## Copyright 2013-2023 Stefan Widgren and Maria Noremark,
## National Veterinary Institute, Sweden
## Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they
## will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent
## versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
## You may not use this work except in compliance with the
## Licence.
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## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
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##' \code{ShortestPaths}
##' Methods for function \code{ShortestPaths} in package \pkg{EpiContactTrace}
##' to get the shortest distance from/to the root given by the contact tracing.
##' The contact tracing performs a depth first search starting at the
##' root. The \code{ShortestPaths} gives the shortest distance from
##' root at each node. The network tree structure given by the depth
##' first search is shown by \code{\link{show}}.
##' @rdname ShortestPaths-methods
##' @docType methods
##' @keywords methods
##' @include ContactTrace.R
##' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{ContactTrace}} object, or a
##' \code{data.frame} with movements of animals between holdings,
##' see \code{\link{Trace}} for details.
##' @param ... Additional arguments to the method
##' @param root vector of roots to calculate shortest path for.
##' @param tEnd the last date to include ingoing movements. Defaults
##' to \code{NULL}
##' @param days the number of previous days before tEnd to include
##' ingoing movements. Defaults to \code{NULL}
##' @param inBegin the first date to include ingoing
##' movements. Defaults to \code{NULL}
##' @param inEnd the last date to include ingoing movements. Defaults
##' to \code{NULL}
##' @param outBegin the first date to include outgoing
##' movements. Defaults to \code{NULL}
##' @param outEnd the last date to include outgoing
##' movements. Defaults to \code{NULL}
##' @return A \code{data.frame} with the following columns: \describe{
##' \item{root}{ The root of the contact tracing }
##' \item{inBegin}{
##' If the direction is ingoing, then inBegin equals inBegin in
##' \code{\link{Trace}} else NA.
##' }
##' \item{inEnd}{
##' If the direction is ingoing, then inEnd equals inEnd in
##' \code{\link{Trace}} else NA.
##' }
##' \item{outBegin}{
##' If the direction is outgoing, then outBegin equals outBegin in
##' \code{\link{Trace}} else NA.
##' }
##' \item{outEnd}{
##' If the direction is outgoing, then outEnd equals outEnd in
##' \code{\link{Trace}} else NA.
##' }
##' \item{direction}{
##' If the direction is ingoing, then direction equals 'in' else 'out'
##' }
##' \item{source}{
##' The source of the contact at distance from root
##' }
##' \item{destination}{
##' The destination of the contact at distance from root
##' }
##' \item{distance}{
##' The shortest distance from/to root in the depth first search
##' }
##' }
##' @section Methods: \describe{
##' \item{\code{signature(object = "ContactTrace")}}{
##' Get the shortest paths for the ingoing and outgoing
##' \code{Contacts} of a \code{ContactTrace} object.
##' }
##' \item{\code{signature(x = "data.frame")}}{
##' Get the shortest paths for a data.frame with movements,
##' see details and examples.
##' }
##' }
##' @seealso \code{\link{show}} and \code{\link{NetworkStructure}}.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Load data
##' data(transfers)
##' ## Perform contact tracing
##' contactTrace <- Trace(movements = transfers,
##' root = 2645,
##' tEnd = "2005-10-31",
##' days = 90)
##' ShortestPaths(contactTrace)
##' ## Calculate shortest paths for all included herds
##' ## First extract all source and destination from the dataset
##' root <- sort(unique(c(transfers$source, transfers$destination)))
##' sp <- ShortestPaths(transfers,
##' root = root,
##' tEnd = "2005-10-31",
##' days = 90)
##' }
signature = "x",
function(x, ...) {
##' @rdname ShortestPaths-methods
##' @export
signature(x = "ContactTrace"),
function(x) {
ns <- NetworkStructure(x)
ns_in <- ns[ns$direction == "in", ]
ns_out <- ns[ns$direction == "out", ]
result <- NULL
if (nrow(ns_in)) {
ns_in <- ns_in[order(ns_in$distance, ns_in$source), ]
ns_in <- ns_in[!duplicated(ns_in$source), ]
ns_in$destination <- NA_character_
result <- ns_in
if (nrow(ns_out)) {
ns_out <- ns_out[order(ns_out$distance, ns_out$destination), ]
ns_out <- ns_out[!duplicated(ns_out$destination), ]
ns_out$source <- NA_character_
result <- rbind(result, ns_out)
if (is.null(result)) {
result <- ns
} else {
rownames(result) <- NULL
##' @rdname ShortestPaths-methods
##' @useDynLib EpiContactTrace shortestPaths
##' @export
signature(x = "data.frame"),
tEnd = NULL,
days = NULL,
inBegin = NULL,
inEnd = NULL,
outBegin = NULL,
outEnd = NULL) {
## Check that arguments are ok from various perspectives...
## Check the data.frame x with movements
if (!all(c("source", "destination", "t") %in% names(x))) {
stop("x must contain the columns source, destination and t.")
if (any(is.factor(x$source), is.integer(x$source))) {
x$source <- as.character(x$source)
} else if (!is.character(x$source)) {
stop("invalid class of column source in x")
if (any(is.factor(x$destination), is.integer(x$destination))) {
x$destination <- as.character(x$destination)
} else if (!is.character(x$destination)) {
stop("invalid class of column destination in x")
if (any(is.character(x$t), is.factor(x$t))) {
x$t <- as.Date(x$t)
if (!identical(class(x$t), "Date")) {
stop("invalid class of column t in x")
if (any($t))) {
stop("t in x contains NA")
## Make sure the columns are in expected order and remove
## non-unique observations
x <- unique(x[, c("source", "destination", "t")])
## Check root
if (missing(root)) {
stop("Missing root in call to ShortestPaths")
if (any(is.factor(root), is.integer(root))) {
root <- as.character(root)
} else if (is.numeric(root)) {
## root is supposed to be a character or integer
## identifier so test that root is a integer the same way
## as binom.test test x
rootr <- round(root)
if (any(max(abs(root - rootr) > 1e-07))) {
stop("'root' must be an integer or character")
root <- as.character(rootr)
} else if (!is.character(root)) {
stop("invalid class of root")
## Check if we are using the combination of tEnd and days or
## specify inBegin, inEnd, outBegin and outEnd
if (all(!is.null(tEnd), !is.null(days))) {
## Using tEnd and days...check that inBegin, inEnd,
## outBegin and outEnd is NULL
if (!all(is.null(inBegin), is.null(inEnd),
is.null(outBegin), is.null(outEnd))) {
stop("Use either tEnd and days or inBegin, inEnd, ",
"outBegin and outEnd in call to ShortestPaths")
if (any(is.character(tEnd), is.factor(tEnd))) {
tEnd <- as.Date(tEnd)
if (!identical(class(tEnd), "Date")) {
stop("'tEnd' must be a Date vector")
## Test that days is a nonnegative integer the same way as
## binom.test test x
daysr <- round(days)
if (any( | (days < 0)) ||
max(abs(days - daysr)) > 1e-07) {
stop("'days' must be nonnegative and integer")
days <- daysr
## Make sure root, tEnd and days are unique
root <- unique(root)
tEnd <- unique(tEnd)
days <- unique(days)
n.root <- length(root)
n.tEnd <- length(tEnd)
n.days <- length(days)
n <- n.root * n.tEnd * n.days
root <- rep(root, each = n.tEnd * n.days, length.out = n)
inEnd <- rep(tEnd, each = n.days, length.out = n)
inBegin <- inEnd - rep(days, each = 1, length.out = n)
outEnd <- inEnd
outBegin <- inBegin
} else if (all(!is.null(inBegin), !is.null(inEnd),
!is.null(outBegin), !is.null(outEnd))) {
## Using tEnd and days...check that Using inBegin, inEnd,
## outBegin and outEnd...check that tEnd and days are NULL
if (!all(is.null(tEnd), is.null(days))) {
stop("Use either tEnd and days or inBegin, inEnd, ",
"outBegin and outEnd in call to ShortestPaths")
} else {
stop("Use either tEnd and days or inBegin, inEnd, ",
"outBegin and outEnd in call to ShortestPaths")
## Check inBegin
if (any(is.character(inBegin), is.factor(inBegin))) {
inBegin <- as.Date(inBegin)
if (!identical(class(inBegin), "Date")) {
stop("'inBegin' must be a Date vector")
if (any( {
stop("inBegin contains NA")
## Check inEnd
if (any(is.character(inEnd), is.factor(inEnd))) {
inEnd <- as.Date(inEnd)
if (!identical(class(inEnd), "Date")) {
stop("'inEnd' must be a Date vector")
if (any( {
stop("inEnd contains NA")
## Check outBegin
if (any(is.character(outBegin), is.factor(outBegin))) {
outBegin <- as.Date(outBegin)
if (!identical(class(outBegin), "Date")) {
stop("'outBegin' must be a Date vector")
if (any( {
stop("outBegin contains NA")
## Check outEnd
if (any(is.character(outEnd), is.factor(outEnd))) {
outEnd <- as.Date(outEnd)
if (!identical(class(outEnd), "Date")) {
stop("'outEnd' must be a Date vector")
if (any( {
stop("outEnd contains NA")
## Check ranges of dates
if (any(inEnd < inBegin)) {
stop("inEnd < inBegin")
if (any(outEnd < outBegin)) {
stop("outEnd < outBegin")
## Check length of vectors
if (!identical(length(unique(c(length(root),
1L)) {
stop("root, inBegin, inEnd, outBegin and ",
"outEnd must have equal length")
## Arguments seems ok...go on with calculations
## Make sure all nodes have a valid variable name by making a
## factor of source and destination
nodes <- as.factor(unique(c(x$source,
sp <- .Call(shortestPaths,
as.integer(factor(x$source, levels = levels(nodes))),
as.integer(factor(x$destination, levels = levels(nodes))),
as.integer(factor(root, levels = levels(nodes))),
result <- NULL
if (length(sp$inIndex)) {
result <- data.frame(root = root[sp$inIndex],
inBegin = inBegin[sp$inIndex],
inEnd = inEnd[sp$inIndex],
outBegin = as.Date(NA_character_),
outEnd = as.Date(NA_character_),
direction = "in",
source = x$source[sp$inRowid],
destination = NA_character_,
distance = sp$inDistance,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (length(sp$outIndex)) {
result <- rbind(result,
data.frame(root = root[sp$outIndex],
inBegin = as.Date(NA_character_),
inEnd = as.Date(NA_character_),
outBegin = outBegin[sp$outIndex],
outEnd = outEnd[sp$outIndex],
direction = "out",
source = NA_character_,
destination = x$destination[sp$outRowid],
distance = sp$outDistance,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if (is.null(result)) {
result <- data.frame(root = character(0),
inBegin = as.Date(character(0)),
inEnd = as.Date(character(0)),
outBegin = as.Date(character(0)),
outEnd = as.Date(character(0)),
direction = character(0),
source = character(0),
destination = character(0),
distance = integer(0),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
rownames(result) <- NULL
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