
#' Selects tuning parameter k for banded Cholesky decomposition by k fold cross validation

#' @param X an n by p  data matrix, not centered
#' @param bandwidth a vector of candidate bandwidths; max less than (folds-1)*n/folds - 1
#' @param folds number of folds for CV; default is 3
#' @param est.eval TRUE/FALSE; should the solution at the minizing tuning paramter be computed
#' @param Frob TRUE/FALSE; which type of norm used for evaluting CV error; FALSE sets to operator norm

#' @return bandwidth.min the bandwidth minimizing cv error
#' @return est the banded estimate

banded.chol.cv = function(X, bandwidth, folds=3, est.eval=TRUE, Frob = TRUE){
    f = folds
  } else {
    f = 3

  if(max(bandwidth) > (((f-1)*n/f) - 1)){
    stop("bandwidth too large for cross validation;
     increase number of folds or consider smaller bandwidth")

  n = nrow(X); p = ncol(X);
  nk = length(bandwidth)

  fold = sample(rep(1:f, length=n))

  cv.index = split(1:n, fold)
  cv.func = function(cv.index){
    x.test = X[cv.index,]
    mx = apply(x.test, 2, mean)
    x.c.test = x.test - tcrossprod(rep(1, m), mx)
    S.test = m^(-1)*crossprod(x.c.test)

    x.train = X[-cv.index,]
    err = numeric(length=nk)

    for(i in 1:nk){
      est = banded.chol(x.train, bandwidth=bandwidth[i], centered=FALSE)$est
        err[i] = abs(max(eigen(S.test - est)$val))
      } else {
        err[i] = norm(S.test - est, type="F")^2


  result = lapply(cv.index, cv.func)
  result = colSums(do.call(rbind, result))

  bandwidth.min = bandwidth[which.min(result)]

    return(list("bandwidth.min" = bandwidth.min))
    } else{
      est = banded.chol(X, bandwidth.min, centered=FALSE)$est
      return(list("est" = est, "bandwidth.min" = bandwidth.min))

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FastBandChol documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:41 a.m.