
Defines functions write_image

Documented in write_image

#' Function to save an image (Funcao para salvar uma imagem).
#' @description Esta funcao salva uma imagem.A funcao e uma adaptacao do `writeImage` do pacote `EBImage`
#' @usage write_image(x, files, type, quality = 100, bits.per.sample, compression = "none")

#' @param x an Image object or an array.
#' @param files a character vector of file names or URLs.
#' @param type image type (optional). Supported values are: jpeg, png, and tiff. If missing, file format is automatically determined by file name extension.
#' @param quality a numeric ranging from 1 to 100 (default) controlling the quality of the JPEG output.
#' @param bits.per.sample a numeric scalar specifying the number of bits per sample (only for tiff files). Supported values are 8 and 16.
#' @param compression the desired compression algorithm (only for tiff files). For a list of supported values consult the documentation of the writeTIFF function from the tiff package.

#' @author Alcinei Mistico Azevedo (Instituto de ciencias agrarias da UFMG)

#' @return Salva uma imagem.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{read_image}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'#Carregar imagem de exemplo
#'im3=crop_image(im2,w =200:650,h=100:450,plot = TRUE)
#'imb=edit_image(im3,brightness = 0.1,contrast = 1.7,gamma  = 1.2)
#'write_image(x = imb,files = "Test.jpg")
#' }

write_image=function(x, files, type, quality = 100, bits.per.sample, compression = "none"){

  im3=EBImage::writeImage(x, files, type, quality, bits.per.sample, compression = "none")


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ExpImage documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:10 a.m.