
Defines functions computeAposterioriError

Documented in computeAposterioriError

## Freedom from disease nach Ziller et al.
## Functions to analyze the achieved statistical error 
## (alpha-error) for different sampling strategies.
## Ian Kopacka
## 2010-07-06

## Berechne den Alpha-Fehler der gezogenen Stichprobe.
## Eingabeparameter:
##   alphaErrorVector...Vektor (numeric). Alpha-Fehler (= 1-Herdensensitivitaet)
##                      der gezogenen Betriebe.
##   nPopulation........Numeric. Populationsgroesse (= Gesamtanzahl der Betriebe)
##   nDiseased..........Numeric. Anzahl der erkrankten Betriebe lt. 
##                      Designpraevalenz
##   method............."exact" for exact error, "approx" for approximation
##                      recommended for nDiseased > 7
## Ausgabe: Numeric. Alpha-Fehler bei gezogener Stichprobe (exakt).
## Version 10: 
computeAposterioriError <- function(alphaErrorVector, nPopulation, 
    nDiseased, method = "default"){
  if (nDiseased < 1) return(1)
  ## Determine sample method:
  if (!(method %in% c("exact", "approx", "approximation", "default"))){
    stop("Undefined value for argument 'method'; must be either 'exact' or 'approx'.")
  if (method == "default"){
#        if (nDiseased > 6){
#            method <- "approx"
#        } else {
#            method <- "exact"
#        }
    method <- "approx"
  ## Error check:
  nSample <- length(alphaErrorVector)  # sample size
  if(nPopulation < nSample) stop("nPopulation must not be smaller than nSample")
  if(nPopulation < nDiseased) stop("nPopulation must not be smaller than nDiseased")
  if (method == "exact"){
            "Exact evaluation is no longer supported.",
            "Switching to approximate evaluation"
  # Compute mean herd sensitivity:
  herdSensMean <- mean(1 - alphaErrorVector)
  alphaError <- computePValue(
      nPopulation = nPopulation, 
      nSample = nSample, 
      nDiseased = nDiseased, 
      sensitivity = herdSensMean, 
      specificity = 1
#    if (method == "exact"){  
#        ################################################
#        ## Range of possible number of diseased in sample:
#        nDiseasedSampleVector <- max(1, nSample - nPopulation + nDiseased) : 
#            min(nDiseased, nSample)
#        ## Vector of probabilites that there are y infected herds in the 
#        ## sample for all y in nDiseasedSampleVector:
#        probabilitiesDiseasedVector <- choose(nPopulation - nSample,
#            nDiseased - c(0, nDiseasedSampleVector)) / choose(nPopulation, 
#            nDiseased)
#        ## Error check:
#		if (any(is.nan(probabilitiesDiseasedVector))){
#		probabilitiesDiseasedVector <- exp(lfactorial(nPopulation - nSample) - 
#			lfactorial(nDiseased - c(0, nDiseasedSampleVector)) - 
#		    lfactorial(nPopulation - nSample - nDiseased + 
#			    c(0, nDiseasedSampleVector)) - 
#            lfactorial(nPopulation) + lfactorial(nDiseased) +
#			lfactorial(nPopulation-nDiseased))
#        }		
#        if (any(is.nan(probabilitiesDiseasedVector))){
#			stop("Binoial Coefficient could not be evaluated.")
#		}
#        ## Vector of the conditional probabilities of finding 0 test positive
#        ## herds in the sample, given that there are y infected herds in the 
#        ## sample for all y in nDiseasedSampleVector (costly computation due
#        ## to combinatorical aspects):
#        ## Grouping of alpha-values:
#        alphaDf <- data.frame(alpha = as.numeric(as.character(names(table(alphaErrorVector)))), 
#            freq = as.vector(table(alphaErrorVector)))
#        ## Compute all elements of the form choose(ni, ji)*alphai^ji:
#        matPot <- sapply(1:min(nDiseased, nSample), function(x) 
#            choose(alphaDf$freq,x)*alphaDf$alpha^x)
#        if(dim(alphaDf)[1] == 1) matPot <- t(as.matrix(matPot)) 
#        ## Evaluate conditional probabilities (will later be done in C-function):
#        potList <- NULL    
#        conditionalProbabilitesVector <- 0*nDiseasedSampleVector
#        for (ii in seq(along = nDiseasedSampleVector)){
#            if(!is.null(potList)){
#                potList <- iterationExpList10(nDiseasedSampleVector[ii],potList) 
#            } else {
#                potList <- sumDecomp10(nDiseasedSampleVector[ii])
#            }
#                conditionalProbabilitesVector[ii] <- prodCombN10(matPot, potList)
#        }
#        ## Evaluate alpha error:
#        alphaError <- sum(probabilitiesDiseasedVector * 
#            c(1,conditionalProbabilitesVector))
#    } else {
#        ######################################################
#        ## Compute mean herd sensitivity:
#        herdSensMean <- mean(1-alphaErrorVector)
#        alphaError <- computePValue(nPopulation = nPopulation, 
#            nSample = nSample, nDiseased = nDiseased, 
#            sensitivity = herdSensMean, specificity = 1)    
#    }

## Helper functions:

#prodCombN10 <- function(matPot,potList){
#  ## Initialisiere Summe:
#  sumOut <- 0
#  prodCombNinner <- function(rv,potList,matPot){
#    potVec <- potList[[rv]]
#    if(length(potVec) == 1){
#      out <- sum(matPot[,potVec])
#    } else {    
#      tablePot <- as.vector(table(potVec))
#      if(length(tablePot) == 1){                    
#        ## C-version:
#        #dyn.load("combNsymmWrapper.dll")
#        outList <- .C("combNsymmWrapper", vector = matPot[,potVec[1]], 
#            nVector = as.integer(length(matPot[,potVec[1]])), 
#            nGroups = as.integer(tablePot), result = 0.0, PACKAGE = "FFD")
#        out <- outList$result                    
#      } else {           
#        ### C-version:
#        potVec1 <- potVec
#        tablePot <- table(potVec1)
#        alphaVec <- as.vector(matPot[,as.numeric(names(tablePot))])
#        potVec <- as.vector(tablePot)                    
#        nPot <- length(potVec)
#        nAlpha <- dim(matPot)[1]
#        indVec <- rep(1,nAlpha)                    
#        ## C:
#        #dyn.load("combNWrapper.dll")
#        outList <- .C("combNWrapper", alphaVec = alphaVec,
#            nAlpha = as.integer(nAlpha), nPot = as.integer(nPot),
#            potVec = as.integer(potVec), indVec = as.integer(indVec),
#            result = 0.0, PACKAGE = "FFD")
#        out <- outList$result  
#      }
#    }            
#  }
#  outVec <- sapply(seq(along = potList), function(rv) prodCombNinner(rv,potList,matPot))
#  return(sum(outVec))    


#sumDecomp10 <- function(nExp){
#  if(nExp > 1){
#    expList <- sumDecomp10(nExp-1)
#    return(iterationExpList10(nExp, expList))    
#  } else {
#    return(list(1))
#  }      


#iterationExpList10 <- function(nExp, expList){
#  ## For all with a length greater than 1 and where the last element
#  ## is smaller than the previous one add 1 to the last element:    
#  l1 <- c(nExp,lapply(expList, function(x){
#            nVec <- length(x)
#            if((nVec > 1) && (x[nVec] < x[nVec-1])){
#              x[nVec] <- x[nVec] + 1
#              return(x)
#            } else {
#              return(NULL)
#            }        
#          }))
#  l1 <- l1[!sapply(l1, is.null)]
#  ## Append 1:
#  l2 <- lapply(expList, function(x) c(x,1))
#  return(c(l1,l2))


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