alpha_div_contrib: Main function for computing contributional *alpha* diversity

View source: R/alpha_workflow.R

alpha_div_contribR Documentation

Main function for computing contributional alpha diversity


Based on joint taxa-function input data (i.e., contributional data), a dataframe will be returned for each specified metric, which will contain the metric values for all function and sample combinations.


  func_tab = NULL,
  abun_tab = NULL,
  contrib_tab = NULL,
  in_tree = NULL,
  ncores = 1,
  replace_NA = FALSE,
  custom_metric_functions = NULL,
  samp_colname = "sample",
  func_colname = "function.",
  taxon_colname = "taxon",
  abun_colname = "taxon_abun"



alpha diversity metrics to compute. Must either be names of functions in FuncDiv_alpha_metrics, or alternatively in custom_metric_functions, if specified.


data.frame object containing function copy numbers, with rows as functions and columns as taxa. Required if abun_tab is specified, and is mutually exclusive with contrib_tab.


data.frame object containing taxonomic abundances across samples, with rows as taxa and columns as samples. Required if func_tab is specified, and is mutually exclusive with contrib_tab.


data.frame object containing combined taxa abundances and function copy numbers across taxa. Must contain columns corresponding to the sample ids, function ids, taxa ids, and taxa abundances within samples. These column names are specified by the samp_colname, func_colname, taxon_colname, and abun_colname, respectively. Mutually exclusive with abun_tab and func_tab.


phylo object to use if faiths_pd is specified.


integer indicating number of cores to use for parallelizable steps.


Boolean vector of length one, indicating whether all NA's in the output of all metrics should be converted to 0's. Note that this done automatically done for richness either way.


List object containing custom alpha diversity metric functions. This overrides FuncDiv_alpha_metrics when specified. The list element names must correspond to at least the names indicated by the metrics parameter.


sample id column name of contrib_tab input data.frame.


function id column name of contrib_tab input data.frame.


taxon id column name of contrib_tab input data.frame.


taxonomic abundance (within each sample) column name of contrib_tab input data.frame.


Input data can be either a separate function copy number and taxonomic abundance table, or a joint contributional table. By default, specified metrics must be one of names(FuncDiv_alpha_metrics). However, custom alpha diversity metric functions can be specified with the custom_metric_functions parameter.

Note that the taxonomic abundances can be relative abundance, read counts, or transformed in another way. However, note that some default metrics are only compatible with count data (see ?FuncDiv_alpha_metrics).


a list, containing one dataframe for each specified alpha diversity metric. In each dataframe, rows are functions and samples are columns.


# First, simulate some (non-realistic) data.
test_tree <- ape::rtree(100)
test_abun <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(500), nrow = 100, ncol = 5))
rownames(test_abun) <- test_tree$tip.label
colnames(test_abun) <- c("sample1", "sample2", "sample3", "sample4", "sample5")
test_abun[test_abun < 0] <- 0
test_func <- data.frame(matrix(sample(c(0L, 1L), 200, replace = TRUE),
                               nrow = 2, ncol = 100))
colnames(test_func) <- test_tree$tip.label
rownames(test_func) <- c("func1", "func2")

# Compute alpha diversity, based on (observed) richness, Faith's phylogenetic
# diversity, and the Gini-Simpson Index.
contrib_alpha <- alpha_div_contrib(metrics = c("richness",  "faiths_pd", "gini_simpson_index"),
                                   func_tab = test_func,
                                   abun_tab = test_abun,
                                   in_tree = test_tree,
                                   ncores = 1)

# Print out computed Gini-Simpson Index values.

FuncDiv documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:12 p.m.