Sample_KF_post: Sample the posterior distribution of the process using the...

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Sample_KF_postR Documentation

Sample the posterior distribution of the process using the backward smoothing algorithm


This function samples the posterior distribution of the process using the backward smoothing algorithm.


Sample_KF_post(index_obs, C_R_K_Q,W0,GG,W,VV,output,kernel_type,sample_type)



a vector where the entries with 1 have observations and entries with 0 have no observation.


a list of matrices to compute the inverse covariance matrix in the dynamic linear model.


a list of matrices defined in the dynamic linear model.


a list of coefficient matrices defined in the dynamic linear model.


a numerical value of the variance of the nugget parameter.


a vector of the output.


a character to specify the type of kernel to use. The current version supports kernel_type to be "matern_5_2" or "exp", meaning that the matern kernel with roughness parameter being 2.5 or 0.5 (exponent kernel), respectively.


a integer to specify the type of sample we need. 0 means the states. 1 means the first value of each state vector. 2 means the noisy observations.


A matrix of the posterior samples.


Mengyang Gu [aut, cre]

Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <>


Hartikainen, J. and Sarkka, S. (2010). Kalman filtering and smoothing solutions to temporal gaussian process regression models. Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), 2010 IEEE International Workshop, 379-384.

M. Gu, Y. Xu (2019), fast nonseparable gaussian stochastic process with application to methylation level interpolation. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, In Press, arXiv:1711.11501.

Campagnoli P, Petris G, Petrone S. (2009), Dynamic linear model with R. Springer-Verlag New York.

See Also

Sample_KF_post for more details about sampling from the posterior distribution.

FastGaSP documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:30 a.m.