
Defines functions DynComm.time DynComm.communityMapping DynComm.nodes DynComm.vertices DynComm.edgeWeight DynComm.neighbours DynComm.edgeCount DynComm.nodesAll DynComm.verticesAll DynComm.nodesCount DynComm.vertexCount DynComm.community DynComm.communityNodeCount DynComm.communityVertexCount DynComm.communityEdgeWeight DynComm.communityTotalWeight DynComm.communityInnerEdgesWeight DynComm.communityNeighbours DynComm.communitiesEdgeCount DynComm.communities DynComm.communityCount DynComm.quality DynComm.add DynComm.addRemove DynComm.addRemoveEdges DynComm.results DynComm.select DynComm.postProcess DynComm

Documented in DynComm DynComm.add DynComm.addRemove DynComm.addRemoveEdges DynComm.communities DynComm.communitiesEdgeCount DynComm.community DynComm.communityCount DynComm.communityEdgeWeight DynComm.communityInnerEdgesWeight DynComm.communityMapping DynComm.communityNeighbours DynComm.communityNodeCount DynComm.communityTotalWeight DynComm.communityVertexCount DynComm.edgeCount DynComm.edgeWeight DynComm.neighbours DynComm.nodes DynComm.nodesAll DynComm.nodesCount DynComm.postProcess DynComm.quality DynComm.results DynComm.select DynComm.time DynComm.vertexCount DynComm.vertices DynComm.verticesAll

########################### Developer Notice ###########################
# Description:
# This file holds the DynComm user interface and its documentation.
# Internally, it dispatches calls to objects that implement the API and do the 
# actual work.
# There should never be any reason to change it unless the API or the user 
# interface changes.
# This file should only be changed at predefined locations to add algorithm 
# parameters and library imports need by new (main or post processing) algorithms.
# Libraries required by algorithms should be listed using roxygen after the 
# marker that says "List imports here".
# Algorithm parameters should be added to the matrix after the marker that says 
# "add parameters here". The first column is the parameter name and the second is 
# the default value.
# Algorithm parameters should be documented after the marker that says "document
# parameters here". The first column is the parameter name and the second is the 
# default value.
# Main algorithms are handled by the DynCommMain object. Post processing
# algorithms are handled by the DynCommPostProcess object. Changes should be in
# those objects. They can be found in the files with the same name as the object.
# More developer information can be found in the project source page on GitHub at
# https://github.com/softskillsgroup/DynComm-R-package
# Author: poltergeist0
# Date: 2019-01-01

########################### Package Documentation ###########################
#' @name DynComm-package
#' @title DynComm: Dynamic Network Communities Detection
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Bundle of algorithms used for evolving network analysis regarding 
#' community detection.
#' @details 
#' Implements several algorithms, using a common API, that calculate 
#' communities for graphs whose vertices and edges change over time.
#' Edges, which can have new vertices, can be added or deleted, and changes in 
#' the communities are calculated without recalculating communities for the 
#' entire graph.
#' @rdname DynComm-package
#' @docType package
########################### List imports here ###########################
#' @import Rcpp methods igraph
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @useDynLib DynComm
#' @section Referenced Work:
#' This package uses the following work as reference material for the 
#' implementation of the algorithms.
#' @references
#' \href{https://github.com/softskillsgroup/DynComm-R-package}{GitHub project source}
#' \insertRef{cordeiro2016dynamic}{DynComm}
#' \insertRef{Rossetti:2017:TOA:3127967.3128003}{DynComm}
#' \insertRef{RG17}{DynComm}
#' \insertRef{Sarmento2019Apr}{DynComm}
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{DynComm-package-dev}}

########################### Package Developer Documentation ###########################
#' @name DynComm-package-dev
#' @title DynComm Documentation for Developers
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @rdname DynComm-package-dev
#' @docType class
#' @description 
#' Instructs delevopers how to add new algorithms, criterion and post processing
#' algorithms to the DynComm package.
#' @details 
#' Implementing new algorithms in new packages is a lot of work.
#' With this package, we try to accomplish two things: make the addition of new 
#' algorithms easier and concentrate dynamic community detection algorithms in a
#' single package, no matter the language used to write them.
#' Always read the entirety of the instructions even if they do not seem to apply 
#' to your case. Care was taken to make the instructions as general as possible, 
#' mentioning specificities only when they differ from the general case.
#' Most of the instructions described are for algorithms writen in R, since it is 
#' the language used for the user interface and is the easiest to integrate.
#' Algorithms writen in other languages will also need this information in order 
#' to know the types of the inputs and outputs of the functions.
#' It is advisable to always read the "Developer Notice" on the beginning of the 
#' files mentioned in these instructions. It will contain useful information about
#' the source code on the file and where new code can be added.
#' Whenever "Project", "Project Page" or "Project source" is mentioned, the 
#' developer should know that it refers to the project source code page on 
#' GitHub (\href{https://github.com/softskillsgroup/DynComm-R-package}{GitHub project source}).
#' The project source has the following organization:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\strong{Root}}{
#' This is the root folder of the project source code.
#' It contains files about the project source code and the folders "dev", "R-CRAN", 
#' "test" and "standalone".
#'     \describe{
#'       \item{\strong{dev}}{
#' Folder with templates for developers of new main algorithms, new criterion and 
#' new post processing algorithms. Also contains these instructions in text 
#' format.
#'       }
#'       \item{\strong{R-CRAN}}{
#' Contains the source code for the actual DynComm package. Internally, has the 
#' same organization as required by any R package project. The most important 
#' folders are named "inst", "src" and "R".
#'         \describe{
#'           \item{\strong{inst}}{
#' Contains a file named "REFERENCES.bib" where bibliographic references are 
#' stored using the bibtex format.
#'           }
#'           \item{\strong{src}}{
#' The root of this folder contains files in other languages that implement an
#' interaction layer between R and the respective programming language. The actual
#' source code that implements a certain algorithm is placed inside a sub-folder
#' named after the programming language inside the folder "base".\cr
#' As an example, the Dynamic Louvain algorithm used in this package was 
#' implemented in C++11. There is a file named "DynCommRcpp.cpp" which
#' implements the interaction layer using Rcpp. This layer only converts data 
#' types from R to C++, instantiates a Louvain object and redirects calls to 
#' methods of that object on the C++ source file named "DynCommBase.h".
#'           }
#'           \item{\strong{R}}{
#' This is the folder that contains all R source code files where the architecture 
#' of the package is implemented, along with some main algorithms and post 
#' processing algorithms, and all the documentation.\cr
#' Some of the adaptation layers for some programming languages, like Python, are 
#' in this folder since they must be implemented inside an R source file, as 
#' opposed to programming languages like C++ where Rcpp must be inside a C++ 
#' source code file.
#'           }
#'         }
#'       }
#'       \item{\strong{test}}{
#' Folder with a few sample files with data that can be used to run examples and 
#' test the code.
#'       }
#'       \item{\strong{standalone}}{
#' Contains the standalone (command line) versions of the algorithms, for the 
#' algorithms that provide them, in case anyone wants to run the algorithms 
#' outside of the R environment.\cr
#' Each program is inside a folder with the name of the programming language used
#' to implement it. As an example, C++ programs are inside a folder named "Cpp".\cr
#' Not all algorithms may be implemented and some functionality might be slightly
#' different from the one used in the R environment.
#' Post processing algorithms are not provided.
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' In case of doubt, missing information or if you are implementing in a language 
#' that is still not supported, contact the maintainer of the package.
#' Follow the instructions of the links below in order to add your main algorithm,
#' criterion or post processing algorithm, respectively. 
#' @section I am implementing a:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Main algorithm}{See \code{\link{ALGORITHM-dev}}}
#'   \item{Criterion}{See \code{\link{CRITERION-dev}}}
#'   \item{Post processing algorithm}{See \code{\link{POSTPROCESSING-dev}}}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{DynComm-package}}


########################### API Documentation ###########################
#' @name DynComm
# @aliases Dyncomm dyncomm
#' @title DynComm
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Provides a single interface for all algorithms in the different 
#' languages.
#' @details 
#' Includes methods to get results of processing and to interact with the 
#' vertices, edges and communities.
#' Provided methods to return information on the graph are divided into two 
#' layers. A lower level layer that interacts with vertices and how they 
#' connect. And a higher level layer that interacts with communities and how 
#' they connect.
#' Besides the main algorithm, also accepts post processing algorithms that are 
#' used mainly to filter the results. Post processing algorithms can use 
#' additional computational resources so check the Performance section of the
#' help page of each algorithm you intend to use.
#' @rdname DynComm
#' @docType class
#' @usage DynComm(Algorithm,Criterion,Parameters)
#' @param Algorithm One of the available ALGORITHM. Default ALGORITHM$LOUVAIN. 
#'   See \code{\link{ALGORITHM}}
#' @param Criterion One of the available CRITERION. Default CRITERION$MODULARITY.
#'   See \code{\link{CRITERION}}
#' @param Parameters A two column matrix defining additional parameters. Default NULL.
#'  See the PARAMETERS section on this page
#' @return \code{DynComm} object
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{DynComm-package}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#' matrix(
#' c(10,20,10,30,20,30,30,60,40,60,40,50,50,70,60,70)
#' ,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
#' )
#' ## or
#' ## dc$addRemoveEdges("initial_graph.txt")
#' dc$communityCount()
#' ## You can use the non inline version of the functions
#' DynComm.communities(dc)
#' ## Several alias have been defined.
#' ## In this case, communityNodeCount is alias of communityVertexCount
#' dc$communityNodeCount(10)
#' dc$communityNeighbours(10)
#' dc$communityInnerEdgesWeight(10)
#' dc$communityTotalWeight(10)
#' dc$communityEdgeWeight(10,40)
#' dc$community(10) ##this parameter is a vertex not a community. Do not confuse them 
#' dc$vertices(10)
#' dc$communityMapping(TRUE)
#' dc$quality()
#' dc$time()
#' ## lets add post processing :)
#' dc$postProcess(
#' list(
#' )
#' )
#' ## the results of the last step of post processing are selected automatically
#' ## densopt post processing algorithm may change the community mapping so...
#' ## check it
#' dc$communityMapping(TRUE)
#' ## densopt post processing algorithm may change quality so check it
#' dc$quality()
#' ## time is now the total time of the main algorithm plus the time of every...
#' ## post processing algorithm up to the one selected
#' dc$time()
#' ## get back to main algorithm results to check they haven't changed
#' dc$communityMapping(TRUE)
#' dc$quality()
#' dc$time()
#' ## add and remove edges. Notice that there is one more column to give...
#' ## weights of zero on the edges to remove. In this case, all other weights...
#' ## are ignored because the graph is set to ignore weights (parameter w is...
#' ## false).
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#' matrix(
#' c(30,60,0,40,60,0.23,10,80,2342,80,90,3.1415)
#' ,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
#' )
#' ## since the post processing was not reset, it will be automatically...
#' ## calculated and results switched to the last step. In this case, to the...
#' ## densopt algorithm
#' dc$communityMapping(TRUE)
#' dc$quality()
#' dc$time()
#' ## get back to main algorithm results to check them
#' dc$communityMapping(TRUE)
#' dc$quality()
#' dc$time()
#' ## lets reset/remove post processing
#' dc$postProcess()
########################### document parameters here ###########################
#' @section PARAMETERS:
#' A two column matrix defining additional parameters to be passed to the
#' selected ALGORITHM and CRITERION.
#' The first column names the parameter and the second defines its value.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{
#'   c
#'   }{
#'   Owsinski-Zadrozny quality function parameter. 
#'   Values [0.0:1.0]. Default: 0.5
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'   k
#'   }{
#'   Shi-Malik quality function kappa_min value. 
#'   Value > 0 . Default 1
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'   w
#'   }{
#'   Treat graph as weighted. In other words, do not ignore weights for edges 
#'   that define them when inserting edges in the graph.
#'   A weight of exactly zero removes the edge instead of inserting so its
#'   weight is never ignored.
#'   Without this parameter defined or for edges that do not have a weight defined, 
#'   edges are assigned the default value of 1 (one).
#'   As an example, reading from a file may define weights (a third column) for
#'   some edges (defined in rows, one per row) and not for others. With this
#'   parameter defined, the edges that have weights that are not exactly zero,
#'   have their weight replaced by the default value. 
#'   Values TRUE,FALSE. Default FALSE
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'   e
#'   }{
#'   Stops when, on a cycle of the algorithm, the quality is increased by less 
#'   than the value given in this parameter.
#'   Value > 0 . Default 0.01
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'   cv
#'   }{
#'   Community-Vertex.
#'   Boolean parameter that indicates if sending community mapping to a file
#'   prints the community first, if true, or the vertex first, if false. See
#'   \code{\link{communityMapping}} for details.
#'   Default TRUE
#'   }
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{

# derived from example in https://www.cyclismo.org/tutorial/R/s3Classes.html
DynComm <- function(Algorithm=ALGORITHM$LOUVAIN,Criterion=CRITERION$MODULARITY,Parameters=NULL)
  ## Get the environment for this
  ## instance of the function.
  thisEnv <- environment()
  ########## constructor #############
  prm <- NULL
  # print(Parameters)
  if(is.null(Parameters) || !is.matrix(Parameters) || ncol(Parameters)!=2){
    # not a valid parameters matrix. Use default values for all parameters
        ,"w", "FALSE"
        ,"cv", "TRUE"
  ########################### add parameters here ###########################
      ),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE
    # is valid matrix
  alg <- DynCommMain(Algorithm,Criterion,prm)  #main algorithm
  pst <- POSTPROCESSING$NONE  #post processing flag redirects function calls to post processing object. Set to NONE on add/remove edge
  pstid <- 1
  act <- NULL   #list of actions and their parameters to recreate after adding/removing edges. It is delayed until requested.
  prc <- NULL   #pointer to last object in list of post processing objects. They are chained in series. Head is main algorithm
  ## internal function that recreates the post processing chain
  internalRecreatePostProcessing = function(){
    # invalidate previous post processing. Results are outdated
    # validate no actions
    if(is.null(act) || length(act)<=0){
      #setting to NULL always succeeds
      assign("act", NULL,thisEnv)
    else{#act not NULL and has values
      # validate actions list does not contain POSTPROCESSING$NONE
      for (cnt in act) {
        if((!is.null(cnt)) && is.list(cnt) && length(cnt)>0){
      for (cnt in act) {
        if(is.null(prc)){#no actions yet
          # assign main algorithm to queue
        else{#actions exist
          # if there is more than the main algorithm, get biggest id for the current action
            # increment id while a post processing object of the given type exists
        # select the latest post processing algorithm and id as default for posterior user operations
        assign("pst", cnt[[1]],thisEnv)
        assign("pstid", i,thisEnv)
        # create post processing object and assign it to the end of the queue
        tmp <- DynCommPostProcess(pst,pstid,prc,cnt[2])
          #TODO improve error message
          print("Invalid post processing")
  internalAddRemoveEdges = function(graphAddRemove=""){
    # invalidate previous post processing queue. Results will be outdated
    # update graph
    if(is.matrix(graphAddRemove) && ncol(graphAddRemove)>1 && ncol(graphAddRemove)<4){#test for matrix
    else if(is.character(graphAddRemove) && length(graphAddRemove)==1 && nchar(graphAddRemove)>0){#file was given
    else{#neither file nor matrix
      print("Invalid input")
      #attempt to recreate post processing
  ## Create the list used to represent an
  ## object for this class
  me <- list(
    ## Define the environment where this list is defined so
    ## that I can refer to it later.
    thisEnv = thisEnv,
    #'   \item{postProcess(actions)}{
    #'   Set a list of post processing steps. See \code{\link{postProcess}}
    #'   }
    postProcess = function(actions=NULL){
      if((!is.null(actions)) && (!is.list(actions))){
        # if not NULL and not a list assign default
        assign("act", NULL,thisEnv)
      else{#is list or NULL
        assign("act", actions,thisEnv)
    #'   \item{select(postProcessing,id)}{
    #'   Select between getting the results of the algorithm or one of the post 
    #'   processing steps. See \code{\link{select}}
    #'   }
    select = function(postProcessing=POSTPROCESSING$NONE, id=1)
          #recreate post processing chain
          if(!b){#failed to recreate post processing}
        if(prc$exists(postProcessing, id)){
          #there is no such post processing
    #'   \item{results(differential)}{
    #'   Get additional results of the algorithm or the currently selected post 
    #'   processing steps. See \code{\link{results}}
    #'   }
    results = function(differential=TRUE){
      if(pst==POSTPROCESSING$NONE){#get from algorithm
      else{#get from post processing

    #'   \item{addRemoveEdges(graphAddRemove)}{
    #'   Add and remove edges read from a matrix or file. See \code{\link{addRemoveEdges}}
    #'   }
    addRemoveEdges = function(graphAddRemove=""){
      # # invalidate previous post processing queue. Results will be outdated
      # assign("pst",POSTPROCESSING$NONE,thisEnv)
      # assign("prc",NULL,thisEnv)
      # # update graph
      # b<-FALSE
      # if(is.matrix(graphAddRemove) && ncol(graphAddRemove)>1 && ncol(graphAddRemove)<4){#test for matrix
      #   b<-alg$addRemoveEdgesMatrix(graphAddRemove)
      # }
      # else if(is.character(graphAddRemove) && length(graphAddRemove)==1 && nchar(graphAddRemove)>0){#file was given
      #   b<-alg$addRemoveEdgesFile(graphAddRemove)
      # }
      # else{#neither file nor matrix
      #   print("Invalid input")
      #   return(FALSE)
      # }
      # if(b){
      #   #attempt to recreate post processing
      #   b<-internalRecreatePostProcessing()
      # }
      # return(b)

    #'   \item{addRemove(graphAddRemove)}{Alias for addRemoveEdges(). See \code{\link{addRemoveEdges}}}
    addRemove = function(graphAddRemove=""){
      # return(addRemoveEdges(graphAddRemove))
    #'   \item{add(graphAddRemove)}{Alias for addRemoveEdges(). See \code{\link{addRemoveEdges}}}
    add = function(graphAddRemove=""){
      # return(addRemoveEdges(graphAddRemove))
    #'   \item{quality()}{
    #'   Get the quality measurement of the graph after the last iteration. 
    #'   See \code{\link{quality}}
    #'   }
    #'   \item{communityCount()}{
    #'   Get the number of communities after the last iteration. 
    #'   See \code{\link{communityCount}}
    #'   }
    #'   \item{communities()}{Get all communities after the last iteration. See \code{\link{communities}}}
    #'   \item{communitiesEdgeCount()}{Get the number of community to community edges in the graph. See \code{\link{communitiesEdgeCount}}}
    communitiesEdgeCount=function() {
    #'   \item{communityNeighbours(community)}{
    #'   Get the neighbours of the given community after the last iteration. 
    #'   See \code{\link{communityNeighbours}}
    #'   }
    #'   \item{communityInnerEdgesWeight(community)}{
    #'   Get the sum of weights of the inner edges of the given community after 
    #'   the last iteration. See \code{\link{communityInnerEdgesWeight}}
    #'   }
    #'   \item{communityTotalWeight(community)}{
    #'   Get the sum of weights of all edges of the given community after the 
    #'   last iteration. See \code{\link{communityTotalWeight}}
    #'   }
    #'   \item{communityEdgeWeight(source,destination)}{
    #'   Get the weight of the edge that goes from source community to destination 
    #'   community after the last iteration. See \code{\link{communityEdgeWeight}}
    #'   }
    #'   \item{communityVertexCount(community)}{
    #'   Get the amount of vertices in the given community after the last 
    #'   iteration. See \code{\link{communityVertexCount}}
    #'   }
      # if(pst==POSTPROCESSING$NONE){
      #   return(alg$communityVertexCount(community))
      # }
      # else{
      #   return(prc$communityVertexCount(community,pst,pstid))
      # }
    #'   \item{communityNodeCount(community)}{Alias for communityVertexCount(). See \code{\link{communityVertexCount}}}
      # return(communityVertexCount(community))
    #'   \item{community(vertex)}{
    #'   Get the community of the given vertex after the last iteration. 
    #'   See \code{\link{community}}
    #'   }
    #'   \item{vertexCount()}{
    #'   Get the total number of vertices after the last iteration. See \code{\link{vertexCount}}
    #'   }
      # if(pst==POSTPROCESSING$NONE){
      #   return(alg$vertexCount())
      # }
      # else{
      #   return(prc$vertexCount(pst,pstid))
      # }

    #'   \item{nodesCount()}{Alias for vertexCount(). See \code{\link{vertexCount}}}
      # return(vertexCount())
    #'   \item{verticesAll()}{
    #'   Get all vertices in the graph after the last iteration. See \code{\link{verticesAll}}
    #'   }
      # if(pst==POSTPROCESSING$NONE){
      #   return(alg$verticesAll())
      # }
      # else{
      #   return(prc$verticesAll(pst,pstid))
      # }
    #'   \item{nodesAll()}{Alias for verticesAll(). See \code{\link{verticesAll}}}
      # return(verticesAll())
    #'   \item{neighbours(vertex)}{
    #'   Get the neighbours of the given vertex after the last iteration. See \code{\link{neighbours}}
    #'   }
    #'   \item{edgeWeight(source,destination)}{
    #'   Get the weight of the edge that goes from source vertex to destination 
    #'   vertex after the last iteration. See \code{\link{edgeWeight}}
    #'   }
      # if(pst==POSTPROCESSING$NONE){
      #   return(alg$edgeWeight(source,destination))
      # }
      # else{
      #   return(prc$edgeWeight(source,destination,pst,pstid))
      # }
    #'   \item{edge(source,destination)}{Alias for edgeWeight(). See \code{\link{edgeWeight}}}
      # return(edgeWeight(source,destination))
    #'   \item{vertices(community)}{
    #'   Get all vertices belonging to the given community after the last iteration. 
    #'   See \code{\link{vertices}}
    #'   }
      # if(pst==POSTPROCESSING$NONE){
      #   return(alg$vertices(community))
      # }
      # else{
      #   return(prc$vertices(community,pst,pstid))
      # }
    #'   \item{nodes(community)}{Alias for vertices(community). See \code{\link{vertices}}}
      # return(vertices(community))
    #'   \item{edgeCount()}{Get the number of vertex to vertex edges in the graph. See \code{\link{edgeCount}}}
    edgeCount=function() {
    #'   \item{communityMapping(differential, file)}{
    #'   Get the community mapping for all communities after the last iteration.
    #'   See \code{\link{communityMapping}}
    #'   }
    communityMapping = function(differential=TRUE, file=""){
        if(is.character(file) && length(file)==1 && nchar(file)>0){#file was given
        if(is.character(file) && length(file)==1 && nchar(file)>0){#file was given
    #'   \item{time(differential)}{
    #'   Get the cumulative time spent on processing after the last iteration. 
    #'   See \code{\link{time}}
    #'   }
      # print("DynComm")
      # print(pst)
    #'   \item{version()}{
    #'   Get the source code versions of the different sources. 
    #'   See \code{\link{version}}
    #'   }
#    version=function(){
#      # print("DynComm")
#      # print(pst)
#      if(pst==POSTPROCESSING$NONE){
#        return(alg$version())
#      }
#      else{
#        return(prc$version(pst,pstid))
#      }
#    }
  # close methods section of the documentation
  #' }

  ## Define the value of the list within the current environment.
  ## Set the name for the class
  class(me) <- append(class(me),"DynComm")

#' @name postProcess
# @aliases postprocess
#' @title postProcess(actions)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' This method receives a list of actions to perform in post processing in the 
#' same order they are listed from left to right.
#' @details 
#' Several actions of the same type are allowed. They receive an internal ID
#' number that starts at one and increments by one unit with each action of the 
#' same type. Later, this ID can be used to select the intended action and get 
#' results from it.
#' Post processing can be reset (removed) be setting actions to NULL (default 
#' value) or passing an empty list.
#' The format of the actions is a list of action. Each action is a list of the
#' action name (see \code{\link{POSTPROCESSING}}) and parameters. The parameters
#' is a matrix of two columns, the first having the name of the parameter and, 
#' the second, the value of the parameter. The parameters is optional, and may 
#' be missing, in which case default values are used, if required at all.
#' The parameters accepted by each post processing algorithm can be found on the
#' help page of each respective algorithm.
#' This slighty awkward syntax is due to R not supporting matrix of matrices.
#' @rdname postProcess
#' @docType methods
#' @usage
# postProcess(actions)
#' DynComm.postProcess(dyncomm,actions)
#' @param actions A list of post processing actions/steps
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @method DynComm postProcess
#' @return FALSE if any kind of error occurred. Otherwise, TRUE
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{DynComm}} 
#' , \code{\link{select}} 
#' , \code{\link{POSTPROCESSING}}
#' @export DynComm.postProcess
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#'   dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'    matrix(
#'       c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#'   )
#'   dc$postProcess(
#'     list(
#'   	)
#'   )
#'  dc$select(POSTPROCESSING$DENSOPT)  #selects the results of densopt
#'  dc$select(POSTPROCESSING$NONE)  #selects the main algorithm results
#'  dc$postProcess(NULL)  #remove post processing
#'  ## or just
#'  ## dc$postProcess()
DynComm.postProcess <- function(dyncomm,actions=NULL){

#' @name select
#' @title select(postProcessing, id)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' This method allows for the selection of which result should be shown. Any of 
#' the post processing algorithms and the main algorithm can be choosen.
#' @details 
#' The ID parameter is used to distinguish between several post processing 
#' algorithms of the same type. It is not required for neither the main 
#' algorithm nor any post processing algorithm type that only appears one time.
#' The main algorithm can be selected with POSTPROCESSING$NONE (default value) 
#' and the ID is ignored. See \code{\link{POSTPROCESSING}} for other available 
#' algorithms.
#' If there are no actions defined for post processing, this function fails.
#' @rdname select
#' @docType methods
#' @usage
#' DynComm.select(dyncomm,postProcessing, id)
#' @param postProcessing The name of the post processing algorithm. Default 
#' @param id The ID of the post processing algorithm. Default value is 1
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @method DynComm select
#' @return FALSE if the algorithm does not exist in the chain. Otherwise, TRUE
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.select
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#'   dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'    matrix(
#'       c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#'   )
#'   dc$postProcess(
#'     list(
#'   	)
#'   )
#'  dc$select(POSTPROCESSING$DENSOPT)  #selects the results of densopt
#'  dc$select(POSTPROCESSING$NONE)  #selects the main algorithm results
#'  dc$postProcess(NULL)  #remove post processing
#'  ## or just
#'  ## dc$postProcess()
DynComm.select <- function(dyncomm,postProcessing=POSTPROCESSING$NONE, id=1){
  return(dyncomm$select(postProcessing=POSTPROCESSING$NONE, id=1))

#' @name results
#' @title results(differential)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' This method returns additional results from the selected post processing
#' algorithm or the main algorithm. See \code{\link{select}} to know how to 
#' select an algorithm.
#' @details 
#' Additional results are any results other than those returned by other 
#' existing functions like \code{\link{quality}}, \code{\link{time}} and 
#' \code{\link{communityMapping}}.
#' Passing the parameter differential set to TRUE, will return only results that
#' have changed from the previous to last iteration.
#' @rdname results
#' @docType methods
#' @usage
# results(differential)
#' DynComm.results(dyncomm,differential)
#' @param differential If TRUE, only values that have changed in the latest run 
#'   will be returned
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @method DynComm results
#' @return a two column matrix where, the first column is the name of the 
#' result and, the second column is its value.
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(10,20,10,30,20,30,30,60,40,60,40,50,50,70,60,70)
#'    ,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
#' )
#' dc$results()
DynComm.results <- function(dyncomm,differential=TRUE){

#' @name addRemoveEdges
#' @aliases DynComm.addRemove DynComm.add
#' @title addRemoveEdges(graphAddRemove)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' This method reads edges from either a matrix or a file and adds or removes 
#' them to/from the graph.
#' @details 
#' If the weight is exactly zero, the edge is removed from the graph.
#' If a vertex, mentioned in the source or destination, does not exist it will be 
#' added to the graph.
#' If any post processing algorithm exists, it is automatically calculated after
#' the main algorithm.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Matrix input}{
#' The matrix must have at least two columns with the source and destination
#' vertices.
#' If all edges are to be added with the default weight, a third column 
#' is optional. 
#' If any edge is to be removed, the third column is mandatory.
#'   }
#'   \item{File input}{
#' The file must have only one edge per line, with values separated by a white
#' space (both SPACE and TAB work in any amount and combination). The line must 
#' end with a newline character (also known as linefeed, LF or '\\n').
#' The first value is the source vertex, the second is the destination vertex, 
#' and the third is the weight.
#' The weight can be ommited if the edge is to be added using the default weight
#' of 1 (one), or if the parameter to ignore weights was set.
#' The method detects automatically if the weight is present on a row by row basis 
#' so some rows may have weights defined and others not.
#'   }
#' @rdname addRemoveEdges
#' @docType methods
#' @usage
# addRemoveEdges(graphAddRemove)
#' DynComm.addRemoveEdges(dyncomm,graphAddRemove)
# addRemove(graphAddRemove)
#' DynComm.addRemove(dyncomm,graphAddRemove)
# add(graphAddRemove)
#' DynComm.add(dyncomm,graphAddRemove)
#' @param graphAddRemove Either the matrix or the filename that contains the 
#'   edges to add/remove
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @method DynComm addRemoveEdges
#' @return FALSE if any kind of error occurred. Otherwise, TRUE
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.addRemoveEdges
#' @export DynComm.addRemove
#' @export DynComm.add
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' #adding edges with the use of a matrix
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(10,20,10,30,20,30,30,60,40,60,40,50,50,70,60,70)
#'    ,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
#' )
#' #adding edges with the use of a file
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(system.file("extdata","graphAddRemoveFile.txt",package = "DynComm"))

DynComm.addRemoveEdges <- function(dyncomm,graphAddRemove){
DynComm.addRemove <- function(dyncomm,graphAddRemove){
DynComm.add <- function(dyncomm,graphAddRemove){

#' @name quality
#' @title quality()
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the quality measurement of the graph from the selected post processing
#' algorithm or the main algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @rdname quality
#' @docType methods
#' @usage 
# quality()
#' DynComm.quality(dyncomm)
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @method DynComm quality
#' @return a floating point number
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.quality
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(10,20,10,30,20,30,30,60,40,60,40,50,50,70,60,70)
#'    ,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
#' )
#' dc$quality()
DynComm.quality <- function(dyncomm){

#' @name communityCount
# @aliases communityCount
#' @title communityCount()
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the number of communities from the selected post processing algorithm or 
#' the main algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @rdname communityCount
#' @docType methods
#' @usage 
# communityCount()
#' DynComm.communityCount(dyncomm)
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @method DynComm communityCount
#' @return an unsigned integer value with the number of communities
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.communityCount
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$communityCount()
DynComm.communityCount <- function(dyncomm){

#' @name communities
#' @title communities()
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' This method returns all communities from the selected post processing
#' algorithm or the main algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @rdname communities
#' @docType methods
#' @usage 
# communities()
#' DynComm.communities(dyncomm)
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @method DynComm communities
#' @return a list of all communities
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.communities
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(10,20,10,30,20,30,30,60,40,60,40,50,50,70,60,70)
#'    ,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
DynComm.communities = function(dyncomm){

#' @name communitiesEdgeCount
#' @title communitiesEdgeCount()
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' This method returns the number of community to community edges in the graph
#' from the selected post processing algorithm or the main algorithm, after the 
#' last iteration.
#' @rdname communitiesEdgeCount
#' @docType methods
#' @usage 
# communitiesEdgeCount()
#' DynComm.communitiesEdgeCount(dyncomm)
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @method DynComm communitiesEdgeCount
#' @return the number of community to community edges in the graph
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.communitiesEdgeCount
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$communitiesEdgeCount()
DynComm.communitiesEdgeCount=function(dyncomm) {

#' @name communityNeighbours
#' @title communityNeighbours(community)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get all neighbours (communities connected through direct edges) of the given 
#' community in the graph from the selected post processing algorithm or the main 
#' algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @details 
#' The return value is a matrix with two columns. The first is the neighbour and
#' the second is the weight of the edge that connects them.
#' @rdname communityNeighbours
#' @docType methods
#' @param community The community to get neighbours from
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#' function call
#' @usage 
# communityNeighbours(community)
#' DynComm.communityNeighbours(dyncomm,community)
#' @method DynComm communityNeighbours
#' @return a matrix of all communities in the graph that are neighbours of the 
#' given community and their edge weight
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.communityNeighbours
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' ) 
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$communityNeighbours(12)
DynComm.communityNeighbours <- function(dyncomm,community){

#' @name communityInnerEdgesWeight
#' @title communityInnerEdgesWeight(community)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the sum of weights of the inner edges of the given community from the 
#' selected post processing algorithm or the main algorithm, after the last 
#' iteration.
#' @rdname communityInnerEdgesWeight
#' @docType methods
#' @param community The name of the intended community
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @usage 
# communityInnerEdgesWeight(community)
#' DynComm.communityInnerEdgesWeight(dyncomm,community)
#' @method DynComm communityInnerEdgesWeight
#' @return a floating point number with the weight
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.communityInnerEdgesWeight
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$communityInnerEdgesWeight(1)
#' dc$communityInnerEdgesWeight(0)
DynComm.communityInnerEdgesWeight <- function(dyncomm,community){

#' @name communityTotalWeight
#' @title communityTotalWeight(community)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the sum of weights of all edges of the given community from the selected 
#' post processing algorithm or the main algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @rdname communityTotalWeight
#' @docType methods
#' @param community The name of the intended community
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @usage 
# communityTotalWeight(community)
#' DynComm.communityTotalWeight(dyncomm,community)
#' @method DynComm communityTotalWeight
#' @return a floating point number with the weight
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.communityTotalWeight
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$communityTotalWeight(1)
#' dc$communityTotalWeight(12)
DynComm.communityTotalWeight <- function(dyncomm,community){

#' @name communityEdgeWeight
#' @title communityEdgeWeight(source,destination)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the weight of the edge that goes from source community to destination 
#' community from the selected post processing algorithm or the main algorithm, 
#' after the last iteration.
#' @rdname communityEdgeWeight
#' @docType methods
#' @param source The name of the source community that is part of the edge
#' @param destination The name of the destination community that is part of the 
#'   edge
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @usage 
# communityEdgeWeight(source,destination)
#' DynComm.communityEdgeWeight(dyncomm,source,destination)
#' @method DynComm communityEdgeWeight
#' @return a floating point number with the weight
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.communityEdgeWeight
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$communityEdgeWeight(0,12)
DynComm.communityEdgeWeight <- function(dyncomm,source,destination){

#' @name communityVertexCount
#' @aliases DynComm.communityNodeCount
#' @title communityVertexCount(community)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the amount of vertices in the given community from the selected post 
#' processing algorithm or the main algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @rdname communityVertexCount
#' @docType methods
#' @param community The name of the intended community
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#' function call
#' @usage 
# communityVertexCount(community)
#' DynComm.communityVertexCount(dyncomm,community)
# communityNodeCount(community)
#' DynComm.communityNodeCount(dyncomm,community)
#' @method DynComm communityVertexCount
#' @return an unsigned integer with the number of vertices in the given community
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.communityVertexCount
#' @export DynComm.communityNodeCount
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$communityVertexCount(12)
DynComm.communityVertexCount <- function(dyncomm,community){
DynComm.communityNodeCount <- function(dyncomm,community){

#' @name community
#' @title community(vertex)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the community of the given vertex from the selected post processing
#' algorithm or the main algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @rdname community
#' @docType methods
#' @param vertex The name of the intended vertex
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#' function call
#' @usage 
# community(vertex)
#' DynComm.community(dyncomm,vertex)
#' @method DynComm community
#' @return an unsigned integer with the community of the given vertex
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.community
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$community(1)
DynComm.community <- function(dyncomm,vertex){

#' @name vertexCount
#' @aliases DynComm.nodesCount
#' @title vertexCount()
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the total number of vertices from the selected post processing
#' algorithm or the main algorithm, after the last iteration. 
#' @details
#' It can be useful since vertices can be added, if an edge being added has vertices 
#' that do not exist in the graph, or removed, if they are not part of any edge after 
#' removing an edge.
#' @rdname vertexCount
#' @docType methods
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#' function call
#' @usage 
# vertexCount()
#' DynComm.vertexCount(dyncomm)
# nodesCount()
#' DynComm.nodesCount(dyncomm)
#' @method DynComm vertexCount
#' @return an unsigned integer with the number of vertices in the graph
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.vertexCount
# @export DynComm.nodeCount
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$communityVertexCount(12)
DynComm.vertexCount <- function(dyncomm){
DynComm.nodesCount <- function(dyncomm){

#' @name verticesAll
#' @aliases DynComm.nodesAll
#' @title verticesAll()
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get all vertices in the graph from the selected post processing algorithm or 
#' the main algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @rdname verticesAll
#' @docType methods
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#' function call
#' @usage 
# verticesAll()
#' DynComm.verticesAll(dyncomm)
# nodesAll()
#' DynComm.nodesAll(dyncomm)
#' @method DynComm verticesAll
#' @return a list of all vertices in the graph
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.verticesAll
#' @export DynComm.nodesAll
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$verticesAll()
DynComm.verticesAll <- function(dyncomm){
DynComm.nodesAll <- function(dyncomm){

#' @name edgeCount
#' @title edgeCount()
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' This method returns the number of vertex to vertex edges in the graph from the
#' selected post processing algorithm or the main algorithm, after the last 
#' iteration.
#' @rdname edgeCount
#' @docType methods
#' @usage 
# edgeCount()
#' DynComm.edgeCount(dyncomm)
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#'   function call
#' @method DynComm edgeCount
#' @return the number of vertex to vertex edges in the graph
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.edgeCount
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$edgeCount()
DynComm.edgeCount=function(dyncomm) {

#' @name neighbours
#' @title neighbours(vertex)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get all neighbours (vertices connected through direct edges) of the given 
#' vertex in the graph from the selected post processing algorithm or the main 
#' algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @rdname neighbours
#' @docType methods
#' @param vertex The vertex to get neighbours from
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#' function call
#' @usage 
# neighbours(vertex)
#' DynComm.neighbours(dyncomm,vertex)
#' @method DynComm neighbours
#' @return a matrix of all vertices in the graph that are neighbours of the 
#' given vertex and their edge weight
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.neighbours
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$neighbours(2)
DynComm.neighbours <- function(dyncomm,vertex){

#' @name edgeWeight
#' @title edgeWeight(source,destination)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the weight of the edge that goes from source vertex to destination vertex 
#' from the selected post processing algorithm or the main algorithm, after the 
#' last iteration.
#' @rdname edgeWeight
#' @docType methods
#' @param source The name of the source vertex that is part of the edge
#' @param destination The name of the destination vertex that is part of the edge
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#' function call
#' @usage 
# edgeWeight(source,destination)
#' DynComm.edgeWeight(dyncomm,source,destination)
#' @method DynComm edgeWeight
#' @return a floating point number with the weight
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.edgeWeight
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$edgeWeight(0,2)
DynComm.edgeWeight <- function(dyncomm,source,destination){

#' @name vertices
#' @aliases DynComm.nodes
#' @title vertices(community)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get all vertices belonging to the given community from the selected post 
#' processing algorithm or the main algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @rdname vertices
#' @docType methods
#' @param community The name of the intended community
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#' function call
#' @usage 
# vertices(community)
#' DynComm.vertices(dyncomm,community)
# nodes(community)
#' DynComm.nodes(dyncomm,community)
#' @method DynComm vertices
#' @return a list of vertices belonging to the given community
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.vertices
#' @export DynComm.nodes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$vertices(12)
DynComm.vertices <- function(dyncomm,community){
DynComm.nodes <- function(dyncomm,community){

#' @name communityMapping
#' @title communityMapping(differential, file)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the community mapping for all communities from the selected post processing
#' algorithm or the main algorithm, after the last iteration.
#' @details 
#' If file is not given, returns a two column matrix with vertices in 
#' the first column and the communities in the second.
#' If file is given, returns a single row, single column matrix with TRUE or 
#' FALSE, depending whether if writing to file succeeded or failed, respectively.
#' When writing to file, if the Community-Vertex program parameter is TRUE, each 
#' line of the file will have the community first, followed by a list of vertices
#' that belong to the community. If that parameter is FALSE, each line will have
#' a single vertex followed by its community. All values are separated by a white
#' character.
#' @rdname communityMapping
#' @docType methods
#' @param differential If TRUE, only values that have changed in the latest run 
#' will be returned
#' @param file If given, outputs the community mapping to the given file instead 
#' of the console
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#' function call
#' @usage 
# communityMapping(differential)
#' DynComm.communityMapping(dyncomm,differential, file)
#' @method DynComm communityMapping
#' @return a matrix with either the community mapping or a boolean value
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.communityMapping
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$communities()
#' dc$communityMapping()
DynComm.communityMapping <- function(dyncomm,differential=TRUE, file=""){

#' @name time
# @aliases time
#' @title time(differential=FALSE)
#' @author poltergeist0
#' @description 
#' Get the time, in nanoseconds, spent on processing after the last iteration.
#' @details 
#' If the differential parameter is set, the time taken by the last iteration
#' will be returned. Otherwise, the default behaviour is to, return the 
#' accumulated time spent on processing since the creation of the DynComm 
#' object.
#' If post processing exists, the time returned by this function will include
#' the processing time of all post processing algorithms up to the selected one.
#' @rdname time
#' @docType methods
#' @param differential Select between differential and accumulated time.
#' @param dyncomm A DynComm object, if not using the inline version of the 
#' function call
#' @usage
# time()
#' DynComm.time(dyncomm,differential)
#' @method DynComm time
#' @return an unsigned integer with the total processing time
#' @seealso \code{\link{DynComm}} , \code{\link{postProcess}}
#' @export DynComm.time
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(DynComm)
#' Parameters<-matrix(c("e","0.1","w", "FALSE"),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
#' dc$addRemoveEdges(
#'  matrix(
#'    c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,12,13,1,1,1,2,2,2,18,12,19,20,2,3,11,12,4,9,5,9,22)
#'       ,ncol=2)
#' )
#' dc$time()
DynComm.time <- function(dyncomm,differential=FALSE){

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DynComm documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 5:57 p.m.