Man pages for EpiILMCT
Continuous Time Distance-Based and Network-Based Individual Level Models for Epidemics

as.datagenContinuous Time level information of an Epidemic
contactnetGenerate binary adjacency matrix contact networks
datagenGenerate epidemics from distance-based and/or network-based...
epictmcmcMarkov Chain Monte Carlo-based tool for analyzing (SIR/SINR)...
loglikelihoodepiILMCalculates the log likelihood
NetworkDataSimulated epidemic data set from a network-based SIR ILM
NetworkDataSINRSimulated epidemic data set from a network-based SINR ILM
plot.contactnetPlot the contact network of 'contactnet' object
plot.datagenS3 method to plot summary of epidemic.
plot.epictmcmcPlot the output of 'epictmcmc' object
print.epictmcmcPrints the contents of an 'epictmcmc' object to the console
SpatialDataSimulated epidemic data set from a distance-based SIR ILM
SpatialNetDataSimulated epidemic data set from a distance and network-based...
summary.epictmcmcSummary method for 'epictmcmc' objects
tswvTomato Spotted Wilt Virus data
EpiILMCT documentation built on June 29, 2021, 9:08 a.m.