
Defines functions parse_date_and_time annotation_table_to_lines find_wfdb_command set_wfdb_path find_wfdb_software

Documented in find_wfdb_command find_wfdb_software set_wfdb_path

#' WFDB path utilities
#' @description These functions are used to help find and locate commands from the
#' installation of WFDB. They are helpful in setting and getting path options
#' and specific WFDB commands. They are primarily internal helper functions, but
#' are documented for troubleshooting purposes.
#' @returns These functions are helper functions to work with the user-installed
#'   WFDB software. They do not always return an object, and are primarily used
#'   for their side effects. They are primarily developer functions, but are
#'   exposed to the user to help troubleshoot issues with their installation of
#'   WFDB.
#' @param .app The name of WFDB software command or application as a `character`
#' @param .path A `character` string that describes the path to the WFDB binary
#'   directory
#' @name wfdb_paths
#' @export
find_wfdb_software <- function() {

	# Check to see if WFDB software path is already set
	op <- getOption("wfdb_path")

	# If NULL then needs to be set
	if (is.null(op)) {
		# Confirm operating system structure
		if (grepl("windows|Windows", utils::sessionInfo()$running)) {
			os <- "win"
				"Operating system is Windows. Default installation location for WFDB will be on WSL or Cygwin. Before using any `wfdb`-based functions, please set the location of the binary directory using `set_wfdb_path()`, which modifies `options('wfdb_path')`."
		} else if (grepl("mac", utils::sessionInfo()$running)) {
			os <- "mac"

				"Operating system detected is Apple. Default installation location for WFDB will be on root. Before using any `wfdb`-based functions, please set the location of the binary directory using `set_wfdb_path()`, which modifies `options('wfdb_path')`."
		} else if (grepl("n*x", utils::sessionInfo()$running)) {
			os <- "nix"
				"Operating system detected is Unix-like. Default installation location for WFDB will be on root. Before using any `wfdb`-based functions, please set the location of the binary directory using `set_wfdb_path()`, which modifies `options('wfdb_path')`."
		} else {
			os <- NA
				"Operating system could not be determined. Before using any `wfdb`-based functions, please set the location of the binary directory using `set_wfdb_path()`, which modifies `options('wfdb_path')`."

	# Return path if exists already


#' @rdname wfdb_paths
#' @export
set_wfdb_path <- function(.path) {
	options(wfdb_path = .path)

#' @rdname wfdb_paths
#' @export
find_wfdb_command <- function(.app,
															.path = getOption('wfdb_path')) {

	# Check for wfdb_path
	# Maybe NULL or NA
	if (is.null(.path) | is.na(.path)) {
		stop('No `wfdb_path` set. Please set using `set_wfdb_path()`')

	cmd <- fs::path(.path, .app)


#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
annotation_table_to_lines <- function(data) {

	# Each annotation file has a string length of 42 characters
	# Each annotation `rdann -e` has 4 characters of spaces up front
	# When using the `-e` option for rdann, gives an elapsed time
	# That assumption leads to spaces before the time starts

	# Columns are... n = 6
	#		Time
	#		Sample
	#		Annotation
	#		Type
	#		Subtype
	#		Channel
	#		Number
	#		Auxillary (7th, ignored)

	# The spacing is as such...
	# 	[TIME] = 12
	# 	[SAMPLE] = 9
	# 	[TYPE] = 6
	# 	[SUBTYPE] = 5
	# 	[CHANNEL] = 5
	# 	[NUMBER] = 5

	# Each column can get appropriately padded back into lines
	v1 <- stringr::str_pad(data[[1]], width = 12, side = "left")
	v2 <- stringr::str_pad(data[[2]], width = 9, side = "left")
	v3 <- stringr::str_pad(data[[3]], width = 6, side = "left")
	v4 <- stringr::str_pad(data[[4]], width = 5, side = "left")
	v5 <- stringr::str_pad(data[[5]], width = 5, side = "left")
	v6 <- stringr::str_pad(data[[6]], width = 5, side = "left")

	# Output will be put back into `wrann` compatible lines
	# 	base::sprintf() is 2-3 faster than paste
	# 	lines <- paste0(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6)
	lines <- sprintf(paste0(rep("%s", 6), collapse = ""), v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6)

	# Return


#' Evaluates a character string and extracts first date and time objects
#' Internally contains different matches for different WFDB formats
#' Requires that string can be broken into components via a space
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
parse_date_and_time <- function(x) {

	stopifnot('Requires `x` to be a `character`' = is.character(x))

	# Time
	# 	Assumes HH:MM:SS.SSS
	tm <- stringr::str_extract(x, '\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d')

	# Dates are more varied
	dt <- stringr::str_extract(x, '\\d+/\\d+/\\d+')

	# Create date time
	as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(tm[1], dt[1]), "%H:%M:%OS %d/%m/%Y"))


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EGM documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:53 p.m.