
#' Package description
#' Everything you need to know when you start using the ECOTOXr package. \if{html}{\figure{logo.png}}
#' The ECOTOXr provides the means to efficiently search, extract and analyse US EPA
#' [ECOTOX](https://cfpub.epa.gov/ecotox/) data, with a focus on reproducible results. Although the package
#' creator/maintainer is confident in the quality of this software, it is the end users sole responsibility to
#' assure the quality of his or her work while using this software. As per the provided license terms the package
#' maintainer is not liable for any damage resulting from its usage. That being said, below we present some tips
#' for generating reproducible results with this package.
#' @section How do I get started?:
#' Installing this package is only the first step to get things started. You need to perform the following steps
#' in order to use the package to its full capacity.
#' * First download a copy of the complete EPA database. This can be done by calling [download_ecotox_data()].
#'   This may not always work on all machines as R does not always accept the website SSL certificate from the EPA.
#'   In those cases the zipped archive with the database files can be downloaded manually with a different (more
#'   forgiving) browser. The files from the zip archive can be extracted to a location of choice. Alternatively,
#'   the user could try to use `[download_ecotox_data](ssl_verifypeer = 0L)` when the download URL is trusted.
#' * Next, an SQLite database needs to be build from the downloaded files. This will be done automatically when
#'   you used [download_ecotox_data()] in the previous step. When you have manually downloaded the files
#'   you can call [build_ecotox_sqlite()] to build the database locally.
#' * When the previous steps have been performed successfully, you can now search the database by calling
#'   [search_ecotox()]. You can also use [dbConnectEcotox()] to open a connection to the
#'   database. You can query the database using this connection and any of the methods provided from the
#'   [DBI][DBI::DBI] or [RSQLite][RSQLite::RSQLite] packages.
#' @section How do I obtain reproducible results?:
#' Each individual user is responsible for evaluating the reproducibility of his or her work. Although
#' this package offers instruments to achieve reproducibility, it is not guaranteed. In order to increase the
#' chances of generating reproducible results, one should adhere at least to the following rules:
#' * Always use an official release from CRAN, and cite the version used in your analyses (`citation("ECOTOXr")`).
#'   Different versions, may produce different end results (although we will strive for backward compatibility).
#' * Make sure you are working with a clean (unaltered) version of the database. When in doubt, download and build
#'   a fresh copy of the database ([download_ecotox_data()]). Also cite the (release) version of the downloaded
#'   database ([cite_ecotox()]), and the system operating system in which the local database was build
#'   [get_ecotox_info()]). Or, just make sure that you never modify the database (e.g., write data to it, delete
#'   data from it, etc.)
#' * In order to avoid platform dependencies it is advised to only include non-accented alpha-numerical characters in
#'   search terms. See also [search_ecotox] and [build_ecotox_sqlite].
#' * When trying to reproduce database extractions from earlier database releases, filter out additions after
#'   that specific release. This can be done by adding output fields 'tests.modified_date', 'tests.created_date' and
#'   'tests.published_date' to your search and compare those with the release date of the database you are trying to
#'   reproduce results from.
#' @section Why isn't the database included in the package?:
#' This package doesn't come bundled with a copy of the database which needs to be downloaded the first time the
#' package is used. Why is this? There are several reasons:
#' * The database is maintained and updated by the US EPA. This process is and should be
#'   outside the sphere of influence of the package maintainer.
#' * Packages on CRAN are not allowed to contain large amounts of data. Publication on CRAN is key to control
#'   the quality of this package and therefore outweighs the convenience of having the data bundled with the package.
#' * The user has full control over the release version of the database that is being used.
#' @section Why does this package promotes using a local copy of the ECOTOX database?:
#' Although this package offers experimental features for searching on-line, there are several reasons why we
#' opted for creating a local copy:
#' * The user would be restricted to the search options provided on the website ([ECOTOX](https://cfpub.epa.gov/ecotox/)).
#' * The on-line database doesn't come with an API that would allow for convenient interface. This is why
#'   features implemented in this package are experimental.
#' * The user is not limited by an internet connection and its bandwidth.
#' * Not all database fields, and only a limited number of records, can be retrieved from the on-line interface.
#' @references
#' Official US EPA ECOTOX website:
#' <https://cfpub.epa.gov/ecotox/>
#' Olker, J.H., Elonen, C.M., Pilli, A., Anderson, A., Kinziger, B., Erickson, S., Skopinski, M., Pomplun, A., LaLone, C.A.,
#' Russom, C.L. and Hoff, D. (2022), The ECOTOXicology Knowledgebase: A Curated Database of Ecologically Relevant Toxicity
#' Tests to Support Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. _Environ Toxicol Chem_, 41: 1520-1539.
#' @keywords internal

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ECOTOXr documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 5:06 p.m.