Man pages for EvolutionaryGames
Important Concepts of Evolutionary Game Theory

BNNBrown-von Neumann-Nash dynamic
BRBR dynamic
ESSESS for two-player games with a maximum of three strategies
ESsetEvolutionarily stable set for two-player games with three...
ILogitILogit dynamic
LogitLogit dynamic
MSReplicatorMaynard Smith replicator dynamic
phaseDiagram2SPhase Diagram for two-player games with two strategies
phaseDiagram3SPhase Diagram for two-player games with three strategies
phaseDiagram4SPhase Diagram for two-player games with four strategies
ReplicatorReplicator dynamic
SmithSmith dynamic
triangleTriangle for 2-simplex operations
EvolutionaryGames documentation built on Aug. 29, 2022, 1:06 a.m.