Man pages for FunCluster
Functional Profiling of Microarray Expression Data

adiposeGene Expression in Human White Adipose Tissue
annotateInternal routine or variable
AnnotationIndirecteInternal routine or variable
AnnotationsFunctional Profiling of Microarray RNA Expression Data
annot.dateInternal routine or variable
annot.listInternal routine or variable
ChargerKeggInternal routine or variable
cluster.cInternal routine or variable
clusterm.ccInternal routine or variable
clusterm.csInternal routine or variable
downInternal routine or variable
fdrInternal routine or variable
fdr.adjustInternal routine or variable
fdr.basicInternal routine or variable
fdr.masterInternal routine or variable
filter.genesInternal routine or variable
FunClusterFunctional Profiling of Microarray Expression Data
FunCluster.R-packageFunctional Profiling of Microarray Expression Data
f.versionInternal routine or variable
gene.correlInternal routine or variable
GeneInfoInternal routine or variable
GeneInfoSCInternal routine or variable
genes.lstInternal routine or variable
goAndLLInternal routine or variable
GO.terms.hierarchyInternal routine or variable
GO.terms.nameInternal routine or variable
HS.GO.DIR.BP.file.annotInternal routine or variable
HS.GO.DIR.CC.file.annotInternal routine or variable
HS.GO.DIR.MF.file.annotInternal routine or variable
HS.GO.IND.BP.file.annotInternal routine or variable
HS.GO.IND.CC.file.annotInternal routine or variable
HS.GO.IND.MF.file.annotInternal routine or variable
HS.KEGG.file.annotInternal routine or variable routine or variable routine or variable
insulinInsulin Coordinated Regulation of Gene Expression in Human...
KeggInternal routine or variable
KEGG.terms.nameInternal routine or variable
location.analysisInternal routine or variable
main.loopInternal routine or variable
MakeCorrespondanceLLGOInternal routine or variable
MakeGoHierarchyInternal routine or variable
MakeGoTermsInternal routine or variable
MakeLocusNamesInternal routine or variable
MiseEnFormeKeggInternal routine or variable
MiseEnFormeKeggSCInternal routine or variable
MM.GO.DIR.BP.file.annotInternal routine or variable
MM.GO.DIR.CC.file.annotInternal routine or variable
MM.GO.DIR.MF.file.annotInternal routine or variable
MM.GO.IND.BP.file.annotInternal routine or variable
MM.GO.IND.CC.file.annotInternal routine or variable
MM.GO.IND.MF.file.annotInternal routine or variable
MM.KEGG.file.annotInternal routine or variable routine or variable routine or variable
pclustInternal routine or variable
preliminaryInternal routine or variable
prop.altInternal routine or variable
ptermInternal routine or variable
pvaluesInternal routine or variable
ref.listInternal routine or variable
resclustInternal routine or variable
restermInternal routine or variable
SC.GO.DIR.BP.file.annotInternal routine or variable
SC.GO.DIR.CC.file.annotInternal routine or variable
SC.GO.DIR.MF.file.annotInternal routine or variable
SC.GO.IND.BP.file.annotInternal routine or variable
SC.GO.IND.CC.file.annotInternal routine or variable
SC.GO.IND.MF.file.annotInternal routine or variable
SC.KEGG.file.annotInternal routine or variable routine or variable routine or variable
storeyInternal routine or variable
term.compareInternal routine or variable
TroisiemeFiltrageInternal routine or variable
upInternal routine or variable
FunCluster documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:36 a.m.