
Defines functions EuclideanSD

Documented in EuclideanSD

#' @title An Euclidean View of Center and Spread
#' @description This package helps a user guess four things before they get the SD.
#'   1) The package displays the Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF) of
#'   the given data. The user must choose the value of the mean by equating the areas of
#'   two colored (blue and green) regions. The package gives feedback to improve the choice
#'   until it is correct. Alternatively, the reader may continue with a different guess for
#'   the center (not necessarily the mean).
#'   2) The user chooses the values of the Mean Deviation (MD) based on the ECDF of the deviations
#'   by equating the areas of two newly colored (blue and green) regions, with feedback from the
#'   package until the user guesses correctly.
#'   3) The user chooses the Scaled Mean Squared Deviation (MSD) based on the ECDF of the scaled
#'   square deviations by equating the areas of two newly colored (blue and green) regions, with
#'   feedback from the package until the user guesses correctly.
#'   4) The user chooses the Root Mean Squared Deviation (RMSD) by ensuring that its intersection
#'   with the ECDF of the deviations is at the same height as the intersection between the scaled
#'   MSD and the ECDF of the scaled squared deviations. Additionally, the intersection of two
#'   blue lines (the green dot) should fall on the vertical line at the maximum deviation.
#'   5) Finally, if the mean is chosen correctly, only then the user can view the population
#'   SD (the same as the RMSD) and the sample SD (sqrt(n/(n-1))*RMSD) by clicking the respective
#'   buttons. If the mean is chosen incorrectly, the user is asked to correct it.
#' @param x It is a data vector that the user feeds. It can be randomly generated.
#' @return A new browser window opens with an interactive graph built by R shiny
#'   on which the user selects the desired summary statistics with feedback from
#'   the package until the selections are correct.
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom utils assignInMyNamespace
#' @export EuclideanSD
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   data<- c(1,2,3,4,5)
#'   EuclideanSD(data)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#'   data <- rnorm(90,30,10)
#'   EuclideanSD(data)
#' }


#' @title nums: the namespace variable.
#' @description the namespace variable that stores data provided by user.
#' @export

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EuclideanSD documentation built on July 1, 2021, 9:07 a.m.