
Defines functions eskiener2 dtmqkiener2 rtmkiener2 ltmkiener2 varkiener2 qlkiener2 dlkiener2 lkiener2 dqkiener2 dpkiener2 rkiener2 qkiener2 pkiener2 dkiener2

Documented in dkiener2 dlkiener2 dpkiener2 dqkiener2 dtmqkiener2 eskiener2 lkiener2 ltmkiener2 pkiener2 qkiener2 qlkiener2 rkiener2 rtmkiener2 varkiener2

#' @include f_kiener1.R

#' @title Asymmetric Kiener Distribution K2
#' @description
#' Density, distribution function, quantile function, random generation,
#' value-at-risk, expected shortfall (+ signed left/right tail mean) 
#' and additional formulae for asymmetric Kiener distribution K2.
#' @param    x    vector of quantiles.
#' @param    q    vector of quantiles.
#' @param    m    numeric. The median.
#' @param    g    numeric. The scale parameter, preferably strictly positive.
#' @param    a    numeric. The left tail parameter, preferably strictly positive.
#' @param    w    numeric. The right tail parameter, preferably strictly positive.
#' @param    p    vector of probabilities.
#' @param    lp   vector of logit of probabilities.
#' @param    n    number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is  
#'                                  taken to be the number required.
#' @param    log           logical. If TRUE, densities are given in log scale.
#' @param    lower.tail    logical. If TRUE, use p. If FALSE, use 1-p.
#' @param    log.p         logical. If TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).
#' @param    signedES      logical. FALSE (default) returns positive numbers for 
#'                         left and right tails. TRUE returns negative number 
#'                         (= \code{ltmkiener4}) for left tail and positive number 
#'                         (= \code{rtmkiener4}) for right tail.
#' @details
#' Kiener distributions use the following parameters, some of them being redundant. 
#' See \code{\link{aw2k}} and \code{\link{pk2pk}} for the formulas and 
#' the conversion between parameters:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{ \code{m} (mu) is the median of the distribution,. }
#'   \item{ \code{g} (gamma) is the scale parameter. }
#'   \item{ \code{a} (alpha) is the left tail parameter. } 
#'   \item{ \code{k} (kappa) is the harmonic mean of \code{a} and \code{w} 
#'          and describes a global tail parameter. }
#'   \item{ \code{w} (omega) is the right tail parameter. } 
#'   \item{ \code{d} (delta) is the distortion parameter. }
#'   \item{ \code{e} (epsilon) is the eccentricity parameter. }
#' }
#' Kiener distributions \code{K2(m, g, a, w)} are distributions 
#' with asymmetrical left 
#' and right fat tails described by the parameters \code{a} (alpha) for 
#' the left tail and \code{w} (omega) for the right tail. These parameters 
#' correspond to the power exponent that appear in Pareto formula and 
#' Karamata theorems. 
#' As \code{a} and \code{w} are highly correlated, the use of Kiener distributions
#' (\code{K3(..., k, d)} K4 (\code{K4(..., k, e)} is an alternate solution.
#' \code{m} is the median of the distribution. \code{g} is the scale parameter 
#' and the inverse of the density at the median: \eqn{ g = 1 / 8 / f(m) }.
#' As a first estimate, it is approximatively one fourth of the standard 
#' deviation \eqn{ g  \approx \sigma / 4 } but is independant from it.
#' The d, p functions have no explicit forms. They are provided here for 
#' convenience. They are estimated from a reverse optimization on the quantile 
#' function and can be (very) slow, depending the number of points to estimate. 
#' We recommand to use the quantile function as far as possible. 
#' WARNING: Results may become inconsistent when \code{a} or \code{w} are
#' smaller than 1. Hopefully, this case seldom happens in finance.
#' \code{qkiener2} function is defined for p in (0, 1) by: 
#'   \deqn{ qkiener2(p, m, g, a, w) = 
#'                   m + g * k * (- exp(-logit(p)/a) + exp(logit(p)/w) ) }
#' where k is the harmonic mean of the tail parameters \code{a} and \code{w} 
#' calculated by \eqn{k = aw2k(a, w)}.
#' \code{rkiener2} generates \code{n} random quantiles.
#' In addition to the classical d, p, q, r functions, the prefixes 
#' dp, dq, l, dl, ql are also provided.
#' \code{dpkiener2} is the density function calculated from the probability p. 
#' It is defined for p in (0, 1) by: 
#'   \deqn{ dpkiener2(p, m, g, a, w) = 
#'          p * (1 - p) / k / g / ( exp(-logit(p)/a)/a + exp(logit(p)/w)/w }
#' \code{dqkiener2} is the derivate of the quantile function calculated from 
#' the probability p. It is defined for p in (0, 1) by: 
#'   \deqn{ dqkiener2(p, m, g, a, w) = 
#'          k * g / p / (1 - p) * ( exp(-logit(p)/a)/a + exp(logit(p)/w)/w ) }
#' \code{lkiener2} function is estimated from a reverse optimization and can 
#' be (very) slow depending the number of points to estimate. Initialization 
#' is done by assuming a symmetric distribution \code{\link{lkiener1}} 
#' around the harmonic mean \code{k}, then optimization is performed to 
#' take into account the true values \code{a} and \code{w}. 
#' The result can be then compared to the empirical probability logit(p). 
#' WARNING: Results may become inconsistent when \code{a} or \code{w} are
#' smaller than 1. Hopefully, this case seldom happens in finance.
#' \code{dlkiener2} is the density function calculated from the logit of the 
#' probability lp = logit(p).  
#' it is defined for lp in (-Inf, +Inf) by: 
#'    \deqn{ dlkiener2(lp, m, g, a, w) = 
#'           p * (1 - p) / k / g / ( exp(-lp/a)/a + exp(lp/w)/w ) }
#' \code{qlkiener2} is the quantile function calculated from the logit of the 
#' probability. It is defined for lp in (-Inf, +Inf) by: 
#'    \deqn{ qlkiener2(lp, m, g, a, w) = 
#'           m + g * k * ( - exp(-lp/a) + exp(lp/w) ) }
#' \code{varkiener2} designates the Value a-risk and turns negative numbers 
#' into positive numbers with the following rule:
#'    \deqn{ varkiener2 <- if(p <= 0.5) { - qkiener2 } else { qkiener2 } }
#' Usual values in finance are \code{p = 0.01}, \code{p = 0.05}, \code{p = 0.95} and 
#' \code{p = 0.99}. \code{lower.tail = FALSE} uses \code{1-p} rather than {p}.
#' \code{ltmkiener2}, \code{rtmkiener2} and \code{eskiener2} are respectively the 
#' left tail mean, the right tail mean and the expected shortfall of the distribution 
#' (sometimes called average VaR, conditional VaR or tail VaR). 
#' Left tail mean is the integrale from \code{-Inf} to \code{p} of the quantile function 
#' \code{qkiener2} divided by \code{p}.
#' Right tail mean is the integrale from \code{p} to \code{+Inf} of the quantile function 
#' \code{qkiener2} divided by 1-p.
#' Expected shortfall turns negative numbers into positive numbers with the following rule:
#'    \deqn{ eskiener2 <- if(p <= 0.5) { - ltmkiener2 } else { rtmkiener2 } }
#' Usual values in finance are \code{p = 0.01}, \code{p = 0.025}, \code{p = 0.975} and 
#' \code{p = 0.99}. \code{lower.tail = FALSE} uses \code{1-p} rather than {p}.
#' \code{dtmqkiener2} is the difference between the left tail mean and the quantile 
#' when (p <= 0.5) and the difference between the right tail mean and the quantile 
#' when (p > 0.5). It is in quantile unit and is an indirect measure of the tail curvature.
#' @references
#' P. Kiener, Explicit models for bilateral fat-tailed distributions and 
#' applications in finance with the package FatTailsR, 8th R/Rmetrics Workshop 
#' and Summer School, Paris, 27 June 2014.  Download it from:  
#' \url{https://www.inmodelia.com/exemples/2014-0627-Rmetrics-Kiener-en.pdf}
#' P. Kiener, Fat tail analysis and package FatTailsR, 
#' 9th R/Rmetrics Workshop and Summer School, Zurich, 27 June 2015. 
#' Download it from: 
#' \url{https://www.inmodelia.com/exemples/2015-0627-Rmetrics-Kiener-en.pdf}
#' C. Acerbi, D. Tasche, Expected shortfall: a natural coherent alternative to 
#' Value at Risk, 9 May 2001. Download it from: 
#' \url{https://www.bis.org/bcbs/ca/acertasc.pdf}
#' @seealso 
#' Symmetric Kiener distribution K1 \code{\link{kiener1}}, 
#' asymmetric Kiener distributions K3, K4 and K7
#' \code{\link{kiener3}}, \code{\link{kiener4}}, \code{\link{kiener7}}, 
#' conversion functions \code{\link{aw2k}}, 
#' estimation function \code{\link{fitkienerX}}, 
#' regression function \code{\link{regkienerLX}}.
#' @examples
#' require(graphics)
#' ### Example 1
#' pp <- c(ppoints(11, a = 1), NA, NaN) ; pp
#' lp <- logit(pp) ; lp
#' qkiener2(  p = pp, m = 2, g = 1.5, a = 4, w = 6)
#' qkiener2(  p = pp, m = 2, g = 1.5, a = 4, w = 6)
#' qlkiener2(lp = lp, m = 2, g = 1.5, a = 4, w = 6)
#' dpkiener2( p = pp, m = 2, g = 1.5, a = 4, w = 6)
#' dlkiener2(lp = lp, m = 2, g = 1.5, a = 4, w = 6)
#' dqkiener2( p = pp, m = 2, g = 1.5, a = 4, w = 6)
#' ### Example 2
#' a       <- 6
#' w       <- 4
#' set.seed(2014)
#' mainTC  <- paste("qkiener2(p, m = 0, g = 1, a = ", a, ", w = ", w, ")")
#' mainsum <- paste("cumulated qkiener2(p, m = 0, g = 1, a = ", a, ", w = ", w, ")")
#' T       <- 500
#' C       <- 4
#' TC      <- qkiener2(p = runif(T*C), m = 0, g = 1, a = a, w = w)
#' matTC   <- matrix(TC, nrow = T, ncol = C, dimnames = list(1:T, letters[1:C]))
#' head(matTC)
#' plot.ts(matTC, main = mainTC)
#' #
#' matsum  <- apply(matTC, MARGIN=2, cumsum) 
#' head(matsum)
#' plot.ts(matsum, plot.type = "single", main = mainsum)
#' ### End example 2
#' ### Example 3 (four plots: probability, density, logit, logdensity)
#' x     <- q  <- seq(-15, 15, length.out=101)
#' w     <- c(0.6, 1, 1.5, 2, 3.2, 10) ; names(w) <- w
#' olty  <- c(2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1)
#' olwd  <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2)
#' ocol  <- c(2, 2, 4, 4, 3, 3, 1)
#' lleg  <- c("logit(0.999) = 6.9", "logit(0.99)   = 4.6", "logit(0.95)   = 2.9", 
#'            "logit(0.50)   = 0", "logit(0.05)   = -2.9", "logit(0.01)   = -4.6", 
#'            "logit(0.001) = -6.9  ")
#' op    <- par(mfrow=c(2,2), mgp=c(1.5,0.8,0), mar=c(3,3,2,1))
#' plot(x, plogis(x, scale = 2), type = "n", lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, 1),
#'      xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
#'      main = "pkiener2(q, m, g, a=2, w=...)")
#' for (i in 1:length(w)) lines(x, pkiener2(x, a = 2, w = w[i]), 
#'        lty = olty[i], lwd = olwd[i], col = ocol[i] )
#' legend("topleft", title = expression(omega), legend = c(w), 
#'        cex = 0.7, inset = 0.02, lty = olty, lwd = olwd, col = ocol )
#' plot(x, dlogis(x, scale = 2), type = "n", lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, 0.17),
#'      xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
#'      main = "dkiener2(q, m, g, a=2, w=...)")
#' for (i in 1:length(w)) lines(x, dkiener2(x, a = 2, w = w[i]), 
#'        lty = olty[i], lwd = olwd[i], col = ocol[i] )
#' legend("topright", title = expression(omega), legend = c(w), 
#'        cex = 0.7, inset = 0.02, lty = olty, lwd = olwd, col = ocol )
#' plot(x, x/2, type = "n", lwd = 1, ylim = c(-7.5, 7.5), yaxt="n", xaxs = "i", 
#'      yaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
#'      main = "logit(pkiener2(q, m, g, a=2, w=...))")
#' axis(2, las=1, at=c(-6.9, -4.6, -2.9, 0, 2.9, 4.6, 6.9) )
#' for (i in 1:length(w)) lines(x, lkiener2(x, a = 2, w = w[i]),  
#'        lty = olty[i], lwd = olwd[i], col = ocol[i] )
#' legend("topleft", legend = lleg, cex = 0.7, inset = 0.02 )
#' legend("bottomright", title = expression(omega), legend = c(w), 
#'        cex = 0.7, inset = 0.02, lty = c(olty), lwd = c(olwd), col = c(ocol) )
#' plot(x, dlogis(x, scale = 2, log=TRUE), type = "n", lwd = 2, ylim = c(-8, -1.5),
#'      xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
#'      main = "log(dkiener2(q, m, g, a=2, w=...))")
#' for (i in 1:length(w)) lines(x, dkiener2(x, a = 2, w = w[i], log=TRUE), 
#'        lty = olty[i], lwd = olwd[i], col = ocol[i] )
#' legend("bottom", title = expression(omega), legend = c(w), 
#'        cex = 0.7, inset = 0.02, lty = olty, lwd = olwd, col = ocol )
#' ### End example 3
#' ### Example 4 (four plots: quantile, derivate, density and quantiles from p)
#' p     <- ppoints(199, a=0)
#' w     <- c(0.6, 1, 1.5, 2, 3.2, 10) ; names(w) <- w ; w
#' op    <- par(mfrow=c(2,2), mgp=c(1.5,0.8,0), mar=c(3,3,2,1))
#' plot(p, qlogis(p, scale = 2), type = "l", lwd = 2, xlim = c(0, 1), 
#'      ylim = c(-15, 15), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
#'      main = "qkiener2(p, m, g, a=2, w=...)")
#' for (i in 1:length(w)) lines(p, qkiener2(p, a = 2, w = w[i]), 
#'           lty = olty[i], lwd = olwd[i], col = ocol[i] )
#' legend("topleft", title = expression(omega), legend = c(w, "qlogis(x/2)"), 
#'           inset = 0.02, lty = olty, lwd = olwd, col = ocol, cex = 0.7 )
#' plot(p, 2/p/(1-p), type = "l", lwd = 2, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 100),
#'      xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
#'      main = "dqkiener2(p, m, g, a=2, w=...)")
#' for (i in 1:length(w)) lines(p, dqkiener2(p, a = 2, w = w[i]), 
#'           lty = olty[i], lwd = olwd[i], col = ocol[i] )
#' legend("top", title = expression(omega), legend = c(w, "p*(1-p)/2"), 
#'           inset = 0.02, lty = olty, lwd = olwd, col = ocol, cex = 0.7 )
#' plot(qlogis(p, scale = 2), p*(1-p)/2, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlim = c(-15, 15), 
#'      ylim = c(0, 0.18), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
#'      main = "qkiener2, dpkiener2(p, m, g, a=2, w=...)")
#' for (i in 1:length(w)) { 
#'      lines(qkiener2(p, a = 2, w = w[i]), dpkiener2(p, a = 2, w = w[i]),
#'            lty = olty[i], lwd = olwd[i], col = ocol[i] ) }
#' legend("topleft", title = expression(omega), legend = c(w, "p*(1-p)/2"), 
#'           inset = 0.02, lty = olty, lwd = olwd, col = ocol, cex = 0.7 )
#' plot(qlogis(p, scale = 2), p, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlim = c(-15, 15), 
#'      ylim = c(0, 1), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
#'      main = "inverse axis qkiener2(p, m, g, a=2, w=...)")
#' for (i in 1:length(w)) lines(qkiener2(p, a = 2, w = w[i]), p,
#'           lty = olty[i], lwd = olwd[i], col = ocol[i] )
#' legend("topleft", title = expression(omega), legend = c(w, "qlogis(x/2)"), 
#'           inset = 0.02, lty = olty, lwd = olwd, col = ocol, cex = 0.7 )
#' ### End example 4
#' ### Example 5 (q and VaR, ltm, rtm, and ES)
#' pp <- c(0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 
#'         0.10, 0.20, 0.35, 0.5, 0.65, 0.80, 0.90,
#'         0.95, 0.975, 0.99, 0.995, 0.9975, 0.999)
#' m <- -10 ; g <- 1 ; a <- 5 ; w = 3 
#' k <- aw2k(a, w) ; d <- aw2d(a, w) ; e <- aw2e(a, w)
#' round(c(m = m, g = g, a = a, k = k, w = w, d = d, e = e), 2) 
#' plot(qkiener2(pp, m, g, a, w), pp, type = "b")
#' round(cbind(p = pp, "1-p" = 1-pp,
#' 	q   =   qkiener2(pp, m, g, a, w), 
#' 	ltm = ltmkiener2(pp, m, g, a, w), 
#' 	rtm = rtmkiener2(pp, m, g, a, w), 
#' 	ES  =  eskiener2(pp, m, g, a, w), 
#' 	VaR = varkiener2(pp, m, g, a, w)), 4)
#' round(kmean(c(m, g, a, w), model = "K2"), 4) # limit value for ltm and rtm
#' round(cbind(p = pp, "1-p" = 1-pp, 
#' 	q   =   qkiener2(pp, m, g, a, w, lower.tail = FALSE), 
#' 	ltm = ltmkiener2(pp, m, g, a, w, lower.tail = FALSE), 
#' 	rtm = rtmkiener2(pp, m, g, a, w, lower.tail = FALSE), 
#' 	ES  =  eskiener2(pp, m, g, a, w, lower.tail = FALSE), 
#' 	VaR = varkiener2(pp, m, g, a, w, lower.tail = FALSE)), 4)
#' ### End example 5
#' @name kiener2

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
dkiener2 <- function(x, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, log = FALSE) {
	lp <-  lkiener2(x,  m, g, a, w)
	v  <- dlkiener2(lp, m, g, a, w)
	if(log) return(log(v)) else return(v)

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
pkiener2 <- function(q, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, 
                     lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
	lp <- lkiener2(x = q, m, g, a, w)
	if(lower.tail) v <- invlogit(lp) else v <- 1 - invlogit(lp)
	if(log.p) return(log(v)) else return(v)

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
qkiener2 <- function(p, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, 
                     lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
	if(log.p) p <- exp(p) else p <- p
	if(lower.tail) p <- p else p <- 1-p
	k <- aw2k(a, w)
	v <- m + g * k * (- exp(-logit(p)/a) + exp(logit(p)/w) )

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
rkiener2 <- function(n, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2) {
	p <- runif(n)
	v <- qkiener2(p, m, g, a, w)

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
dpkiener2 <- function(p, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, log = FALSE) {
	k <- aw2k(a, w)
	v <- p * (1 - p) / k / g / ( exp(-logit(p)/a)/a + exp(logit(p)/w)/w )
	if(log) return(log(v)) else return(v)

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
dqkiener2 <- function(p, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, log = FALSE) {
# Compute dX/dp
	k <- aw2k(a, w)
	v <- k * g / p / (1 - p) * ( exp(-logit(p)/a)/a + exp(logit(p)/w)/w )
	if(log) return(log(v)) else return(v)

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
lkiener2 <- function(x, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2) { 
	k      <- min(a, w)
	lp.ini <- lkiener1(x, m, g, k)
	f      <- function(lp) sum( ( x - qlkiener2(lp, m, g, a, w) )^2 )
	lp.fin <- nlm(f, lp.ini)
	v      <- lp.fin$estimate

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
dlkiener2 <- function(lp, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, log = FALSE) {
	p <- invlogit(lp)
	k <- aw2k(a, w)
	v <- p * (1 - p) / k / g / ( exp(-lp/a)/a + exp(lp/w)/w )
	if(log) return(log(v)) else return(v)

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
qlkiener2 <- function(lp, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, lower.tail = TRUE ) {
	if(lower.tail) lp <- lp else lp <- -lp
	k <- aw2k(a, w)
	v <- m + g * k * ( - exp(-lp/a) + exp(lp/w) )

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
varkiener2 <- function(p, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, 
                      lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
	p   <- if(log.p) {exp(p)} else {p}
	p   <- if(lower.tail) {p} else {1-p}
	va  <- p
	for (i in seq_along(p)) {
		va[i] <- ifelse(p[i] <= 0.5, 
					- qkiener2(p[i], m, g, a, w),
					  qkiener2(p[i], m, g, a, w))

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
ltmkiener2 <- function(p, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, 
                       lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
	p  <- if (log.p) {exp(p)} else {p}
	k  <- aw2k(a, w)
	ltm <- if (lower.tail) {
			-pbeta(p, 1-1/a, 1+1/a)*beta(1-1/a, 1+1/a)
			+pbeta(p, 1+1/w, 1-1/w)*beta(1+1/w, 1-1/w))	
	} else {
			-pbeta(p, 1+1/a, 1-1/a)*beta(1+1/a, 1-1/a)
			+pbeta(p, 1-1/w, 1+1/w)*beta(1-1/w, 1+1/w))

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
rtmkiener2 <- function(p, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, 
                       lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
	p  <- if (log.p) {exp(p)} else {p}
	k  <- aw2k(a, w)
	rtm <- if (!lower.tail) {
			-pbeta(1-p, 1-1/a, 1+1/a)*beta(1-1/a, 1+1/a)
			+pbeta(1-p, 1+1/w, 1-1/w)*beta(1+1/w, 1-1/w))	
	} else {
			-pbeta(1-p, 1+1/a, 1-1/a)*beta(1+1/a, 1-1/a)
			+pbeta(1-p, 1-1/w, 1+1/w)*beta(1-1/w, 1+1/w))

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
dtmqkiener2 <- function(p, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, 
                      lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
	dtmq <- p
	for (i in seq_along(p)) {
		dtmq[i] <- ifelse(p[i] <= 0.5, 
			ltmkiener2(p[i], m, g, a, w, lower.tail, log.p) 
			- qkiener2(p[i], m, g, a, w, lower.tail, log.p),
			rtmkiener2(p[i], m, g, a, w, lower.tail, log.p) 
			- qkiener2(p[i], m, g, a, w, lower.tail, log.p))	

#' @export
#' @rdname kiener2
eskiener2 <- function(p, m = 0, g = 1, a = 3.2, w = 3.2, 
                      lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, signedES = FALSE) {
	p   <- if (log.p) {exp(p)} else {p}
	p   <- if(lower.tail) {p} else {1-p}
	es  <- p
	for (i in seq_along(p)) {
		if (signedES) {
			es[i] <- ifelse(p[i] <= 0.5, 
					  ltmkiener2(p[i], m, g, a, w),
					  rtmkiener2(p[i], m, g, a, w))
		} else {
			es[i] <- ifelse(p[i] <= 0.5, 
				      abs(ltmkiener2(p[i], m, g, a, w)),
					  abs(rtmkiener2(p[i], m, g, a, w)))		

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