
Defines functions BootJack

# The function is modified to accommodate different rotation methods.

# The file is modified to accommodate correlated residuals.
# Guangjian Zhang, 2022-04-21, Thursday.

# The file is modified to accommodate the changes to made to fa.extract.
# Guangjian Zhang, 2016-08-11, Thursday.

# The function BootJack compute SE estimates using the bootstrap or jackknife method.
# Guangjian Zhang, 2016-08-09, Tuesday.

BootJack <- function(X.raw, M.order, BJ.Arg) {

# Two internal functions Get.MR and fact.extract
# It requires two external functions (fa.extract, Align.Matrix) and a R package (GPArotation).


Get.MR <- function(X.raw, bj='bootstrap', Ib = NULL, dist = 'continuous') {

# Get.MR stands for get manifest variable correlation matrices

if ((bj=='bootstrap') & (is.null(Ib))) Ib = 2000

p = ncol(X.raw)
n = nrow(X.raw)

if (bj =='jackknife') Ib = n 

Total.MR = array(rep(0, Ib * p * p), dim=c(Ib,p,p))

for (i in 1:Ib) {

if (bj=='bootstrap') {

Temp.raw = matrix(0,n,p)

boot.index = sample(1:n, n, replace = TRUE)  

  for (j in 1:n) {
  Temp.raw[j,1:p] = X.raw[boot.index[j],1:p]

} else {

Temp.raw = matrix(0,(n-1),p)

  if (i==1) {
  Temp.raw = X.raw[2:n, 1:p]
  } else if (i==n) {
  Temp.raw = X.raw[1:(n-1),1:p]  
  } else {
  Temp.raw[1:(i-1),1:p] = X.raw[1:(i-1),1:p]
  Temp.raw[i:(n-1),1:p] = X.raw[(i+1):n, 1:p]
  } #  1 < i < n

} # jackknife

if (dist=='ordinal') {
Total.MR[i,1:p, 1:p] = get.RGamma(Temp.raw) $ R
} else {
Total.MR[i,1:p, 1:p] = cor(Temp.raw)

} # for (i in 1:Ib)


} # Get.MR <- function


# Dummy arguments
# bj -> 'bootstrap' | 'jackknife'
# Ib -> # of bootstrap samples
# rypte -> 'oblique' | 'orthogonal'
# Level.Confid -> 

# EF.Arg -> dummy arguments for factor extraction
# Rotation.Arg -> dummy arguments for factor rotation

bj = BJ.Arg$bj
rtype = BJ.Arg$rtype
Ib = BJ.Arg$Ib
Level.Confid = BJ.Arg$Level.Confid
FE.Arg = BJ.Arg$FE.Arg
Rotation.Arg = BJ.Arg$Rotation.Arg
fnames = BJ.Arg$fnames
dist = BJ.Arg$dist

n = nrow(X.raw)
p = ncol(X.raw)
m = ncol(M.order)

I.cr = FE.Arg$I.cr
if (is.null(I.cr)) 
{n.psi = p} else{
  n.psi = nrow(I.cr) + p

### Step 1: get bootstrap / jackknife manifest variable correlation matrices ###

if (bj == 'bootstrap') {
Boot.R = Get.MR(X.raw,bj='bootstrap',Ib = Ib) ## Lauren 2016-10-06
} else {
Jack.R = Get.MR(X.raw,bj='jackknife') ## Lauren 2016-10-06

### Step 2: extract factors   ###

Total.A <- array(rep(0,Ib*p*m),dim=c(Ib,p,m))
Total.Index <- matrix(0,Ib,4)
Total.psi <- matrix(0,Ib,n.psi)

for (i in 1:Ib) {

if (bj == 'bootstrap') {
Test = do.call('fa.extract',append(list(Boot.R[i,,]),FE.Arg))
} else {
Test = do.call('fa.extract',append(list(Jack.R[i,,]),FE.Arg))

Total.A[i,1:p,1:m] = Test$Unrotated
Total.psi[i,1:n.psi] = Test$psi.cr
Total.Index[i,1] = Test$f[1]
Total.Index[i,2] = Test$convergence
Total.Index[i,3] = Test$heywood


### Step 3: conduct factor rotations   ###

Total.LPhi <- array(rep(0,Ib*(p+m)*m),dim=c(Ib,(p+m),m))
Total.Phi <- array(rep(0,Ib*m*m),dim=c(Ib,m,m))

for (i in 1:Ib) {

Test = do.call(fnames,append(list(Total.A[i,1:p,1:m]),Rotation.Arg)) # 2016-08-16, GZ
Total.LPhi[i,1:p,1:m] = Test$loadings[1:p,1:m]
Total.LPhi[i,(p+1):(p+m),1:m] = diag(m)
if (rtype == 'oblique') Total.LPhi[i,(p+1):(p+m),1:m] = Test$Phi[1:m,1:m]         # 2016-08-16, GZ  
if (! Test$convergence) Total.Index[i,4] = 1 

### Step 4, Reflected the rotated factor loading matrices and factor correlation matrices   ###

Total.Rotated = array(rep(0,Ib*(p+m+1)*m),dim=c(Ib,(p+m+1),m))

for (i in 1:Ib) {
Total.Rotated[i,1:(p+m+1),1:m] = Align.Matrix(M.order,Total.LPhi[i,1:(p+m),1:m])

### Step 5, Compute SE and percentile confidence intervals  ###

if (bj=='bootstrap') {
scale = 1
} else {
scale = (n-1) / sqrt(n)

SE.LPhi <- matrix(0, p+m, m)

for (j in 1:m) {
 for (i in 1:(p+m)) {
  SE.LPhi[i,j] = sd(Total.Rotated[1:Ib,i,j]) * scale

SE.psi = apply(Total.psi,2,sd) * scale

if (bj=='bootstrap') {

percentile = rep(0,2)
percentile[1] = ( 1 - Level.Confid ) / 2
percentile[2] = 1 - percentile[1]

Confid.Boot <- array(rep(0, (p+m)*m*2), dim=c(p+m, m, 2))
Confid.psi <- matrix(0,n.psi,2)

for (j in 1:m) {
 for (i in 1:(p+m)) {
  Confid.Boot[i,j,1:2] = quantile(Total.Rotated[1:Ib,i,j], percentile)

for (j in 1:n.psi) {
  Confid.psi[j,1:2] = quantile(Total.psi[1:Ib,j], percentile)

} # (bj=='bootstrap')

###  Make a list of outputs   ###

if (bj=='bootstrap') {

list(SE.LPhi = SE.LPhi, Total.Index = Total.Index, Confid.Boot = Confid.Boot, SE.psi=SE.psi,Confid.psi=Confid.psi)

} else { # jackknife

list(SE.LPhi = SE.LPhi, Total.Index = Total.Index,SE.psi=SE.psi)

} # jackknife

} # BootJack

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