getNHES_SurveyInfo: Get NHES Survey Code Definitions and Survey Meta-data

View source: R/readNHES.R

getNHES_SurveyInfoR Documentation

Get NHES Survey Code Definitions and Survey Meta-data


This function returns a data.frame object that defines NHES Survey Codes and survey parameters that are compatible with the readNHES function for use. The resulting data.frame object is useful for user reference or other advanced techniques.




Any changes or modifications to the data.frame object will not change the behavior of readNHES. This function should be treated only as a read-only source of information.


Tom Fink

See Also

readNHES, viewNHES_SurveyCodes


## Not run: 
  #retrieves the NHES survey meta-data to a data.frame
  surveyInfo <- getNHES_SurveyInfo()
  #View the survey data where the year is equal to 2016 in RStudio
  View(subset(surveyInfo, surveyInfo$Year==2016))

## End(Not run)

EdSurvey documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.