classIndex: Convert class to an integer 1-8 and vice versa

View source: R/classIndex.R

classIndexR Documentation

Convert class to an integer 1-8 and vice versa


classIndex converts the class of x to an integer:

  1. NULL

  2. logical

  3. integer

  4. numeric

  5. complex

  6. raw

  7. character

  8. other

index2class converts an integer back to the corresponding class.


index2class(i, otherCharacter=TRUE)



an object whose class index is desired.


an integer to be converted to the name of the corresponding class


logical: TRUE to convert 8 to "character"; FALSE to convert 8 to "other".


The Writing R Extensions lists six different kinds of "atomic vectors": logical, integer, numeric, complex, character, and raw: See also Wickham (2013, section on "Atomic vectors" in the chapter on "Data structures"). These form a standard hierarchy, except for "raw", in that standard operations combining objects with different atomic classes will create an object of the higher class. For example, TRUE + 2 + pi returns a numeric object ((approximately 6.141593). Similarly, paste(1, 'a') returns the character string "1 a".

For "interpolation", we might expect users interpolating between objects of class "raw" (i.e., bytes) might most likely prefer "Numeric" to "Character" interpolation, coerced back to type "raw".

The index numbers for the classes run from 1 to 8 to make it easy to convert them back from integers to character strings.


classIndex returns an integer between 1 and 7 depending on class(x).

index2class returns a character string for the inverse transformation.


Spencer Graves


Wickham, Hadley (2014) Advanced R, especially Wickham (2013, section on "Atomic vectors" in the chapter on "Data structures").

See Also



## 1.  classIndex
x1 <- classIndex(NULL)
x2 <- classIndex(logical(0))
x3 <- classIndex(integer(1))
x4 <- classIndex(numeric(2))
x5 <- classIndex(complex(3))
x6 <- classIndex(raw(4))
x7 <- classIndex(character(5))
x8 <- classIndex(list())

# check 

all.equal(c(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8), 1:8)

## 2.  index2class 
c1 <- index2class(1)
c2 <- index2class(2)
c3 <- index2class(3)
c4 <- index2class(4)
c5 <- index2class(5) 
c6 <- index2class(6) 
c7 <- index2class(7)
c8 <- index2class(8)
c8o <- index2class(8, FALSE)

# check 

all.equal(c(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c8o), 
          c('NULL', 'logical', 'integer', 'numeric', 
            'complex', 'raw', 'character', 'character', 

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