FIESTA - Green-book Estimators

knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = F, warning = F)
# Sets up output folding
hooks = knitr::knit_hooks$get()
hook_foldable = function(type) {
  function(x, options) {
    res = hooks[[type]](x, options)

    if (isFALSE(options[[paste0("fold.", type)]])) return(res)

      "<details><summary>", type, "</summary>\n\n",
  output = hook_foldable("output"),
  plot = hook_foldable("plot")

Green-Book (GB) module overview

FIESTA's Green-Book (GB) module calculates population estimates and their sampling errors based on Bechtold and Patterson's (2005), 'Green-Book' for FIA's nationally-consistent, systematic annual sample design, chapter 4 (Scott et al. 2005). FIA's sample design is based on 2 phases: the first phase uses remotely-sensed data to stratify the land area to increase precision of estimates; while the 2nd phase obtains photo and ground observations and measurements for a suite of information across a hexagonal grid, each approximately 6000 acres in size. The associated estimators and variance estimators are used for area and tree attribute totals with the assumption of a simple random, stratified design and double sampling for stratification. Adjustment factors are calculated by estimation unit and strata to account for nonsampled (nonresponse) conditions.

Functions include non-ratio estimators for area and tree estimates by domain and ratio-of-means estimators for per-acre and per-tree estimates within domain. In addition, FIESTA adjusts for nonsampled conditions, supports post-stratification for reducing variance, and reports by estimation unit or a summed combination of estimation units. Output from the Green-Book module was tested and compared to output from FIA's publicly-available online tool (EVALIDator) for state-level population estimates and associated sampling errors generated from the FIA Database (FIADB).

Objective of tutorial

The Green-Book estimators can be used with FIA's standard state-level population data (i.e, Evaluation) from the FIA database (FIADB) and also population data from a custom boundary. The population data includes a set of FIA plot data and summarized auxiliary information for post-stratification, including a table of area by estimation unit within the population, and a table of strata proportions by estimation unit. This tutorial steps through several examples using FIESTA's Green Book module, for three different populations: (POP1) an FIA standard Evaluation, Wyoming 561301; (POP2) a custom boundary with one population, Bighorn National Forest; and (POP3) a custom boundary with sub-populations, Bighorn National Forest Districts. All examples can be used with any population, standard or custom.

GB Examples

GB Example Data

View GB Example Data

Example FIA plot data from FIADB

The examples use FIA plot data from FIA Evaluation 561301, including three inventory years of field measurements in the state of Wyoming, from FIADB_1.7.2.00, last updated June 20, 2018, downloaded on June 25, 2018, and stored as internal data objects in FIESTA.

Wyoming (WY), Inventory Years 2011-2013 (Evaluation 561301)

Data Frame | Description :-----------| :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYplt | WY plot-level data WYcond | WY condition-level data WYtree | WY tree-level data

Example Auxiliary data

Auxiliary data for state-level estimates, including plot-level estimation unit and stratum assignments; area by estimation unit; and pixel counts by strata class and estimation unit, were downloaded from FIADB at the same time, from the same FIA Evaluation (i.e., 561301), and stored as internal data objects in FIESTA. Estimates using auxiliary data from FIADB can be compared with EVALIDator estimates, using the 2013 evaluation (

Auxiliary data for the custom boundaries are summarized from spatial layers stored as external objects in FIESTA, originating from the USDA Forest Service, Automated Lands Program (ALP; 2018) and from a 250m resolution, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), classified map, reclassified from 3 to 2 classes: 1:forest; 2:nonforest (Ruefenacht et al. 2008)

Wyoming (WY), Auxiliary data from FIADB (Evaluation 561301)

Data Frame | Description :-----------| :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYpltassgn | WY plot-level data with strata and estimation unit assignments WYunitarea | WY estimation unit look-up table with total acres by estimation unit (ESTUNIT) WYstratalut | WY strata look-up table with pixel counts (P1POINTCNT) by strata and estimation unit

Wyoming (WY), Auxiliary data from other sources

External data | Description :-------------------------| :------------------------------------------------------------------------ WYbighorn_adminbnd.shp | Polygon shapefile of WY Bighorn National Forest Administrative boundary^1^ WYbighorn_districtbnd.shp | Polygon shapefile of WY Bighorn National Forest District boundaries^2^ WYbighorn_forest_nonforest_250m.tif| GeoTIFF raster of predicted forest/nonforest (1/0)^3^

^1^USDA Forest Service, Automated Lands Program (ALP). 2018. S_USA.AdministrativeForest ( Description: An area encompassing all the National Forest System lands administered by an administrative unit. The area encompasses private lands, other governmental agency lands, and may contain National Forest System lands within the proclaimed boundaries of another administrative unit. All National Forest System lands fall within one and only one Administrative Forest Area.

^2^USDA Forest Service, Automated Lands Program (ALP). 2018. S_USA.RangerDistrict ( Description: A depiction of the boundary that encompareasses a Ranger District.

^3^Based on 250m resolution, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), classified map, reclassified from 3 to 2 classes: 1:forest; 2:nonforest. Projected in Albers Conical Equal Area, Datum NAD27 (Ruefenacht et al. 2008).

Set up

First, you'll need to load the FIESTA library:


Next, you'll need to set up an "outfolder". This is just a file path to a folder where you'd like FIESTA to send your data output. For this vignette, we have saved our outfolder file path as the outfolder object in a temporary directory. We also set a few default options preferred for this vignette.

outfolder <- tempdir()

Get auxiliary data for custom examples

Now, we need to get the auxiliary data for the custom boundaries. The FIESTA spGetStrata function is a spatial wrapper function to facilitate extraction and summary of user-defined spatial data used for post-stratification. The function uses the FIESTA spExtractPoly and spExtractRast functions to subset (i.e., clip) plots to the boundary and extract values from estimation unit (i.e., polygon) and strata values (i.e., raster) to plot center locations, respectively. Other internal spatial functions calculate stratum pixel counts and area by estimation unit. If a polygon strata layer is given, the FIESTA spPoly2Rast function converts the polygon layer to raster before calculating strata weights.

Our custom examples demonstrate how to get data for one area of interest, or population (e.g, Bighorn National Forest) and for one area of interest, with multiple estimation units, or subpopulations (e.g., Bighorn National Forest Districts).

Bighorn National Forest

View Getting Strata Data

# File names for spatial layers, stored as external data objects in FIESTA. 
WYbhfn <- system.file("extdata", "sp_data/WYbighorn_adminbnd.shp", package="FIESTA")
fornffn <- system.file("extdata", "sp_data/WYbighorn_forest_nonforest_250m.tif", package="FIESTA")

# Get estimation unit and strata information for Bighorn National Forest. <- spGetStrata(
      xyplt = WYplt,
      uniqueid = "CN", 
      unit_layer = WYbhfn, 
      strat_layer = fornffn,
      spMakeSpatial_opts = list(xvar = "LON_PUBLIC", 
                                yvar = "LAT_PUBLIC", 
                       = 4269)

## Get names of output list components

## Plot assignment of strata and estimation unit (ONEUNIT, STRATUMCD)

## Area by estimation unit$unitarea

## Pixel counts and strata weights (strwt) by strata and estimation unit$stratalut

## Variable names$unitvar        # Estimation unit variable$strvar         # Strata variable$areavar        # Area variable

Bighorn National Forest Districts

View Getting Strata Data (Districts)

# File names for external spatial data 
WYbhdistfn <- system.file("extdata", "sp_data/WYbighorn_districtbnd.shp", package="FIESTA")
WYbhdist.att <- "DISTRICTNA"
fornffn <- system.file("extdata", "sp_data/WYbighorn_forest_nonforest_250m.tif", package="FIESTA")

# Get estimation unit and strata information for Bighorn National Forest Districts
stratdat.bhdist <- spGetStrata(
      xyplt = WYplt,
      uniqueid = "CN", 
      spMakeSpatial_opts = list(xvar = "LON_PUBLIC", 
                                yvar = "LAT_PUBLIC", 
                       = 4269)

## Get names of output list components

## Plot assignment of strata and estimation unit (DISTRICTNA, STRATUMCD)

## Area by estimation units (Districts)

## Pixel counts and strata weights (strwt) by strata and estimation unit

## Variable names
stratdat.bhdist$unitvar        # Estimation unit variable
stratdat.bhdist$strvar         # Strata variable
stratdat.bhdist$areavar        # Area variable

GB Module


FIESTA's population functions (mod*pop) check input data and perform population-level calculations, such as: summing number of sampled plots; adjusting for partial nonresponse; and standardizing auxiliary data. These functions are specific to each FIESTA module and are run prior to or within a module for any population of interest.

For FIESTA's GB Module, the modGBpop function calculates and outputs: number of plots, adjustment factors, and an expansion factor by strata. The outputs are similar to data found in FIADB's pop_stratum table. The output from modGBpop can be used for one or more estimates from modGBarea, modGBtree, or modGBratio functions.

POP1: FIADB POPULATION - Get population data for area and tree estimates for Wyoming, using post-stratification

View Example

In this example, we use the sample Wyoming data (2013 Evaluation) stored in FIESTA to generate population data for the GB module. We check this output with the FIADB pop_stratum table from FIA DataMart for 561301 Evalid, using the FIESTA::DBqryCSV function.

GBpopdat <- modGBpop(
  popTabs = list(cond = FIESTA::WYcond,          # FIA plot/condition data
                 tree = FIESTA::WYtree,          # FIA tree data
                 seed = FIESTA::WYseed),         # FIA seedling data
  popTabIDs = list(cond = "PLT_CN"),             # unique ID of plot in cond
  pltassgn = FIESTA::WYpltassgn,  # plot assignments
  pltassgnid = "CN",              # unique ID of plot in pltassgn
  pjoinid = "PLT_CN",             # plot id to join to pltassgn
  unitarea = WYunitarea,          # area by estimation units
  unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT",          # name of estimation unit
  strata = TRUE,                  # if using post-stratification
  stratalut = WYstratalut,        # strata classes and pixels counts
  strata_opts = strata_options(getwt = TRUE)              # strata options

To get the names of the list components associated with the output of our call of modGBpop, we run the following code:


From this list outputted by GBpopdat we can access many things. Some examples include the number of plots by plot status that can be accessed with the plotsampcnt item, the number of conditions by condition status with condsampcnt, the strata-level population data, including number of plots and adjustment factors with stratalut, and the adjustment factors added to the condition-level, tree-level, and seedling data with condx, treex, and seedx, respectfully. These objects can be seen below:

## Look at output from GBpopdat
GBpopdat$plotsampcnt    # Number of plots by plot status
GBpopdat$condsampcnt    # Number of conditions by condition status
# Strata-level population data, including number of plots and adjustment factors
## Adjustment factors added to condition-level data
## Adjustment factors added to tree data
## Adjustment factors added to seedling data

One may also want to compare FIESTA output with FIADB pop_stratum table for WY in the 2013 evaluation to check for consistency. The can be done as follows:

qry <- "select estn_unit, stratumcd, p1pointcnt, p2pointcnt, expns, 
          adj_factor_macr, adj_factor_subp, adj_factor_micr from pop_stratum 
        where evalid = 561301 order by estn_unit, stratumcd"
pop_stratum <- tryCatch(
            error=function(e) {
            return(NULL) })

if (!is.null(pop_stratum)) {

POP2: CUSTOM POPULATION - Get population data for area and tree estimates for the Bighorn National Forest, using post-stratification

View Example

In this example, we use the sample WY plot data (2013 Evaluation) in FIESTA and output from spGetStrata to generate population data for the Bighorn National Forest. Here, we have only one estimation unit within the population of interest (i.e., Bighorn National Forest), therefore strata and pixel counts are summarized to the population.

If the FIESTA::spGetStrata function is used to obtain stratification data, the output list object can be input directly into modGBpop through the GBstratdat parameter. If other methods are used, the data are input through individual parameters.

## Bighorn National Forest

## Using output list from spGetStrata() <- modGBpop(
      popTabs=list(plt=WYplt, cond=WYcond, tree=WYtree, seed=WYseed),

## Get names of output list components

## Using output as individual parameter inputs <- modGBpop(
      popTabs=list(plt=WYplt, cond=WYcond, tree=WYtree, seed=WYseed),

## Get names of output list components

## Condition information with adjusted condition proportions for area

## Tree information with tree-level adjustment factors

## Seedling information with adjustment factors

## Strata-level information, including number of plots by strata and strata-level adjustment factors$stratalut

POP3: CUSTOM SUB-POPULATIONS - Get sub-population data for area and tree estimates for the Bighorn National Forest Districts, using post-stratification

View Example

In this example, we use the sample Wyoming plot data (2013 Evaluation) stored in FIESTA and output from spGetStrata to generate sub-population data for Bighorn National Forest Districts. Here, we have more than one estimation unit (i.e., sub-population) within the population of interest (i.e., Bighorn National Forest Districts), therefore strata and pixel counts are summarized by each District within the population.

If the FIESTA::spGetStrata function is used to obtain stratification data, the output list object can be input directly into modGBpop through the GBstratdat parameter. If other methods are used, the data are input through individual parameters.

## Bighorn National Forest District

## Using output list from spGetStrata()
GBpopdat.bhdist <- modGBpop(
      popTabs=list(plt=WYplt, cond=WYcond, tree=WYtree, seed=WYseed), 

## Get names of output list components

GBpopdat.bhdist <- modGBpop(
      popTabs=list(plt=WYplt, cond=WYcond, tree=WYtree, seed=WYseed), 

## Get names of output list components

## Condition information with adjusted condition proportions for area

## Tree information with tree-level adjustment factors

## Seedling information with adjustment factors

## Strata-level information, including number of plots by strata and strata-level adjustment factors

POP4: FIADB POPULATION - Get population data for area and tree estimates for Rhode Island, using post-stratification, with data stored in a SQLite database

View Example

In this example, we use the sample Rhode Island data (441901 Evaluation) stored in a SQLite database as external data in FIESTA. Data were extracted from the FIA database on June 6, 2022. All output can be compared with output from other FIA tools.

First, let's look at the SQLite database. Use the DBI package explore the contents.

SQLitefn <- system.file("extdata", "FIA_data/RIdat_eval2019.db", package="FIESTA")

conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), SQLitefn)
GBpopdat.RI <- modGBpop(popTabs = list(plt="plot", cond="cond", tree="tree", seed="seed"),
                  dsn = SQLitefn,
                  pltassgn = "pop_plot_stratum_assgn",
                  stratalut = "pop_stratum",
                  unitarea = "pop_estn_unit",
                  unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT",
                  areavar = "AREA_USED",
                  strata_opts = list(getwt=TRUE, getwtvar="P1POINTCNT")

# Strata-level population data, including number of plots and adjustment factors


FIESTA's modGBarea function generates acre estimates by domain (e.g., Forest type). Calculations are based on Scott et al. 2015 ('Green-Book') for mapped forest inventory plots. The non-ratio estimator for estimating area by stratum and domain is used. Plots that are totally nonsampled are excluded from the estimation dataset. Next, an adjustment factor is calculated by strata to adjust for nonsampled (nonresponse) conditions that have proportion less than 1. The attribute is the proportion of the plot which is divided by the adjustment factor, and averaged by stratum. Strata means are combined using the strata weights and then expanded to acres using the total land area in the population.

If there are more than one estimation unit (i.e., subpopulation) within the population, estimates are generated by estimation unit. If sumunits=TRUE, the estimates and percent standard errors returned are a sum combination of all estimation units. If rawdata=TRUE, the raw data returned will include estimates by estimation unit.

Parameters defined in the following examples are organized by category: population data (pop); estimation information (est); and output details (out).

POP1: 1.1 Area of forest land, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

Using the modGBarea function we generate estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT) and sum to population (i.e., WY). FIESTA then returns raw data for area of forest land, Wyoming, 2011-2013 (sum estimation units). Note that we set some options for our table output with the table_opts argument. For a full list of possible table options, you can run help(table_options).

The following estimates match output from EVALIDator using the WY 2013 Evaluation.

area1.1 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,      # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",      # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,          # est - sum estimation units to population

To get the names of the list components associated with the output of our call of modGBarea, we run the following code:


To easily access our estimate and percent sampling error of estimate we can just grab the est object from out outputted list:


We can also look at raw data and titles for estimate, as shown below:

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.1 <- area1.1$raw        # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.1$unit_totest)    # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
raw1.1$totest               # estimates for population (i.e., WY)

POP1: 1.2 Area by forest type on forest land, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

In this example, we look at adding rows to the output and include returntitle=TRUE to return title information.

## Area of forest land by forest type, Wyoming, 2011-2013
area1.2 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    returntitle = TRUE           # out - return title information

Again, we can look at the contents of the output list. The output now includes titlelst, a list of associated titles.


And the estimates:

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

Along with raw data and titles:

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.2 <- area1.2$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.2$unit_totest) # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
raw1.2$totest            # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.2$unit_rowest) # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.2$rowest)      # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst1.2 <- area1.2$titlelst

POP1: 1.3 Area by forest type and stand-size class on forest land, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

In this example, we look at adding rows and columns to output, including FIA names. We also output estimates and percent standard error in the same cell with the allin1 argument in table_options and save data to an outfolder with the outfolder argument in savedata_options.

## Area of forest land by forest type and stand-size class, Wyoming, 2011-2013

area1.3 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",          # est - column domain
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    savedata = TRUE,             # out - save data to outfolder
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = list(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # table - return output with est(pse)
    savedata_opts = list(
      outfolder = outfolder,       # save - outfolder for saving data
      outfn.pre = "WY"             # save - prefix for output files

We can again look at the output list, estimates, raw data, and titles:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.3 <- area1.3$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.3$unit_totest) # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$totest)      # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_rowest) # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$rowest)      # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_colest) # estimates by column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$colest)      # estimates by column for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_grpest) # estimates by row and column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$grpest)      # estimates by row and column for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst1.3 <- area1.3$titlelst

## List output files in outfolder
list.files(outfolder, pattern = "WY_area")
list.files(paste0(outfolder, "/rawdata"), pattern = "WY_area")

POP2: 2.1 Area by forest type and stand-size class, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

Note: Since we only have one estimation unit within the population of interest, we set sumunits=FALSE. Also, we add ref.title to customize the title outputs.

area2.1 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat =,       # pop - population calculations for Bighorn NF, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",          # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = FALSE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",          # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",           # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,           # out - return title information
    title_opts = list(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest, 2011-2013"  # title - customize title reference
    table_opts = list(   
      row.FIAname = TRUE,         # table - return FIA row names
      col.FIAname = TRUE          # table - return FIA column names

To get the names of the list components associated with the output of our call of modGBarea, we run the following code:


To easily access our estimate and percent sampling error of estimate we can just grab the est object from our ouputted list:


We can also look at raw data and titles for estimate, as shown below. Note the change in titles.

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw2.1 <- area2.1$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw2.1$unit_grpest)  # estimates by row and group domains

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst2.1 <- area2.1$titlelst

POP2: 2.2 Area by forest type group and primary disturbance class, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

Note: Since we only have one estimation unit within the population of interest, we set sumunits=FALSE. Let's also add a few more table options to control the forest type groups displayed in the table (rowlut) and fill the NULL values with 0s (estnull).

area2.2 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat =,        # pop - population calculations for Bighorn NF, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",           # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,               # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPGRPCD",        # est - row domain
    colvar = "DSTRBCD1",           # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,            # out - return title information
    title_opts = list(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest, 2011-2013"  # title - customize title reference
    table_opts = list(   
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - return FIA row names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - return FIA column names
      estnull = 0,
      rowlut = c(180, 200, 220, 260, 280, 900, 999),
      raw.keep0 = TRUE

To get the names of the list components associated with the output of our call of modGBarea, we run the following code:


To easily access our estimate and percent sampling error of estimate we can just grab the est object from our ouputted list:


We can also look at raw data and titles for estimate, as shown below. Note the change in titles.

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw2.2 <- area2.2$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw2.2$unit_grpest)  # estimates by row and group domains

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst2.2 <- area2.2$titlelst

POP3: 3.1 Area by forest type group and primary disturbance class, Bighorn National Forest Districts

View Example

In this example, we add a filter to remove from the table output, where there is no visible disturbance. This filter does not change the population data set the estimates are derived from, it only changes the output.

area3.1 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.bhdist,    # pop - population calculations for Bighorn NF, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",           # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,               # est - sum estimation units to population
    pcfilter = "DSTRBCD1 > 0",     # est - condition filter for table output
    rowvar = "FORTYPGRPCD",        # est - row domain
    colvar = "DSTRBCD1",           # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,            # out - return title information
    title_opts = list(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest, 2011-2013"  # title - customize title reference
    table_opts = list(   
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - return FIA row names
      col.FIAname = TRUE           # table - return FIA column names

To get the names of the list components associated with the output of our call of modGBarea, we run the following code:


To easily access our estimate and percent sampling error of estimate we can just grab the est object from our ouputted list:


We can also look at raw data and titles for estimate, as shown below:

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw3.1 <- area3.1$raw       # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw3.1$unit_rowest)   # estimates by estimation unit for row domains
raw3.1$rowest              # estimates for population for row domains

head(raw3.1$unit_colest)   # estimates by estimation unit for column domains
raw3.1$colest              # estimates for population for column domains

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst3.1 <- area3.1$titlelst

POP4: 4.1 Area by forest type group and stand-size class, Rhode Island, 2019

View Example

Note: estimates should match other FIA tools.

area4.1 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.RI,        # pop - population calculations for Bighorn NF, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",           # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,               # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",        # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",            # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,            # out - return title information
    table_opts = list(   
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - return FIA row names
      col.FIAname = TRUE           # table - return FIA column names

To get the names of the list components associated with the output of our call of modGBarea, we run the following code:


To easily access our estimate and percent sampling error of estimate we can just grab the est object from our ouputted list:


We can also look at raw data and titles for estimate, as shown below. Note the change in titles.

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw4.1 <- area4.1$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw4.1$unit_grpest)  # estimates by row and group domains

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst4.1 <- area4.1$titlelst


FIESTA's modGBtree function generates tree estimates by domain (e.g., Forest type) and/or tree domain (e.g., Species). Calculations are based on Scott et al. 2005 ('the green-book') for mapped forest inventory plots. The non-ratio estimator for estimating tree attributes by stratum and domain is used. Plots that are totally nonsampled are excluded from estimation dataset. Next, an adjustment factor is calculated by strata to adjust for nonsampled (nonresponse) conditions that have proportion less than 1. Attributes adjusted to a per-acre value are summed by plot, divided by the adjustment factor, and averaged by stratum. Strata means are combined using the strata weights and then expanded to using the total land area in the population.

If there are more than one estimation unit (i.e., subpopulation) within the population, estimates are generated by estimation unit. If sumunits = TRUE, the estimates and percent standard errors returned are a sum combination of all estimation units. If rawdata = TRUE, the raw data returned will include estimates by estimation unit.

Parameters defined in the following examples are organized by category: population data (pop); estimation information (est); and output details (out).

The following reference table can be used for defining estvar and estvar.filter:

FIESTAutils::ref_estvar[, c("ESTTITLE", "ESTVAR", "ESTFILTER", "ESTUNITS")]

POP1: 1.1 Net cubic-foot volume of live trees, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

Now, we can generate estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT) and sum to population (i.e., WY) with modGBtree:

## Return raw data and titles
## Total net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter), Wyoming, 2011-2013 
tree1.1 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",   # est - live trees only
    returntitle = TRUE           # out - return title information

We can now take a look at the output list, estimates and percent sampling errors, raw data, and titles:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.1 <- tree1.1$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.1$unit_totest)   # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.1$totest)        # estimates for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst1.1 <- tree1.1$titlelst

POP1: 1.2 Net cubic-foot volume of live trees by forest type, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

This example adds rows to the output for net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter) by forest type, Wyoming, 2011-2013. We also choose to return titles with returntitle = TRUE.

tree1.2 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",   # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain 
    returntitle = TRUE           # out - return title information

Again, we investigate the output of the returned list:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.2 <- tree1.2$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.2$unit_totest)   # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.2$totest)        # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.2$unit_rowest)   # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.2$rowest)        # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst1.2 <- tree1.2$titlelst

We can also create a simple barplot from the output:

## Create barplot
      xvar = titlelst1.2$title.rowvar, 
      yvar = "est"

And a fancier barplot:

## Create fancier barplot
      xvar = titlelst1.2$title.rowvar, 
      yvar = "est",
      errbars = TRUE, 
      sevar = "", 
      main = FIESTAutils::wraptitle(titlelst1.2$title.row, 75),
      ylabel = titlelst1.2$title.yvar, 
      divideby = "million"

POP1: 1.3 Net cubic-foot volume of live trees by forest type and stand-size class, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

This examples adds rows and columns to the output, including FIA names, for net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter) by forest type and stand-size class, Wyoming, 2011-2013. We also use the *_options functions to return output with estimates (est) and percent standard error (pse) in same cell - est(pse) with allin1 = TRUE and save data to an outfolder with savedata = TRUE and outfolder = outfolder.

tree1.3 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD  == 1",   # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",          # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    savedata = TRUE,             # out - save data to outfolder
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)
    savedata_opts = savedata_options(
      outfolder = outfolder,       # out - outfolder for saving data
      outfn.pre = "WY"             # out - prefix for output files

Again, we investigate the output of the returned list:

## Look at output list from modGBarea()

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.3 <- tree1.3$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.3$unit_totest)   # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$totest)        # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_rowest)   # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$rowest)        # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_colest)   # estimates by column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$colest)        # estimates by column for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_grpest)   # estimates by row and column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$grpest)        # estimates by row and column for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst1.3 <- tree1.3$titlelst

## List output files in outfolder
list.files(outfolder, pattern = "WY_tree")
list.files(paste0(outfolder, "/rawdata"), pattern = "WY_tree")

POP1: 1.4 Number of live trees by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

We can use tree domain in estimation output rows:

## Number of live trees (at least 1 inch diameter) by species
tree1.4 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "SPCD",             # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(    
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE               # out - return output with est and pse

We can also look at the output list and estimates again:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

POP1: 1.5 Number of live trees (plus seedlings) by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

We can also add seedlings.

Note: seedling data are only available for number of trees (estvar = TPA_UNADJ).

Note: must include seedling data in population data calculations.

## Number of live trees by species, including seedlings
tree1.5 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    estseed = "add",             # est - add seedling data
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "SPCD",             # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE,              # out - return output with est and pse

And again we can look at our outputs and compare estimates:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Compare estimates with and without seedlings

POP1: 1.6 Number of seedlings by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

Of course, we can also look at only seedlings.

Note: seedling data are only available for number of trees (estvar = TPA_UNADJ).

Note: must include seedling data in population data calculations.

## Number of live trees seedlings by species
tree1.6 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    estseed = "only",            # est - add seedling data
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",        # est - number of trees per acre 
    rowvar = "SPCD",             # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE               # out - return output with est and pse

And again we can look at our outputs and compare estimates:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Compare estimates with, without, and only seedlings

POP2: 2.1 Number of live trees by forest type and species on forest land, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

We can also use tree domain in estimation output columns:

## First, we can save our table options for the next few examples
tab_opts <- table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## Number of live trees (at least 1 inch diameter) by forest type and species
tree2.1 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "SPCD",             # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = tab_opts

And we can see our output:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

POP2: 2.2 Net cubic-foot volume of standing dead trees by species and cause of death on forest land, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

We can also examine dead trees with the filter estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 2 & STANDING_DEAD_CD == 1".

## Net cubic-foot volume of dead trees (at least 5 inches diameter) by species and cause of death, 
##    Wyoming, 2011-2013
tree2.2 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",         # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 2 & STANDING_DEAD_CD == 1",    # est - standing dead trees only
    rowvar = "SPCD",             # est - row domain
    colvar = "AGENTCD",          # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = tab_opts

And we can see our output of dead trees:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

Adding diameter classes to population tree data (for modGBtree and modGBratio examples 7-9)

View Example

## Look at tree data in

## Use reference data frame stored as an R object in FIESTA

## Appends a new column to GBpopdat$treex classifying the DIA variable based on MIN and MAX columns in ref_diacl2in
dat <- datLUTclass(x =$treex, 
                   xvar = "DIA", 
                   LUT = FIESTAutils::ref_diacl2in, 
                   LUTclassnm = "DIACL2IN")$treex <- dat$xLUT

## Look at tree data, with new column (DIACL2IN)  

## Look at table of new diameter classes (DIACL2IN)

## Another way to append diameter classes
## First, create a new variable using cut function to define 4 diameter classes
dat <- datLUTclass(x =$treex, 
                   xvar = "DIA", 
                   cutbreaks = c(0, 5, 10, 20, 100))$treex <- dat$xLUT

## Look at tree data, with new column (DIACL2IN)  

## Look at table of new diameter classes (DIACL)

POP2: 2.3 Number of Live Trees by Species Groups and Diameter Class on forest land, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

We can also look at the number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL2IN):

## Number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL2IN)
tree2.3 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "SPGRPCD",          # est - row domain
    colvar = "DIACL2IN",         # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)


## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

POP2: 2.4 Number of Live Trees by Species Groups and a Different Diameter Class on forest land, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

Next, we can look at number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL):

## Number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL)
tree2.4 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "SPGRPCD",          # est - row domain
    colvar = "DIACL",            # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)


## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

POP2: 2.5 Number of Live Trees (+ seedlings) by Species Groups and a Different Diameter Class on forest land, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

Finally, we add seedlings to Example 8:

## Number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL), add seedlings
tree2.5 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    estseed = "add",             # est - add seedling data
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "SPGRPCD",          # est - row domain
    colvar = "DIACL",            # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)

And look at the outputs:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

POP3: 3.1 Volume of Dead Trees by Forest Type Group and Primary Disturbance on forest land, Bighorn National Forest Districts

View Example

Next, we can look at number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL):

## Number of dead trees by forest type group and primary disturbance
tree3.1 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.bhdist,  # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = FALSE,            # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",         # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 2 & STANDING_DEAD_CD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPGRPCD",      # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)


## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Estimate and percent sampling error by district

POP4: 4.1 Net cubic-foot volume of live trees by forest type group and stand-size class, Rhode Island, 2019

View Example

We can also look at the number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL2IN):

## Net cubic-foot volume of live trees by forest type and stand-size class
tree4.1 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.RI,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",         # est - net cubic-foot volume estimate
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",          # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)


## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate


FIESTA's modGBratio function generates per-acre and per-tree estimates by domain and/or tree domain by domain (e.g., Forest type) and/or tree domain (e.g., Species). Calculations are based on Scott et al. 2005 ('the green-book') for mapped forest inventory plots. The ratio estimator for estimating per-acre or per-tree by stratum and domain is used, referred to as Ratio of Means (ROM).

If there are more than one estimation unit (i.e., subpopulation) within the population, estimates are generated by estimation unit. If sumunits = TRUE, the estimates and percent standard errors returned are a sum combination of all estimation units. If rawdata = TRUE, the raw data returned will include estimates by estimation unit.

Parameters defined in the following examples are organized by category: population data (pop); estimation information (est); and output details (out).

POP1: 1.1 Net cubic-foot volume per acre of live trees on timberland, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

We generate estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT) and sum to population (i.e., WY):

## Return raw data and titles
## Total net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter), Wyoming, 2011-2013 
ratio1.1 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "TIMBERLAND",     # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume, numerator
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",   # est - live trees only, numerator
    returntitle = TRUE           # out - return title information

And we can look at our output:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.1 <- ratio1.1$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.1$unit_totest) # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.1$totest)      # estimates for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst <- ratio1.1$titlelst

POP1: 1.2 Net cubic-foot volume per acre of live trees by forest type on timberland, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

We can also add rows to the output:

## Net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter) by forest type, Wyoming, 2011-2013
## Return raw data and titles
ratio1.2 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "TIMBERLAND",     # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",   # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain 
    returntitle = TRUE           # out - return title information

And of course view our outputs:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.2 <- ratio1.2$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.2$unit_totest)    # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.2$totest)         # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.2$unit_rowest)    # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.2$rowest)         # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst <- ratio1.2$titlelst

POP1: 1.3 Net cubic-foot volume per acre of live trees by forest type and stand-size class on timberland, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

We can also add row and columns to output, including FIA names:

## Return output with estimates (est) and percent standard error (pse) in same cell - est(pse)
## Save data to outfolder:
## Net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter) by forest type and stand-size class, 
##    Wyoming, 2011-2013
ratio1.3 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "TIMBERLAND",     # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume, numerator
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",   # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",          # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    savedata = TRUE,             # out - save data to outfolder
    table_opts = list(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)
    savedata_opts = list(
      outfolder = outfolder,       # out - outfolder for saving data
      outfn.pre = "WY"             # out - prefix for output files

And look at our output again:

## Look at output list from modGBarea()

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.3 <- ratio1.3$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.3$unit_totest) # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$totest)      # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_rowest) # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$rowest)      # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_colest) # estimates by column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$colest)      # estimates by column for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_grpest) # estimates by row and column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$grpest)      # estimates by row and column for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst <- ratio1.3$titlelst

## List output files in outfolder
list.files(outfolder, pattern = "WY_ratio")
list.files(paste0(outfolder, "/rawdata"), pattern = "WY_ratio")

POP2: 2.1 Number of live trees per acre by species, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

We can also use tree domain in estimation output rows:

## Number of live trees (at least 1 inch diameter) by species
ratio2.1 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "SPCD",             # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE,              # out - return output with est and pse
    title_opts = title_options(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest")

And we can look at our output:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

POP2: 2.2 Number of live trees (plus seedlings) per acre by species, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

Now, we can add seedlings.

Note: seedling data are only available for number of trees (estvarn = TPA_UNADJ).

Note: must include seedling data in population data calculations.

## Number of live trees by species, including seedlings
ratio2.2 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,        # pop - population calculations
    estseed = "add",               # est - add seedling data
    landarea = "FOREST",           # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,               # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "SPCD",               # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,            # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE               # out - return output with est and pse
    title_opts = title_options(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest")

Output and comparison:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Compare estimates with and without seedlings

POP2: 2.3 Number of live seedlings per acre by species, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

We could also consider only seedlings.

Note: seedling data are only available for number of trees (estvarn = TPA_UNADJ).

Note: must include seedling data in population data calculations.

## Number of live seedlings by species
ratio2.3 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,         # pop - population calculations
    estseed = "only",               # est - add seedling data
    landarea = "FOREST",            # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,                # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",          # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    rowvar = "SPCD",                # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,             # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,           # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est and pse

Output and comparisons:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Compare estimates with, without, and only seedlings

POP2: 2.4 Number of live trees by forest type and species, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

We can also use tree domain in estimation output columns:

## Number of live trees (at least 1 inch diameter) by forest type and species
ratio2.4 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",            # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,                # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",            # est - row domain
    colvar = "SPCD",                # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,             # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,           # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,           # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                 # out - return output with est(pse)

And view our output:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

POP2: 2.5 Number of standing dead trees by species and cause of death, Bighorn National Forest

View Example

Next, we look at dead trees:

## Net cubic-foot volume of dead trees (at least 5 inches diameter) by species and cause of death
ratio2.5 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,        # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",           # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,               # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "VOLCFNET",          # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 2 & STANDING_DEAD_CD == 1",    # est - standing dead trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "SPCD",               # est - row domain
    colvar = "AGENTCD",            # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,            # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)

And we can see our output:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

POP3.1: 3.1 Number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL2IN), Bighorn National Forest

View Example

We can also use tree domain in estimation output rows and columns:

## Number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL2IN)
ratio2.6 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,          # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "SPGRPCD",          # est - row domain
    colvar = "DIACL2IN",         # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = list(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE               # out - return output with est(pse)
    title_opts = list(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest"

And examine our output:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

POP3: 3.2 Number of Live Trees per acre by Species Group and Diameter Class, Bighorn National Forest Districts

View Example

Next, we can look at the number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL):

ratio3.2 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.bhdist,          # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",                 # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,                     # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "SPGRPCD",                  # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,                  # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,                # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE,                     # out - return output with est(pse)
    title_opts = title_options(
      title.ref="Bighorn National Forest Districts"

And of course examine our output:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

POP1: 1.4 Net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter) divided by net cubic-foot volume of all trees by forest type, Wyoming, 2011-2013

View Example

Next, we look at tree ratios:

## Net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter) divided by net cubic-foot volume of all trees 
##    by forest type, Wyoming, 2011-2013
ratio1.4 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "VOLCFNET",                # est - net cubic-foot volume, numerator
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    estvard = "VOLCFNET",                # est - net cubic-foot volume, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE,               # out - return output with est(pse)

And examine the output:

## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

No strata

If you want to exclude post-stratification (i.e., simple random sample, Horvitz-Thompson), you must generate a new population dataset using the modGBpop function by setting strata = FALSE.

View Code

## Get population data for Wyoming estimates, with no post-stratification
GBpopdat.strat <- modGBpop(
  popTabs = popTables(
    cond = WYcond,               # FIA plot/condition data
    tree = WYtree,               # FIA tree data
    seed = WYseed),              # FIA seedling data
    pltassgn = WYpltassgn,       # plot assignments
    pltassgnid = "CN",           # uniqueid of plots
    unitarea = WYunitarea,       # area by estimation units
    unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT",       # name of estimation unit
    strata = TRUE,               # if using post-stratification
    stratalut = WYstratalut,     # strata classes and pixels counts
    strata_opts = list(
      getwt=TRUE,                # calculate strata weights
      getwtvar="P1POINTCNT")     # use P1POINTCNT in stratalut to calculate weights

## Get population data for Wyoming estimates, with no post-stratification
GBpopdat.nostrat <- modGBpop(
    popTabs = popTables(
    cond = WYcond,               # FIA plot/condition data
    tree = WYtree,               # FIA tree data
    seed = WYseed),              # FIA seedling data
    pltassgn = WYpltassgn,       # plot assignments
    pltassgnid = "CN",           # uniqueid of plots
    unitarea = WYunitarea,       # area by estimation units
    unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT",       # name of estimation unit
    strata = FALSE               # if using post-stratification
## Area of forest land by forest type and stand-size class, Wyoming, 2011-2013, with post-stratification
area.strat <- modGBarea( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.strat,      # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",            # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,                # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",            # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,           # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## Area of forest land by forest type and stand-size class, Wyoming, 2011-2013, no post-stratification
area.nostrat <- modGBarea( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.nostrat,    # pop - population calculations for WY, no post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",            # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,                # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",            # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,           # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)
## Compare estimates and percent standard errors with and without post-stratification
## Number of live trees by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013, with post-stratification
tree.strat <- modGBtree( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.strat,      # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## Number of live trees by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013, no post-stratification
tree.nostrat <- modGBtree( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.nostrat, # pop - population calculations for WY, no post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)
## Compare estimates and percent standard errors with and without post-stratification
## Number of live trees per acre by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013, with post-stratification
ratio.strat <- modGBratio( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.strat,   # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## Number of live trees per acre by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013, no post-stratification
ratio.nostrat <- modGBratio( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.nostrat, # pop - population calculations for WY, no post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)
## Compare estimates and percent standard errors with and without post-stratification

By estimation unit (sumunits = FALSE)

If you just wanted estimates by estimation unit and did not want to sum them, set sumunits = FALSE. If sumunits = FALSE, the estimates and percent standard errors returned are by estimation unit, with an attribute, named 'unit' appended to data frame, with the unit value. The raw data returned will look the same as if sumunits = TRUE.

View Code

## By estimation unit
## Area of forest land by forest type and stand-size class and Estimation Unit,
##    Wyoming, 2011-2013
area.unit <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = FALSE,            # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",          # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = list(
      allin1 = TRUE)             # out - return output with est(pse)

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate (first 6 rows)

## Unique estimation units


Bechtold, William A.; Patterson, Paul L., Editors. 2005. The enhanced Forest Inventory and Analysis program national sampling design and estimation procedures. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-80. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 85 p.

Patterson, Paul L. 2012. Photo-based estimators for the Nevada photo-based inventory. Res. Pap. RMRS-RP-92. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 14 p.

Westfall, James A.; Patterson, Paul L.; Coulston, John W. 2011. Post-stratified estimation: with-in strata and total sample size recommendations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 41: 1130-1139.

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