
#' Canadian Weather dataset.
#' A dataset containing information about weather in Canadian weather stations
#' @format A list that contains 8 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{dailyAvg}{average daily temperature and precipitation and log of precipitation for 35 Canadian weather stations}
#'   \item{place}{places where Canadian weather stations are located}
#'   \item{province}{provinces where Canadian weather stations are located}
#'   \item{coordinates}{geographical coordinates}
#'   \item{region}{regions where Canadian weather stations are located}
#'   \item{monthlyTemp}{monthly temperature data}
#'   \item{monthlyPrecip}{monthly precipitation data}
#'   \item{geogindex}{geographic index}

#' }

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FREG documentation built on May 9, 2022, 5:07 p.m.