solar: Solar Irradiance Proxy Data

Description Usage Format References Examples


solar irradiance proxy data.

Hoyt and Schatten (1993) reconstructed solar irradiance (from 1700 through 1997) using the amplitude of the 11-year solar cycle together with a long term trend estimated from solar-like stars. They put relatively more weight on the length of the 11-year cycle.

Lean et al. (1995) reconstructed solar irradiance (from 1610 through 2000) using the amplitude of the 11-year solar cycle and a long term trend estimated from solar-like stars.

10-Beryllium (10Be) is measured in polar ice from 1424 through 1985. 10-Beryllium (10Be) is produced in the atmosphere by incoming cosmic ray flux, which in turn is influenced by the solar activity. The higher the solar activity, the lower the flux of cosmic radiation entering the earth atmosphere and therefore the lower the production rate of 10Be. The short atmospheric lifetime of 10Be of one to two years (Beer et al. 1994) allows the tracking of solar activity changes and offers an alternative way to the sunspot based techniques for the analysis of the amplitude and length of the solar cycle as well as for low frequency variations.




A list of year and solar (solar irradiance proxy data) for solar.hs and solar.lean A list of year and be (10-Beryllium) for beryllium


Beer, J., Baumgartner, S., Dittrich-Hannen, B., Hauenstein, J., Kubik, P., Lukasczyk, C., Mende, W., Stellmacher, R. and Suter, M. (1994) Solar variability traced by cosmogenic isotopes. In: Pap, J.M., FrQohlich, C., Hudson, H.S., Solanki, S. (Eds.), The Sun as a Variable Star: Solar and Stellar Irradiance Variations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 291–300.

Beer, J., Mende, W. and Stellmacher, R. (2000) The role of the sun in climate forcing. Quaternary Science Reviews, 19, 403–415.

Hoyt, D. V and, Schatten, K. H. (1993) A discussion of plausible solar irradiance variations, 1700–1992. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98 (A11), 18,895–18,906.

Lean, J. L., Beer, J. and Bradley, R. S. (1995) Reconstruction of solar irradiance since 1610: Implications for climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 22 (23), 3195–3198.

Oh, H-S, Ammann, C. M., Naveau, P., Nychka, D. and Otto-Bliesner, B. L. (2003) Multi-resolution time series analysis applied to solar irradiance and climate reconstructions. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 65, 191–201.



Example output

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Loading required package: locfit
locfit 1.5-9.4 	 2020-03-24
[1] "year"  "solar"
[1] "year"  "solar"
[1] "year" "be"  

EMD documentation built on Jan. 4, 2022, 1:08 a.m.

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