family_info = list(lower = c(ncp = -Inf, 
        df = 0), upper = c(ncp = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(ncp = TRUE, 
        df = TRUE), defaults = c(ncp = 0, df = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, df = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, df = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "qrmtools", family = "GEV", family_info = list(
        lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, 
        shape = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "qrmtools", 
        family = "GPD", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = -Inf, 
        scale = 0), upper = c(shape = 790.5, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 0.5, scale = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE))), list(package = "qrmtools", family = "GPDtail", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(threshold = -Inf, p.exceed = 0, 
        shape = -Inf, scale = 0), upper = c(threshold = Inf, 
        p.exceed = 1, shape = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(threshold = TRUE, 
        p.exceed = TRUE, shape = TRUE, scale = TRUE), defaults = c(threshold = 0.5, 
        p.exceed = 0.5, shape = 0.5, scale = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(threshold = FALSE, p.exceed = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(threshold = TRUE, 
            p.exceed = FALSE, shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "qrmtools", family = "Par", family_info = list(
        lower = c(scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = -10, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "randtests", family = "runs", family_info = list(
        lower = c(n1 = 0.01, n2 = 0.01), upper = c(n1 = 501, 
        n2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(n1 = TRUE, n2 = TRUE), defaults = c(n1 = 1, 
        n2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 2, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(n1 = FALSE, 
        n2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(n1 = FALSE, n2 = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "RcmdrMisc", family = "gumbel", family_info = list(
        lower = c(location = -Inf, scale = -Inf), upper = c(location = 719.78, 
        scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, scale = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1), log = FALSE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE
        ), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "ReIns", family = "burr", family_info = list(
        lower = c(eta = 0.01, alpha = 0, rho = -900.5), upper = c(eta = Inf, 
        alpha = Inf, rho = -0.01), accepts_float = c(eta = TRUE, 
        alpha = TRUE, rho = TRUE), defaults = c(eta = 1, alpha = 0.5, 
        rho = -0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(eta = FALSE, 
        alpha = FALSE, rho = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(eta = FALSE, 
        alpha = FALSE, rho = FALSE))), list(package = "ReIns", 
        family = "epd", family_info = list(lower = c(gamma = 0, 
        kappa = -1), upper = c(gamma = Inf, kappa = Inf), accepts_float = c(gamma = TRUE, 
        kappa = TRUE), defaults = c(gamma = 0.5, kappa = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 1.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(gamma = FALSE, 
            kappa = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(gamma = FALSE, 
            kappa = FALSE))), list(package = "ReIns", family = "frechet", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, 
        shape = 0), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, shape = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "ReIns", 
        family = "gpd", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        gamma = -Inf, sigma = 0), upper = c(mu = Inf, gamma = 700.5, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, gamma = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, gamma = 0.5, sigma = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            gamma = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = TRUE, 
            gamma = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(package = "ReIns", 
        family = "pareto", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = TRUE, 
            shape = FALSE))), list(package = "ReIns", family = "tfrechet", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, 
        endpoint = -Inf, shape = 0), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        endpoint = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, endpoint = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, 
        scale = 1, endpoint = Inf, shape = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE, 
            endpoint = TRUE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, endpoint = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "ReIns", family = "tgpd", family_info = list(
        lower = c(mu = -Inf, endpoint = -Inf, gamma = -Inf, sigma = 0
        ), upper = c(mu = Inf, endpoint = Inf, gamma = 1000.5, 
        sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, endpoint = TRUE, 
        gamma = TRUE, sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, endpoint = Inf, 
        gamma = 0.5, sigma = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
        endpoint = TRUE, gamma = FALSE, sigma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = TRUE, 
        endpoint = FALSE, gamma = FALSE, sigma = FALSE))), list(
        package = "reliaR", family = "gumbel", family_info = list(
            lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = 0), upper = c(mu = 364.54, 
            sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(mu = 0.5, sigma = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "Renext", family = "GPD", family_info = list(
        lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, shape = 750), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, 
        shape = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "Renext", 
        family = "lomax", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 4), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "Renext", family = "maxlo", family_info = list(
        lower = c(scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 4), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = TRUE, 
        shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
        shape = FALSE))), list(package = "Renext", family = "mixexp2", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(rate1 = 0, prob1 = 0, delta = -1
        ), upper = c(rate1 = Inf, prob1 = 1, delta = Inf), accepts_float = c(rate1 = TRUE, 
        prob1 = TRUE, delta = TRUE), defaults = c(rate1 = 1, 
        prob1 = 0.5, delta = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(rate1 = FALSE, 
            prob1 = FALSE, delta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(rate1 = FALSE, 
            prob1 = FALSE, delta = FALSE))), list(package = "Renext", 
        family = "SLTW", family_info = list(lower = c(delta = 0.01, 
        shape = 0.01, scale = 0.01), upper = c(delta = Inf, shape = Inf, 
        scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(delta = TRUE, shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(delta = 1, shape = 1, scale = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(delta = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(delta = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE))), list(package = "revdbayes", 
        family = "gev", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf, m = 0.01), upper = c(loc = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, shape = 1000, m = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE, m = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, 
        scale = 1, shape = 0, m = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE, m = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE, m = FALSE))), list(
        package = "revdbayes", family = "gp", family_info = list(
            lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), 
            upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, shape = 950), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, 
            scale = 1, shape = 0), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "Rlab", 
        family = "bern", family_info = list(lower = c(prob = 0), 
            upper = c(prob = 1), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(prob = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = 1, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE))), list(package = "Rlab", 
        family = "exp", family_info = list(lower = c(rate = 0.01), 
            upper = c(rate = Inf), accepts_float = c(rate = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(rate = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE))), list(package = "Rlab", 
        family = "gamma", family_info = list(lower = c(shape = -Inf, 
        rate = 0.01, alpha = 0, beta = 0), upper = c(shape = Inf, 
        rate = Inf, alpha = Inf, beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        rate = TRUE, alpha = TRUE, beta = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, 
        rate = 1, alpha = 0.5, beta = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            rate = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            rate = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(
        package = "Rlab", family = "weibull", family_info = list(
            lower = c(shape = -Inf, scale = -Inf, alpha = 0, 
            beta = 0), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = Inf, alpha = Inf, 
            beta = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
            alpha = TRUE, beta = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, 
            scale = 1, alpha = 0.5, beta = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE, 
            alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(
        package = "RMKdiscrete", family = "LGP", family_info = list(
            lower = c(theta = 0, lambda = -1), upper = c(theta = Inf, 
            lambda = 1), accepts_float = c(theta = TRUE, lambda = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(theta = 0.5, lambda = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(theta = FALSE, lambda = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(theta = FALSE, lambda = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "RMTstat", family = "WishartMax", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(var = -Inf, beta = 1, ndf = 0.5, 
        pdim = 0.5), upper = c(var = Inf, beta = 2, ndf = Inf, 
        pdim = Inf), accepts_float = c(var = TRUE, beta = FALSE, 
        ndf = TRUE, pdim = TRUE), defaults = c(var = 1, beta = 1, 
        ndf = 1, pdim = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(var = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE, ndf = FALSE, pdim = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(var = FALSE, 
            beta = FALSE, ndf = FALSE, pdim = FALSE))), list(
        package = "robustloggamma", family = "loggamma", family_info = list(
            lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = 0.01, zero = -Inf, lambda = -99.5
            ), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, zero = Inf, lambda = 50.5
            ), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, zero = TRUE, 
            lambda = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, zero = 1e-04, 
            lambda = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, zero = FALSE, lambda = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, zero = FALSE, lambda = FALSE))), list(
        package = "RTDE", family = "frechet", family_info = list(
            lower = c(shape = 0.01, xmin = -Inf), upper = c(shape = Inf, 
            xmin = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, xmin = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(shape = 0.5, xmin = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, xmin = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, xmin = TRUE
            ))), list(package = "sadists", family = "dnbeta", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(df1 = 0, df2 = 0, ncp1 = 0, 
        ncp2 = 0), upper = c(df1 = Inf, df2 = Inf, ncp1 = Inf, 
        ncp2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(df1 = TRUE, df2 = TRUE, 
        ncp1 = TRUE, ncp2 = TRUE), defaults = c(df1 = 0.5, df2 = 0.5, 
        ncp1 = 0.5, ncp2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(df1 = TRUE, 
            df2 = FALSE, ncp1 = TRUE, ncp2 = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df1 = TRUE, 
            df2 = FALSE, ncp1 = TRUE, ncp2 = TRUE))), list(package = "sadists", 
        family = "dneta", family_info = list(lower = c(df = 0.01, 
        ncp1 = -1.64, ncp2 = 0), upper = c(df = Inf, ncp1 = 1.64, 
        ncp2 = 0.19), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE, ncp1 = TRUE, 
        ncp2 = TRUE), defaults = c(df = 0.5, ncp1 = 0.5, ncp2 = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -0.99, 
            support_max = 0.99, supp_max_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
            ncp1 = FALSE, ncp2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
            ncp1 = FALSE, ncp2 = FALSE))), list(package = "sadists", 
        family = "dnf", family_info = list(lower = c(df1 = 0, 
        df2 = 0.01, ncp1 = 0, ncp2 = 0), upper = c(df1 = Inf, 
        df2 = Inf, ncp1 = Inf, ncp2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(df1 = TRUE, 
        df2 = TRUE, ncp1 = TRUE, ncp2 = TRUE), defaults = c(df1 = 0.5, 
        df2 = 0.5, ncp1 = 0.5, ncp2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(df1 = TRUE, 
            df2 = FALSE, ncp1 = TRUE, ncp2 = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df1 = TRUE, 
            df2 = FALSE, ncp1 = TRUE, ncp2 = TRUE))), list(package = "sadists", 
        family = "dnt", family_info = list(lower = c(df = 0.01, 
        ncp1 = -1.64, ncp2 = 0), upper = c(df = Inf, ncp1 = 1.64, 
        ncp2 = 0.19), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE, ncp1 = TRUE, 
        ncp2 = TRUE), defaults = c(df = 0.5, ncp1 = 0.5, ncp2 = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
            ncp1 = FALSE, ncp2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
            ncp1 = FALSE, ncp2 = FALSE))), list(package = "sadists", 
        family = "kprime", family_info = list(lower = c(b = 0, 
        v1 = 0, v2 = 0.01, a = -Inf), upper = c(b = Inf, v1 = Inf, 
        v2 = Inf, a = Inf), accepts_float = c(b = TRUE, v1 = TRUE, 
        v2 = TRUE, a = TRUE), defaults = c(b = 1, v1 = 0.5, v2 = 0.5, 
        a = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(b = FALSE, 
            v1 = FALSE, v2 = FALSE, a = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(b = FALSE, 
            v1 = FALSE, v2 = FALSE, a = FALSE))), list(package = "sadists", 
        family = "lambdap", family_info = list(lower = c(df = 0, 
        t = -Inf), upper = c(df = Inf, t = Inf), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE, 
        t = TRUE), defaults = c(df = 0.5, t = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, t = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
            t = FALSE))), list(package = "sadists", family = "prodchisqpow", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(ncp = 0, pow = -799, df = 0
        ), upper = c(ncp = 779.4, pow = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(ncp = TRUE, 
        pow = TRUE, df = TRUE), defaults = c(ncp = 0, pow = 1, 
        df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
            pow = FALSE, df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
            pow = FALSE, df = FALSE))), list(package = "sadists", 
        family = "proddnf", family_info = list(lower = c(df1 = 0, 
        df2 = 0.01, ncp1 = 0, ncp2 = 0), upper = c(df1 = Inf, 
        df2 = Inf, ncp1 = Inf, ncp2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(df1 = TRUE, 
        df2 = TRUE, ncp1 = TRUE, ncp2 = TRUE), defaults = c(df1 = 0.5, 
        df2 = 0.5, ncp1 = 0.5, ncp2 = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(df1 = FALSE, 
            df2 = FALSE, ncp1 = FALSE, ncp2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df1 = FALSE, 
            df2 = FALSE, ncp1 = FALSE, ncp2 = FALSE))), list(
        package = "sadists", family = "prodnormal", family_info = list(
            lower = c(mu = -Inf, sigma = 0.01), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
            sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(mu = 0.5, sigma = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "sadists", family = "sumchisqpow", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(ncp = 0, pow = -729, wts = -Inf, 
        df = 0), upper = c(ncp = Inf, pow = Inf, wts = Inf, df = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(ncp = TRUE, pow = TRUE, wts = TRUE, 
        df = TRUE), defaults = c(ncp = 0, pow = 1, wts = 0.5, 
        df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
            pow = FALSE, wts = FALSE, df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
            pow = FALSE, wts = FALSE, df = FALSE))), list(package = "sadists", 
        family = "sumlogchisq", family_info = list(lower = c(ncp = 0, 
        wts = -Inf, df = 0.01), upper = c(ncp = 636.82, wts = Inf, 
        df = Inf), accepts_float = c(ncp = TRUE, wts = TRUE, 
        df = TRUE), defaults = c(ncp = 0, wts = 0.5, df = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
            wts = FALSE, df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
            wts = FALSE, df = FALSE))), list(package = "sadists", 
        family = "upsilon", family_info = list(lower = c(df = 0, 
        t = -Inf), upper = c(df = Inf, t = Inf), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE, 
        t = TRUE), defaults = c(df = 0.5, t = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, t = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
            t = FALSE))), list(package = "sdprisk", family = "hypoexp", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(rate = 0.01), upper = c(rate = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(rate = TRUE), defaults = c(rate = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "sensitivity", family = "gumbel.trunc", family_info = list(
        lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, max = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, 
        scale = Inf, max = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, max = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, 
        max = 1e+06), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, max = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
        scale = FALSE, max = FALSE))), list(package = "sensitivity", 
        family = "norm.trunc", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = 0, max = -Inf), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf, 
        max = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE, 
        max = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1, max = 1e+06
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, max = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, max = FALSE))), list(package = "SeqNet", 
        family = "zinb", family_info = list(lower = c(size = 0, 
        mu = 0, rho = 0), upper = c(size = Inf, mu = Inf, rho = 1
        ), accepts_float = c(size = TRUE, mu = TRUE, rho = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(size = 0.5, mu = 0.5, rho = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(size = FALSE, mu = FALSE, 
            rho = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(size = FALSE, 
            mu = FALSE, rho = FALSE))), list(package = "SGB", 
        family = "ggamma", family_info = list(lower = c(shape1 = -Inf, 
        scale = -Inf, shape2 = 0), upper = c(shape1 = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(shape1 = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape2 = TRUE), defaults = c(shape1 = 0.5, scale = 0.5, 
        shape2 = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(shape1 = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape1 = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE))), list(package = "sgt", 
        family = "sgt", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, lambda = -0.99, p = 0.02, q = -Inf, mean.cent = -Inf, 
        var.adj = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, lambda = 0.99, 
        p = Inf, q = Inf, mean.cent = Inf, var.adj = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, lambda = TRUE, p = TRUE, q = TRUE, mean.cent = TRUE, 
        var.adj = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1, lambda = 0, 
        p = 2, q = Inf, mean.cent = 1, var.adj = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, 
            lambda = FALSE, p = FALSE, q = FALSE, mean.cent = FALSE, 
            var.adj = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, lambda = FALSE, p = FALSE, q = FALSE, 
            mean.cent = FALSE, var.adj = FALSE))), list(package = "shotGroups", 
        family = "Rayleigh", family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01), 
            upper = c(scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(scale = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE))), list(package = "shotGroups", 
        family = "Rice", family_info = list(lower = c(nu = 0, 
        sigma = 0), upper = c(nu = Inf, sigma = Inf), accepts_float = c(nu = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE), defaults = c(nu = 0.5, sigma = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(nu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(nu = FALSE, sigma = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "sirt", family = "invgamma2", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(n0 = 0.01, var0 = 0), upper = c(n0 = Inf, 
        var0 = Inf), accepts_float = c(n0 = TRUE, var0 = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(n0 = 0.5, var0 = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(n0 = FALSE, 
            var0 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(n0 = FALSE, 
            var0 = FALSE))), list(package = "skellam", family = "skellam", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(lambda1 = 0, lambda2 = 0
        ), upper = c(lambda1 = Inf, lambda2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(lambda1 = TRUE, 
        lambda2 = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda1 = 0.5, lambda2 = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda1 = FALSE, lambda2 = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda1 = FALSE, lambda2 = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "skewt", family = "skt", family_info = list(
        lower = c(df = 0.01, gamma = -Inf), upper = c(df = Inf, 
        gamma = Inf), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE, gamma = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(df = 0.5, gamma = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, gamma = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, 
        gamma = FALSE))), list(package = "SpatialExtremes", family = "gev", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0.01, 
        shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, shape = 1000
        ), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "SpatialExtremes", 
        family = "gpd", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = 1000), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "spatstat", 
        family = "knn", family_info = list(lower = c(k = 1, d = 1, 
        lambda = 0.01), upper = c(k = Inf, d = 340, lambda = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(k = FALSE, d = FALSE, lambda = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(k = 1, d = 2, lambda = 1), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(k = FALSE, d = FALSE, lambda = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(k = FALSE, d = FALSE, 
            lambda = FALSE))), list(package = "ssdtools", family = "gompertz", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01, shape = 0), 
            upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
            shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5
            ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, 
            support_max = 7.25, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE))), list(package = "ssdtools", family = "llog", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(shape = 0.01, scale = -Inf
        ), upper = c(shape = Inf, scale = 711), accepts_float = c(shape = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(shape = 1, scale = 1), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(shape = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "ssdtools", family = "pareto", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01
        ), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = TRUE, 
            shape = FALSE))), list(package = "stabledist", family = "stable", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(gamma = 0.01, delta = -Inf, 
        pm = 0, alpha = 0.01, beta = -1), upper = c(gamma = Inf, 
        delta = Inf, pm = 2, alpha = 2, beta = 1), accepts_float = c(gamma = TRUE, 
        delta = TRUE, pm = FALSE, alpha = TRUE, beta = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(gamma = 1, delta = 0, pm = 0, alpha = 0.5, 
            beta = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(gamma = FALSE, 
            delta = FALSE, pm = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(gamma = FALSE, delta = FALSE, 
            pm = FALSE, alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE))), list(
        package = "STAR", family = "rexp", family_info = list(
            lower = c(rate = 0.01, rp = 0.005), upper = c(rate = Inf, 
            rp = Inf), accepts_float = c(rate = TRUE, rp = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(rate = 10, rp = 0.005), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.005, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE, rp = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE, rp = TRUE))), 
    list(package = "statip", family = "bern", family_info = list(
        lower = c(prob = 0), upper = c(prob = 1), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(prob = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, 
        support_min = 0, support_max = 1, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE))), list(package = "stats", 
        family = "beta", family_info = list(lower = c(ncp = 0, 
        shape1 = 0, shape2 = 0), upper = c(ncp = Inf, shape1 = Inf, 
        shape2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(ncp = TRUE, shape1 = TRUE, 
        shape2 = TRUE), defaults = c(ncp = 0, shape1 = 0.5, shape2 = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = 1, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, shape1 = FALSE, 
            shape2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
            shape1 = FALSE, shape2 = FALSE))), list(package = "stats", 
        family = "binom", family_info = list(lower = c(size = 0, 
        prob = 0), upper = c(size = Inf, prob = 1), accepts_float = c(size = FALSE, 
        prob = TRUE), defaults = c(size = 1, prob = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(size = TRUE, prob = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(size = FALSE, prob = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "stats", family = "cauchy", family_info = list(
        lower = c(location = -Inf, scale = 0.01), upper = c(location = Inf, 
        scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, scale = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1), log = TRUE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE
        ), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, scale = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "stats", family = "chisq", family_info = list(
        lower = c(ncp = 0, df = 0), upper = c(ncp = Inf, df = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(ncp = TRUE, df = TRUE), defaults = c(ncp = 0, 
        df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, 
        df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(ncp = FALSE, df = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "stats", family = "exp", family_info = list(
        lower = c(rate = 0.01), upper = c(rate = Inf), accepts_float = c(rate = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(rate = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE))), list(package = "stats", 
        family = "f", family_info = list(lower = c(df1 = 0, df2 = 0.01, 
        ncp = 0), upper = c(df1 = Inf, df2 = Inf, ncp = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(df1 = TRUE, df2 = TRUE, ncp = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(df1 = 0.5, df2 = 0.5, ncp = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(df1 = FALSE, df2 = FALSE, 
            ncp = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df1 = FALSE, 
            df2 = FALSE, ncp = FALSE))), list(package = "stats", 
        family = "gamma", family_info = list(lower = c(rate = 0.01, 
        shape = 0), upper = c(rate = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(rate = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(rate = 1, shape = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "stats", family = "geom", family_info = list(
        lower = c(prob = 0.01), upper = c(prob = 1), accepts_float = c(prob = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(prob = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, 
        support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(prob = FALSE))), list(package = "stats", 
        family = "hyper", family_info = list(lower = c(m = 0, 
        n = 0, k = 0), upper = c(m = Inf, n = Inf, k = 2), accepts_float = c(m = FALSE, 
        n = FALSE, k = FALSE), defaults = c(m = 1, n = 1, k = 1
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = 2, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(m = FALSE, n = FALSE, k = TRUE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(m = FALSE, n = FALSE, 
            k = FALSE))), list(package = "stats", family = "lnorm", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(meanlog = -Inf, sdlog = 0
        ), upper = c(meanlog = 710.29, sdlog = Inf), accepts_float = c(meanlog = TRUE, 
        sdlog = TRUE), defaults = c(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(meanlog = FALSE, 
            sdlog = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(meanlog = FALSE, 
            sdlog = FALSE))), list(package = "stats", family = "logis", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(location = -Inf, scale = 0.01
        ), upper = c(location = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(location = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(location = 0, scale = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(location = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE))), list(package = "stats", family = "norm", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, sd = 0), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
        sd = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(mean = 0, sd = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE))), list(package = "stats", family = "pois", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0), upper = c(lambda = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 0.5), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "stats", family = "signrank", family_info = list(
        lower = c(n = 0.5), upper = c(n = Inf), accepts_float = c(n = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(n = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(n = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(n = FALSE))), list(package = "stats", 
        family = "t", family_info = list(lower = c(df = 0.01, 
        ncp = -Inf), upper = c(df = Inf, ncp = Inf), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE, 
        ncp = TRUE), defaults = c(df = 0.5, ncp = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, ncp = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(df = FALSE, ncp = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "stats", family = "unif", family_info = list(
        lower = c(min = -Inf, max = -Inf), upper = c(min = Inf, 
        max = Inf), accepts_float = c(min = TRUE, max = TRUE), 
        defaults = c(min = 0, max = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
        support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(min = FALSE, 
        max = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(min = TRUE, max = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "stats", family = "weibull", family_info = list(
        lower = c(scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01), upper = c(scale = Inf, 
        shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
        discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), 
        supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), 
    list(package = "stats", family = "wilcox", family_info = list(
        lower = c(m = 0.5, n = 0.5), upper = c(m = Inf, n = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(m = TRUE, n = TRUE), defaults = c(m = 0.5, 
        n = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, 
        support_max = 10, supp_max_depends_on = c(m = FALSE, 
        n = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(m = FALSE, n = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "SuppDists", family = "ghyper", family_info = list(
        lower = c(a = 0, k = 0, N = 0), upper = c(a = 0.99, k = 0.99, 
        N = Inf), accepts_float = c(a = TRUE, k = TRUE, N = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(a = 0.5, k = 0.5, N = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
        discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, k = FALSE, N = FALSE
        ), supp_min_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, k = FALSE, N = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "SuppDists", family = "maxFratio", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(df = 1, k = 1), upper = c(df = Inf, 
        k = Inf), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE, k = TRUE), defaults = c(df = 1, 
        k = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 1, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(df = TRUE, 
            k = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(df = TRUE, k = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "TailRank", family = "bb", family_info = list(
        lower = c(N = 0, u = 0, v = 0), upper = c(N = Inf, u = Inf, 
        v = Inf), accepts_float = c(N = FALSE, u = TRUE, v = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(N = 1, u = 0.5, v = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
        discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
        supp_max_depends_on = c(N = TRUE, u = FALSE, v = FALSE
        ), supp_min_depends_on = c(N = FALSE, u = FALSE, v = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "TcGSA", family = "chisqmix", family_info = list(
        lower = c(s = 0, q = -0.99), upper = c(s = Inf, q = 0
        ), accepts_float = c(s = TRUE, q = TRUE), defaults = c(s = 0.5, 
        q = 0), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -0.99, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(s = TRUE, 
        q = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(s = TRUE, q = TRUE
        ))), list(package = "teachingApps", family = "bisa", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = -Inf, shape = -Inf
        ), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE))), list(package = "teachingApps", 
        family = "lev", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "teachingApps", family = "sev", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = -Inf
        ), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "texmex", family = "egp3", family_info = list(
        lower = c(kappa = 0, u = -Inf, sigma = -Inf, xi = -Inf
        ), upper = c(kappa = Inf, u = 9.99, sigma = Inf, xi = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(kappa = TRUE, u = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        xi = TRUE), defaults = c(kappa = 1, u = 0, sigma = 0.5, 
        xi = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(kappa = FALSE, 
        u = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(kappa = FALSE, 
        u = TRUE, sigma = FALSE, xi = FALSE))), list(package = "texmex", 
        family = "gev", family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0, xi = -Inf), upper = c(mu = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        xi = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        xi = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0.5, sigma = 0.5, xi = 0.5
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = TRUE, 
            sigma = TRUE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = TRUE, 
            sigma = TRUE, xi = FALSE))), list(package = "texmex", 
        family = "gpd", family_info = list(lower = c(u = -Inf, 
        sigma = -Inf, xi = -Inf), upper = c(u = Inf, sigma = Inf, 
        xi = Inf), accepts_float = c(u = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, 
        xi = TRUE), defaults = c(u = 0, sigma = 0.5, xi = 0.5
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(u = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, xi = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(u = TRUE, 
            sigma = FALSE, xi = FALSE))), list(package = "TLMoments", 
        family = "gev", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -1000), upper = c(loc = 719.78, 
        scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
        scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, 
        shape = 0), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "TLMoments", 
        family = "gpd", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01, shape = -Inf), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf, 
        shape = 900), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "TLMoments", 
        family = "gum", family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, 
        scale = 0.01), upper = c(loc = 719.78, scale = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, 
            scale = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE))), list(package = "TLMoments", family = "ln3", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = -Inf, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = 711, shape = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, scale = TRUE, shape = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = FALSE, shape = FALSE))), list(package = "tmvmixnorm", 
        family = "tuvn", family_info = list(lower = c(mean = -Inf, 
        sd = -Inf, lower = -Inf, upper = 0.5), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
        sd = Inf, lower = 0.5, upper = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, 
        sd = TRUE, lower = TRUE, upper = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0, 
        sd = 1, lower = 0.5, upper = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, lower = FALSE, upper = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
            sd = FALSE, lower = TRUE, upper = FALSE))), list(
        package = "triangle", family = "ltriangle", family_info = list(
            lower = c(a = 0.01, b = 1, logbase = 1.01), upper = c(a = 100, 
            b = Inf, logbase = Inf), accepts_float = c(a = TRUE, 
            b = TRUE, logbase = TRUE), defaults = c(a = 1, b = 100, 
            logbase = 10), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            b = TRUE, logbase = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(a = TRUE, 
            b = FALSE, logbase = FALSE))), list(package = "triangle", 
        family = "triangle", family_info = list(lower = c(a = -Inf, 
        b = 0.01), upper = c(a = 0.99, b = Inf), accepts_float = c(a = TRUE, 
        b = TRUE), defaults = c(a = 0, b = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(a = FALSE, 
            b = TRUE), supp_min_depends_on = c(a = TRUE, b = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "truncnorm", family = "truncnorm", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(b = -Inf, mean = -Inf, sd = 0
        ), upper = c(b = Inf, mean = Inf, sd = Inf), accepts_float = c(b = TRUE, 
        mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE), defaults = c(b = Inf, mean = 0, 
        sd = 1), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(b = TRUE, 
            mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(b = FALSE, 
            mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE))), list(package = "tscount", 
        family = "distr", family_info = list(lower = c(meanvalue = 0, 
        distrcoefs = -Inf), upper = c(meanvalue = Inf, distrcoefs = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(meanvalue = TRUE, distrcoefs = TRUE
        ), defaults = c(meanvalue = 0.5, distrcoefs = 0.5), log = FALSE, 
            discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(meanvalue = FALSE, distrcoefs = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(meanvalue = FALSE, distrcoefs = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "tsxtreme", family = "lapl", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(loc = -Inf, scale = 0), 
            upper = c(loc = Inf, scale = Inf), accepts_float = c(loc = TRUE, 
            scale = TRUE), defaults = c(loc = 0, scale = 1), 
            log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(loc = FALSE, 
            scale = FALSE))), list(package = "ufs", family = "Cohensd", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(populationD = -Inf, df = 0.01
        ), upper = c(populationD = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(populationD = TRUE, 
        df = TRUE), defaults = c(populationD = 0, df = 0.5), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(populationD = FALSE, 
            df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(populationD = FALSE, 
            df = FALSE))), list(package = "ufs", family = "d", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(populationD = -Inf, df = 0.01
        ), upper = c(populationD = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(populationD = TRUE, 
        df = TRUE), defaults = c(populationD = 0, df = 0.5), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(populationD = FALSE, 
            df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(populationD = FALSE, 
            df = FALSE))), list(package = "ufs", family = "omegaSq", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(populationOmegaSq = -0.33, 
        df1 = 0, df2 = 0.01), upper = c(populationOmegaSq = 1, 
        df1 = Inf, df2 = Inf), accepts_float = c(populationOmegaSq = TRUE, 
        df1 = TRUE, df2 = TRUE), defaults = c(populationOmegaSq = 0, 
        df1 = 0.5, df2 = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -6.66, support_max = 0.99, supp_max_depends_on = c(populationOmegaSq = FALSE, 
            df1 = FALSE, df2 = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(populationOmegaSq = FALSE, 
            df1 = FALSE, df2 = FALSE))), list(package = "unifed", 
        family = "unifed", family_info = list(lower = c(theta = -Inf), 
            upper = c(theta = 709.78), accepts_float = c(theta = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(theta = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0, support_max = 1, supp_max_depends_on = c(theta = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(theta = FALSE))), list(package = "VarianceGamma", 
        family = "vg", family_info = list(lower = c(vgC = -Inf, 
        sigma = 0.01, theta = -Inf, nu = 0.12), upper = c(vgC = Inf, 
        sigma = Inf, theta = Inf, nu = Inf), accepts_float = c(vgC = TRUE, 
        sigma = TRUE, theta = TRUE, nu = TRUE), defaults = c(vgC = 0, 
        sigma = 1, theta = 0, nu = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = -Inf, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(vgC = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, theta = FALSE, nu = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(vgC = FALSE, 
            sigma = FALSE, theta = FALSE, nu = FALSE))), list(
        package = "VGAMextra", family = "gen.betaII", family_info = list(
            lower = c(scale = 0.01, shape1.a = 0, shape2.p = 0, 
            shape3.q = 0.02), upper = c(scale = Inf, shape1.a = Inf, 
            shape2.p = Inf, shape3.q = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
            shape1.a = TRUE, shape2.p = TRUE, shape3.q = TRUE
            ), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape1.a = 1, shape2.p = 1, 
            shape3.q = 1), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape1.a = FALSE, shape2.p = FALSE, shape3.q = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, shape1.a = FALSE, 
            shape2.p = FALSE, shape3.q = FALSE))), list(package = "VGAMextra", 
        family = "inv.chisq", family_info = list(lower = c(df = 0.01), 
            upper = c(df = Inf), accepts_float = c(df = TRUE), 
            defaults = c(df = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, 
            support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(df = FALSE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(df = FALSE))), list(package = "VGAMextra", 
        family = "invgamma", family_info = list(lower = c(rate = 0.01, 
        shape = 0.01), upper = c(rate = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(rate = TRUE, 
        shape = TRUE), defaults = c(rate = 1, shape = 0.5), log = TRUE, 
            discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(rate = FALSE, shape = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "VGAMextra", family = "invweibull", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(scale = 0.01, shape = 0), 
            upper = c(scale = Inf, shape = Inf), accepts_float = c(scale = TRUE, 
            shape = TRUE), defaults = c(scale = 1, shape = 0.5
            ), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0.01, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(scale = FALSE, 
            shape = FALSE))), list(package = "vsgoftest", family = "laplace", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = -Inf, b = 0), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        b = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, b = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0.5, 
        b = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            b = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, b = FALSE
            ))), list(package = "vsgoftest", family = "pareto", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(mu = 0.01, c = 0), upper = c(mu = Inf, 
        c = Inf), accepts_float = c(mu = TRUE, c = TRUE), defaults = c(mu = 0.5, 
        c = 0.5), log = TRUE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, 
            c = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mu = FALSE, c = TRUE
            ))), list(package = "wiqid", family = "gamma2", family_info = list(
        lower = c(mean = 0, sd = 0), upper = c(mean = Inf, sd = Inf
        ), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0.5, 
        sd = 0.5), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = 0, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
        sd = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, sd = FALSE
        ))), list(package = "wiqid", family = "t2", family_info = list(
        lower = c(mean = -Inf, sd = -Inf, df = 0.01), upper = c(mean = Inf, 
        sd = Inf, df = Inf), accepts_float = c(mean = TRUE, sd = TRUE, 
        df = TRUE), defaults = c(mean = 0.5, sd = 0.5, df = 0.5
        ), log = FALSE, discrete = FALSE, support_min = -Inf, 
        support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
        sd = FALSE, df = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(mean = FALSE, 
        sd = FALSE, df = FALSE))), list(package = "yuima", family = "const", 
        family_info = list(lower = c(k = -Inf), upper = c(k = Inf), 
            accepts_float = c(k = TRUE), defaults = c(k = 1), 
            log = FALSE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = -Inf, 
            support_max = Inf, supp_max_depends_on = c(k = TRUE), 
            supp_min_depends_on = c(k = TRUE))), list(package = "ZIM", 
        family = "zinb", family_info = list(lower = c(k = 0, 
        lambda = 0, omega = 0), upper = c(k = Inf, lambda = Inf, 
        omega = 1), accepts_float = c(k = TRUE, lambda = TRUE, 
        omega = TRUE), defaults = c(k = 0.5, lambda = 0.5, omega = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(k = FALSE, lambda = FALSE, 
            omega = FALSE), supp_min_depends_on = c(k = FALSE, 
            lambda = FALSE, omega = FALSE))), list(package = "ZIM", 
        family = "zip", family_info = list(lower = c(lambda = 0, 
        omega = 0), upper = c(lambda = Inf, omega = 1), accepts_float = c(lambda = TRUE, 
        omega = TRUE), defaults = c(lambda = 0.5, omega = 0.5
        ), log = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, support_min = 0, support_max = Inf, 
            supp_max_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, omega = FALSE
            ), supp_min_depends_on = c(lambda = FALSE, omega = FALSE

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DistributionFitR documentation built on March 13, 2020, 3:29 a.m.