
Defines functions loglikelihoodepiILM

Documented in loglikelihoodepiILM

loglikelihoodepiILM<-function(object, distancekernel=NULL, control.sus=NULL, control.trans=NULL,
kernel.par=NULL, spark=NULL, gamma=NULL, delta=NULL) {

    if (!is(object, "datagen")) {
        stop("The epidat object must be in a class of \"datagen\" ", call. = FALSE)
    } else {

        # check the compartmental framework:

        if (object$type == "SIR") {

        kernelpar <- vector(mode="double", length=2)

        # check the epidemic data:

        epidat = object$epidat

        # check the kernel function and its required parameters:

        if (object$kerneltype == "distance") {

            n   <-  length(object$location[, 1])
            dis  <- as.matrix(dist(object$location,  method = "euclidean"))
            net  <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)

            if (is.null(distancekernel)) {
                stop("Specify the type of distance kernel as \"powerlaw\" or \"Cauchy\": distancekernel", call. = FALSE)
            } else if (distancekernel=="powerlaw") {
                num  <-  as.integer(2)
            } else if (distancekernel=="Cauchy") {
                num  <-  as.integer(3)

            if (is.null(kernel.par)) {
                stop("Specify the value of the kernel parameter: kernel.par", call. = FALSE)

            kernelpar[1] <- kernel.par
            kernelpar[2] <- 0

        } else if (object$kerneltype == "network") {

            n   <-  dim(object$network)[1]
            dis  <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
            net  <- object$network
            num <-  1

            kernelpar[1] <- 0
            kernelpar[2] <- 0

        } else if (object$kerneltype == "both") {

            n   <-  length(object$location[, 1])
            dis  <- as.matrix(dist(object$location,  method = "euclidean"))
            net  <- object$network

            if (is.null(distancekernel)) {
                stop("Specify the type of distance kernel as \"powerlaw\" or \"Cauchy\": distancekernel", call. = FALSE)
            } else if (distancekernel=="powerlaw") {
                num  <-  4
            } else if (distancekernel=="Cauchy") {
                num  <-  5

            if (is.null(kernel.par)) {
                stop("Specify the value of the kernel parameter: kernel.par", call. = FALSE)

            kernelpar[1] <- kernel.par[1]
            kernelpar[2] <- kernel.par[2]


        # obtain the number of infected in the epidemic:

        ninfected  <-  sum(object$epidat[, 2]!=Inf)

        # check the susceptibility function and its covariates and parameters:

        if (is.null(control.sus)){

            nsuspar  <-  1
            suspar <- 1
            suscov  <-  matrix(rep(1, n), ncol= nsuspar, nrow = n)
            powersus <- 1

        } else if (!is.list(control.sus)) {

            stop("The option control.sus must be a list of values of the susceptibility parameters, susceptibility cavariates, values of the non-linearity (power) parameters of the covariates", call. = FALSE)

        } else if (is.list(control.sus)) {

            len <- length(control.sus)

            if (len < 2L) {
                stop("The length of the option control.sus must be at least 2", call. = FALSE)
            } else {

                suscov  <- control.sus[[2]]

                if (is.matrix(suscov)) {
                    nsuspar <- dim(suscov)[2]
                } else {
                    nsuspar <- 1

                if (any(suscov < 0)) {
                    stop("Covariate(s) values of the susceptibility function must be positive: control.sus", call.=FALSE)

                if (length(control.sus[[1]]) != nsuspar) {
                    stop("The number of susceptibility parameters must be equal to the number of susceptibility covariates", call. = FALSE)
                } else {
                    suspar    <-  control.sus[[1]]

            if (len == 3L) {
                if (length(control.sus[[3]]) != nsuspar) {
                    stop("The number of power parameters of the susceptibility function must be equal to the number of susceptibility covariates", call. = FALSE)
                } else {
                    powersus <-  control.sus[[3]]

            } else {
                powersus <-  rep(1, nsuspar)

        # check the transmissibility function and its covariates and parameters:

        if (is.null(control.trans)){

            ntranspar  <-  1
            transpar <- 1
            transcov  <-  matrix(rep(1, n), ncol= ntranspar, nrow = n)
            powertrans <- 1

        } else if (!is.list(control.trans)) {

            stop("The option control.trans must be a list of values of the transmissibility parameters, transmissibility cavariates, values of the non-linearity (power) parameters of the covariates", call. = FALSE)

        } else if (is.list(control.trans)) {

            len <- length(control.trans)

            if (len < 2L) {
                stop("The length of the option control.trans must be at least 2", call. = FALSE)
            } else {

                transcov  <- control.trans[[2]]

                if (is.matrix(transcov)) {
                    ntranspar <- dim(transcov)[2]
                } else {
                    ntranspar <- 1

                if (any(transcov < 0)) {
                    stop("Covariate(s) values of the transmissibility function must be positive: control.trans", call.=FALSE)

                if (length(control.trans[[1]]) != ntranspar) {
                    stop("The number of transmissibility parameters must be equal to the number of transceptibility covariates", call. = FALSE)
                } else {
                    transpar    <-  control.trans[[1]]

            if (len == 3L) {
                if (length(control.trans[[3]]) != ntranspar) {
                    stop("The number of power parameters of the transmissibility function must be equal to the number of transmissibility covariates", call. = FALSE)
                } else {
                    powertrans <-  control.trans[[3]]

            } else {
                powertrans <-  rep(1, ntranspar)

        # check the spark term:

		if (is.null(spark)) {
			spark <- 0

        # check the parameters of the distribution of the infectious period:

        if (all(!is.matrix(delta) & length(delta)!=2) == TRUE) {
            stop("Error in entering the parameters of the infectious period distribution: delta", call.=FALSE)
        } else if (is.matrix(delta)) {
            if (all(dim(delta)[1]!=1 & dim(delta)[2]!=2) == TRUE) {
            	stop("Error in entering the parameters of the infectious period distribution: delta", call.=FALSE)
            deltain1 <- delta[1, 1]
            deltain2 <- delta[1, 2]
        } else {
            deltain1 <- delta[1]
			deltain2 <- delta[2]

		n=as.integer(n),  ninfected =as.integer(ninfected), num=as.integer(num),
		nsuspar=as.integer(nsuspar), ntranspar=as.integer(ntranspar),
		cc= matrix(as.double(net), n, n), d333=matrix(as.double(dis), n, n),
		epidat=matrix(as.numeric(epidat), ncol=4, nrow=n),
		suscov=matrix(as.double(suscov), ncol=nsuspar, nrow=n),
		transcov=matrix(as.double(transcov), ncol=ntranspar, nrow=n),
		suspar=as.double(suspar), powersus=as.double(powersus),
		transpar=as.double(transpar), powertrans=as.double(powertrans),
		kernelpar=as.vector(kernelpar, mode="double"), spark=as.double(spark),
		deltain1=as.double(deltain1), deltain2=as.double(deltain2),
		likk=as.double(0), NAOK = TRUE

		result1 <- datloglik1$likk


        } else if (object$type == "SINR") {

            kernelpar <- vector(mode="double", length=2)

            # check the epidemic data:

            epidat = object$epidat

            # check the kernel function and its required parameters:

            if (object$kerneltype == "distance") {

                n   <-  length(object$location[, 1])
                dis  <- as.matrix(dist(object$location,  method = "euclidean"))
                net  <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)

                if (is.null(distancekernel)) {
                    stop("Specify the type of distance kernel as \"powerlaw\" or \"Cauchy\": distancekernel", call. = FALSE)
                } else if (distancekernel=="powerlaw") {
                    num  <-  as.integer(2)
                } else if (distancekernel=="Cauchy") {
                    num  <-  as.integer(3)

                if (is.null(kernel.par)) {
                    stop("Specify the value of the kernel parameter: kernel.par", call. = FALSE)

                kernelpar[1] <- kernel.par
                kernelpar[2] <- 0

            } else if (object$kerneltype == "network") {

                n   <-  dim(object$network)[1]
                dis  <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
                net  <- object$network
                num <-  1

                kernelpar[1] <- 0
                kernelpar[2] <- 0

            } else if (object$kerneltype == "both") {

                n   <-  length(object$location[, 1])
                dis  <- as.matrix(dist(object$location,  method = "euclidean"))
                net  <- object$network

                if (is.null(distancekernel)) {
                    stop("Specify the type of distance kernel as \"powerlaw\" or \"Cauchy\": distancekernel", call. = FALSE)
                } else if (distancekernel=="powerlaw") {
                    num  <-  4
                } else if (distancekernel=="Cauchy") {
                    num  <-  5

                if (is.null(kernel.par)) {
                    stop("Specify the value of the kernel parameter: kernel.par", call. = FALSE)

                kernelpar[1] <- kernel.par[1]
                kernelpar[2] <- kernel.par[2]


            # obtain the number of infected in the epidemic:

            ninfected  <-  sum(object$epidat[, 2]!=Inf)

            # check the susceptibility function and its covariates and parameters:

            if (is.null(control.sus)){

                nsuspar  <-  1
                suspar <- 1
                suscov  <-  matrix(rep(1, n), ncol= nsuspar, nrow = n)
                powersus <- 1

            } else if (!is.list(control.sus)) {

                stop("The option control.sus must be a list of values of the susceptibility parameters, susceptibility cavariates, values of the non-linearity (power) parameters of the covariates", call. = FALSE)

            } else if (is.list(control.sus)) {

                len <- length(control.sus)

                if (len < 2L) {
                    stop("The length of the option control.sus must be at least 2", call. = FALSE)
                } else {

                    suscov  <- control.sus[[2]]

                    if (is.matrix(suscov)) {
                        nsuspar <- dim(suscov)[2]
                    } else {
                        nsuspar <- 1

                    if (any(suscov < 0)) {
                        stop("Covariate(s) values of the susceptibility function must be positive: control.sus", call.=FALSE)

                    if (length(control.sus[[1]]) != nsuspar) {
                        stop("The number of susceptibility parameters must be equal to the number of susceptibility covariates", call. = FALSE)
                    } else {
                        suspar    <-  control.sus[[1]]

                if (len == 3L) {
                    if (length(control.sus[[3]]) != nsuspar) {
                        stop("The number of power parameters of the susceptibility function must be equal to the number of susceptibility covariates", call. = FALSE)
                    } else {
                        powersus <-  control.sus[[3]]

                } else {
                    powersus <-  rep(1, nsuspar)

            # check the transmissibility function and its covariates and parameters:

            if (is.null(control.trans)){

                ntranspar  <-  1
                transpar <- 1
                transcov  <-  matrix(rep(1, n), ncol= ntranspar, nrow = n)
                powertrans <- 1

            } else if (!is.list(control.trans)) {

                stop("The option control.trans must be a list of values of the transmissibility parameters, transmissibility cavariates, values of the non-linearity (power) parameters of the covariates", call. = FALSE)

            } else if (is.list(control.trans)) {

                len <- length(control.trans)

                if (len < 2L) {
                    stop("The length of the option control.trans must be at least 2", call. = FALSE)
                } else {

                    transcov  <- control.trans[[2]]

                    if (is.matrix(transcov)) {
                        ntranspar <- dim(transcov)[2]
                    } else {
                        ntranspar <- 1

                    if (any(transcov < 0)) {
                        stop("Covariate(s) values of the transmissibility function must be positive: control.trans", call.=FALSE)

                    if (length(control.trans[[1]]) != ntranspar) {
                        stop("The number of transmissibility parameters must be equal to the number of transceptibility covariates", call. = FALSE)
                    } else {
                        transpar    <-  control.trans[[1]]

                if (len == 3L) {
                    if (length(control.trans[[3]]) != ntranspar) {
                        stop("The number of power parameters of the transmissibility function must be equal to the number of transmissibility covariates", call. = FALSE)
                    } else {
                        powertrans <-  control.trans[[3]]

                } else {
                    powertrans <-  rep(1, ntranspar)

            # check the spark term:

            if (is.null(spark)) {
                spark <- 0

            # check the parameters of the distribution of the infectious period:

            if (is.null(gamma)) {
                gamma <- 1

            # check the parameters of the distributions of the incubation and delay periods:

            if (is.null(delta)) {
                stop("Specify the incubation and delay periods distribution parameters: delta", call. = FALSE)
            } else if (!is.matrix(delta)) {
                stop("The parameters of the incubation and delay periods distributions must be entered as a 2 by 2 matrix,  where each row represent the scale and shape of the gamma distribution: delta", call.=FALSE)
            } else if (dim(delta)[1]!=2 | dim(delta)[2]!=2) {
                stop("The parameters of the incubation and delay periods distributions must be entered as a 2 by 2 matrix,  where each row represent the scale and shape of the gamma distribution: delta", call.=FALSE)
            } else {
                deltain1 <- delta[1, 1]
                deltain2 <- delta[1, 2]
                deltanr1 <- delta[2, 1]
                deltanr2 <- delta[2, 2]

            n=as.integer(n), ninfected=as.integer(ninfected), num=as.integer(num),
            nsuspar=as.integer(nsuspar), ntranspar=as.integer(ntranspar),
            cc= as.matrix(as.double(net), n, n), d3=as.matrix(as.double(dis), n, n),
            epidat=as.matrix(as.double(epidat), ncol=6, nrow=n),
            suscov=as.matrix(as.double(suscov), ncol=nsuspar, nrow=n),
            transcov=as.matrix(as.double(transcov), ncol=ntranspar, nrow=n),
            suspar=as.double(suspar), powersus=as.double(powersus),
            transpar=as.double(transpar), powertrans=as.double(powertrans),
            kernelpar=as.vector(kernelpar, mode="double"), spark=as.double(spark),
            gamma=as.double(gamma), deltain1=as.double(deltain1),
            deltain2=as.double(deltain2), deltanr1=as.double(deltanr1), deltanr2=as.double(deltanr2),
            likk=as.double(0), NAOK = TRUE

            result2 <- datloglikk2$likk


        } else {
            stop("Error in specifying the compartmental framework of the model: type", call. = FALSE)

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