loglikelihoodepiILM: Calculates the log likelihood

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also

View source: R/loglikelihoodepiILM.r


Calculates the log likelihood for the specific compartmental framework of the continuous-time ILMs.


loglikelihoodepiILM(object, distancekernel = NULL, control.sus = NULL,

control.trans = NULL, kernel.par = NULL, spark = NULL, gamma = NULL,

delta = NULL)



an object of class “datagen” that can be the output of datagen or as.epidat functions.


the spatial kernel type when kerneltype is set to “distance” or “both”. Choices are “powerlaw” for a power-law distance kernel or “Cauchy” for a Cauchy distance kernel.


a list of values of the susceptibility function (>0):


a vector of values of the susceptibility parameters,


an n by n_s matrix of the susceptibility covariates,


a vector of values of the power parameters of the susceptibility function,

where, n and n_s are the number of individuals and number of susceptibility parameters, respectively. Default = NULL means the model does not include these parameters.


it has the same structure as the control.sus, but for the transmissibility function (>0).


a scalar spatial parameter for the distance-based kernel (>0), or a vector of the spatial and network effect parameters of the network and distance-based kernel (both). It is not required when the kerneltype is set to “network”.


spark parameter (>=0), representing random infections that are unexplained by other parts of the model. Default value is zero.


the notification effect parameter for SINR model. The default value is 1.


a vector of the shape and rate parameters of the gamma-distributed infectious period (SIR) or a 2 by 2 matrix of the shape and rate parameters of the gamma-distributed incubation and delay periods (SINR).


We label the m infected individuals i = 1, 2, …, m corresponding to their infection (I_i) and removal (R_i) times; whereas the N-m individuals who remain uninfected are labeled i=m+1, m+2, …, N with I_i= R_i = ∞. We then denote infection and removal time vectors for the population as I = {I_1, ..., I_m} and R = {R_1,..., R_m}, respectively. We assume that infectious periods follow a gamma distribution with shape and rate δ. The likelihood of the general SIR continuous-time ILMs is then given as follows:

where θ is the vector of unknown parameters; f(.;δ) indicates the density of the infectious period distribution; and D_i is the infectious period of infected individual i defined as D_i= R_i-I_i. The likelihood of the general SINR continuous-time ILMs is given by:

where D^{inc}_i and D^{delay}_i are the incubation and delay periods such that D^{inc}_i = N_i - I_i and D^{delay}_i = R_i - N_i, and

λ_{ij}^{-} = Ω_{S}(j) Ω_{T}(i) k(i,j),

for i in I(t), j in S(t), and

λ_{ij}^{+} = γ (Ω_{S}(j) Ω_{T}(i) k(i,j)),

for i in N(t), j in S(t).

Note, λ_{ij}^{+} is used only under the SINR model.


Returns the log likelihood value.

See Also

contactnet, datagen, epictmcmc.

EpiILMCT documentation built on June 29, 2021, 9:08 a.m.