
Defines functions EBPRS

Documented in EBPRS

#' Main function
#' @param train training dataset
#' @param test testing dataset (list) including fam, bed, bim, which can be generated from function read_plink in our package. If missing(test)=T, the function will use all SNPs in training dataset by default.
#' @param N1 case number
#' @param N0 control number
#' @param robust T/F, indicator that whether robust estimation is needed. The function will run faster when robust is set to F. The default is T.
#' @return A list containing
#' data.frame (result): combining the summary statistics and estimated effect sizes (eff)
#' estimated effect sizes (eff)
#' estimated mu (muHat)
#' estimated sigma2 (sigmaHat2)
#' estimated proportion of non-associated SNPs (pi0)
#' estimated variance of effect sizes of associated SNPs (sigma02)
#' If the test file is provided the results also include:
#' predictive r2 (r2)
#' AUC (AUC)
#' estimated polygenic risk score (S)
#' @description
#' Clean the dataset, extract information from raw data and calculate effect sizes.
#' (Please notice that there are some requirements for the training and testing datasets.)
#' @details
#' The raw training data should be a
#' data.fame including A1, A2, OR, P, SNP (NOTE that the colnames should be exactly consistent with the above).
#' The SNP column (rsid) is used for indexing.
#' An example training dataset can be acquired using data("traindat")
#' "test" file can be generated from read_plink("path_to_test_plink_bfile")
#' test is a list, which has test$fam (6 columns with information on samples), test$bim (6 columns with information on SNPs), test$bed (genotypes matrix 0, 1, 2)
#' Note that in real data, we usually use beta0 = m/20 as the default setting for the EM algorithm,
#' which is accurate enough in most cases and will have little influence on the prediction performance.
#' If more accurate parameter estimation is required, we provide a robust estimation (by setting robust=T),
#' integrating our data-driven bootstrap-based parameter tuning method. This can
#' derive the best parameter for robust estimation, while more time is needed.
#' @references
#' Song S, Jiang W, Hou L, Zhao H (2020) Leveraging effect size distributions to improve polygenic risk scores derived from summary statistics of genome-wide association studies. PLoS Comput Biol 16(2): e1007565. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007565
#' @author
#' Shuang Song, Wei Jiang, Lin Hou and Hongyu Zhao
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @export

EBPRS <- function(train,test,N1,N0,robust=T){
    temp0 <- extractInfo(train)
    train <- temp0$train
    temp0 <- extractInfo(train,test)
    train <- temp0$train
    # fam <- temp$fam
    bim <- temp0$bim
    # bed <- temp$bed

    cat("Coordinating the ref alleles...","\n")
    colnames(train)[which(colnames(train)=="a1")] <- "A1"
    colnames(train)[which(colnames(train)=="a2")] <- "A2"
    colnames(train)[which(colnames(train)=="or")] <- "OR"
    colnames(train)[which(colnames(train)=="p")] <- "P"
    # a=train$A1
    # b=bim[,5]
    train <- train[train$OR>0,]
    z <- -qnorm(train$P/2)*sign(log(train$OR))
    se <- log(train$OR)/z
    z[which(is.na(z))] <- 0
    se[which(is.na(se))] <- 1
    cat("Utilizing EM algorithm to derive pi0 and sigma02","\n")
      temp <- snpEM(z,empNull=F,beta0=(length(z)/20), K=3)
      temp <- snpEMrobust(z, K=3, maxIter=1000, tol=1e-3, empNull=F, boot=1, info=TRUE)
    res <- findpara_ltdr(n0=N0,n1=N1,SE=se,beta=log(train$OR),z=z,pi0Hat=temp$pi0,sigma02=temp$sigma2,ltdr=temp$ltdr,lfdr=temp$lfdr)
    cat("Estimating the parameters.","\n")
    muHatnew <- res$muHat/sqrt(res$sigmaHat2)
    muHatnew[which(is.na(muHatnew))] <- 0
    result <- data.frame(train,effectsize=muHatnew)
      cat("Now calculating scores \n")
      S <- generateScore(muHatnew, temp0$bed)
      tt <- validate(S, test$fam[,6])

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EBPRS documentation built on Aug. 26, 2020, 9:06 a.m.