
Defines functions plotFS Aggregation Implication NOT AND OR centroidFS dmFS compFS uniFS interFS GauFS SingFS ConstFS TraFS TriFS Set.Universe

Documented in Aggregation AND centroidFS compFS dmFS GauFS Implication NOT OR plotFS Set.Universe TraFS TriFS uniFS

#' Fuzzy Rule-based System
#' \code{FuzzyRuleBasedSystem} Fuzzy Rule-based System
#' @references
#' \insertRef{de2020new}{FuzzyClass}
#' @examples
#' ## Creating Fuzzy Variables and Fuzzy Partitions
#' ## Example 1 - It is the same of the R-Package 'Sets'
#' ## Creating Fuzzy Variables and Fuzzy Partitions
#' ## Example is the same of the R-Package 'Sets'
#' ## One Domain was used for Evaluation and Tip
#' ## Universe X - evaluation by the consumer in [0,10]
#' minX = 0
#' maxX = 25
#' X <- Set.Universe(minX, maxX)
#' FRBS = "Mandani"
#' ## Service
#' service.poor <- GauFS(X, 0.0, 1.5)
#' #plotFS(X,service.poor)
#' service.good <- GauFS(X, 5.0, 1.5)
#' #plotFS(X,service.good)
#' service.excelent <- GauFS(X, 10, 1.5)
#' #plotFS(X,service.excelent)
#' ## Food
#' food.rancid <- TraFS(X, 0, 0, 2, 4)
#' #plotFS(X,food.rancid)
#' food.delicious <- TraFS(X, 7, 9, 10, 10)
#' #plotFS(X,food.delicious)
#' ## Tip
#' tip.cheap <- TriFS(X, 0, 5, 10)
#' #plotFS(X,tip.cheap)
#' tip.average <- TriFS(X, 7.5, 12.5, 17.5)
#' #plotFS(X,tip.average)
#' tip.generous <- TriFS(X, 15, 20, 25)
#' #plotFS(X,tip.generous)
#' ## Set the input
#' ## Evaluation by the consumer (Facts)
#' service = 3
#' food = 8
#' ## Rules -- Specify rules and add outputs in a list
#' ## A list is created in order to store the output of each rule
#' ## Out_Rules_Lst <- list()
#' ## 1) IF service is poor OR food is rancid THEN tip is cheap
#' ## antecedent of the rule
#' ## temp <- NOT(FRBS, dmFS(service,X,service.poor))
#' temp <- OR(FRBS, dmFS(service,X,service.poor), dmFS(food,X,food.rancid))
#' # consequent of the rule
#' fr1 <- Implication(FRBS, temp, X, tip.cheap)
#' plotFS(X,fr1)
#' ## 2) IF service is good THEN tip is average
#' ## temp <- NOT(FRBS, dmFS(service,X,service.good))
#' temp <- dmFS(service,X,service.good)
#' fr2 <- Implication(FRBS, temp, X, tip.average)
#' plotFS(X,fr2)
#' ## Cria lista com as saidas. Precisa de duas para dar certo
#' Out_Rules_Lst <- list(fr1,fr2)
#' ## 3) IF service is excelent OR food is delicious THEN tip is generous
#' ## temp <- NOT(OR(FRBS, dmFS(service,X,service.excelent), dmFS(food,X,food.delicious)))
#' temp <- OR(FRBS, dmFS(service,X,service.excelent), dmFS(food,X,food.delicious))
#' fr3 <- Implication(FRBS, temp, X, tip.generous)
#' plotFS(X,fr3)
#' ## Cria uma nova lista com a saída. Agora é possível concatenar as listas
#' lst_aux <- list(fr3)
#' ## Compute the agregation of all previous Rules
#' ## Concatenando as listas
#' Out_Rules_Lst <- c(Out_Rules_Lst, lst_aux)
#' ## Numero de regras eh o comprimento da lista
#' length(Out_Rules_Lst)
#' OutFS <-Aggregation(FRBS, X, Out_Rules_Lst)
#' plotFS(X,OutFS)
#' ## Compute centroid in order provide final decision
#' FinalDecision <- centroidFS(X,OutFS)
#' FinalDecision

## Define the Universe X (a limited set) of Work (Set.Universe): ##
## from min(X) to max(X) with fixed resolution = 0.05            ##
## Bug: trash in the last decimals of Universe was fixed with [X = round(X,6)]

#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
#' @keywords internal
Set.Universe <- function(minX, maxX) {
  ## Check if the membership function can be created for those parameters and the Universe U
  flag = 1
  if (maxX < minX) {
    print("Error: The Universe can not be created: min < max")
    flag = 0

  if (flag == 1) {
    resolution = 0.05
    h <- round((maxX - minX)/resolution) + 1
    X <- rep(0, h)
    X[1] <- minX
    aux <- minX
    i = 2
    while ( i <= h ) {
      X[i] <- X[i-1] + resolution

    # Clean the vector w.r.t. some trashes in the last decimals
    X = round(X,6)
    # return Universe by resolution
  ## Senão, o que retorna ???
## The sets XXXFS must be suppourt in the Universe, ##
## it means: min(X) <= support(xxxFS) <= max(X)     ##
## Triangular fuzzy set (TriFS) ##
## Parameters:                  ##
## a - the lower boundary       ##
## b - max value of MF - center ##
## c - the upper boundary       ##
##  Bug shift MF was fixed. Changed code for copying MF_temp to the MF vector
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
TriFS <- function(U,a,b,c) {
  ## Check if the membership function can be created for those parameters and the Universe U
  flag = 1
  if (a < min(U) || a > max(U) || c < min(U) || c > max(U)) {
    print("Support of the Fuzzy Sets must be include in the Universe")
    flag = 0
  if (a > b || b > c || c < a) {
    print("a <= b <= c for a triangular membership function")
    flag = 0
  if (flag == 1) {
    ## Auxiliar variables
    aa <- 0.0
    bb <- 1.0
    T1 <- c(a, b)
    T2 <- c(aa, bb)
    T3 <- c(b, c)
    T4 <- c(bb, aa)

    supportL <- seq(a, b, 0.05)
    supportR <- seq(b, c, 0.05)

    ##linear regresssions to estimate fuzzy set
    res=stats::lm(formula = T2 ~ T1)
    intercept1 <- res$coefficients[1]
    coeff1 <- res$coefficients[2]
    res=stats::lm(formula = T4 ~ T3)
    intercept2 <- res$coefficients[1]
    coeff2 <- res$coefficients[2]

    ## Left-side of a triangular fuzzy set (a,b)
    if(length(supportL) == 1) {
      left_interval = 1
    } else {
      left_interval <- supportL*coeff1 + intercept1

    ## Right-side of a triangular fuzzy set (c,d)
    if (length(supportR) == 1) {
      right_interval = 1
    } else {
      right_interval <-  supportR*coeff2 + intercept2

    ## Unifying Left and Right
    si <- supportR
    si <- si[2:length(si)]
    support = c(supportL, si)
    ri <- right_interval
    ri<- ri[2:length(ri)]
    MF_temp=c(left_interval, ri)

    pos_min_support <- max(which(U<=a))
    pos_max_support <- min(which(U>=c))

    MF <- rep(0, length(U))

    ## Copia MF_temp para o vetor MF substituindo os zeros nas posicoes adequadas

    for (i in pos_min_support: pos_max_support) {
      MF[i] <- MF_temp[j]
      j = j + 1

    ## Build the matrix MF_Tri with Universe and its Triangular Membership Function
    MF_Tri <- cbind(U, MF)

    ## Compute the alpha-cuts for the Triangular Fuzzy Set
    alpha <- seq(0, 1.0, 0.05)

    ##linear regresssions to estimate fuzzy set
    res=stats::lm(formula = T1 ~ T2)
    intercept1 <- res$coefficients[1]
    coeff1 <- res$coefficients[2]
    res=stats::lm(formula = T3 ~ T4)
    intercept2 <- res$coefficients[1]
    coeff2 <- res$coefficients[2]

    ## Left-side of a triangular fuzzy set (a,b)
    left_interval <- alpha*coeff1 + intercept1
    ## Right-side of a triangular fuzzy set (c,d)
    right_interval <-  alpha*coeff2 + intercept2

    ri <- sort(right_interval)
    ri<- ri[2:length(ri)]
    support=c(left_interval, ri)
    compl <- (1-alpha)
    compl <- compl[2:length(compl)]
    alpha_cut=c(alpha, compl)
    alpha_cuts <- cbind(support, alpha_cut)

    ## Output is a list with the name of type of FS, its parameters,
    ## the Membership Function created and its alpha cuts

    Lst <- list(name="Triangular", parameters=c(a,b,c), Membership.Function=MF_Tri, alphacuts=alpha_cuts)

    # return(MF_Tri)
  ## Senão, o que retorna ??? return(NULL) ???
## Trapezoidal fuzzy set (TraFS)                 ##
## Parameters:                                   ##
## a - the lower boundary                        ##
## b and c - flat or interval of max value of MF ##
## d - the upper boundary                        ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
TraFS <- function(U,a,b,c,d) {

  ## Verifica se o valor de 'a' é maior a 'minX'. Se for, então
  ## {
  ##   Verifica se 'b' é maior a 'minX'. Se for, então
  ##   {
  ##      Verifica se 'c' é maior a 'minX' E 'c' é menor que 'maxX. Se for, então
  ##      {

  ## Check if the membership function can be created for those parameters and the Universe U
  flag = 1
  if (a < min(U) || a > max(U) || d < min(U) || d > max(U)) {
    print("Support of the Fuzzy Sets must be include in the Universe")
    flag = 0
  if (a > b || a > c || a > d || b > c || b > d || c > d) {
    print("a <= b <= c <= d for a trapezoidal membership function")
    flag = 0
  if (flag == 1) {
    ## Auxiliar variables
    aa <- 0.0
    bb <- 1.0
    T1 <- c(a, b)
    T2 <- c(aa, bb)
    T3 <- c(c, d)
    T4 <- c(bb, aa)
    supportL <- seq(a, b, 0.05)
    supportC <- seq(b, c, 0.05)
    supportR <- seq(c, d, 0.05)

    ##linear regresssion to estimate fuzzy set
    res=stats::lm(formula = T2 ~ T1)
    intercept1 <- res$coefficients[1]
    coeff1 <- res$coefficients[2]
    res=stats::lm(formula = T4 ~ T3)
    intercept2 <- res$coefficients[1]
    coeff2 <- res$coefficients[2]

    ## Left-side of a trapezoidal fuzzy set (a,b)
    if(length(supportL) == 1) {
      left_interval = 1
    } else {
      left_interval <- supportL*coeff1 + intercept1

    ## Flat of a trapezoidal fuzzy set (b,c)
    center_interval <- rep(1, length(supportC))

    ## Right-side of a trapezoidal fuzzy set (c,d)
    if (length(supportR) == 1) {
      right_interval = 1
    } else {
      right_interval <-  supportR*coeff2 + intercept2

    ## Unifying Left, Center and Right
    ui <- supportC
    ui <- ui[2:length(ui)]
    si <- supportR
    si <- si[2:length(si)]
    support = c(supportL, ui, si)
    ti <- center_interval
    ti<- ti[2:length(ti)]
    ri <- right_interval
    ri<- ri[2:length(ri)]
    MF_temp=c(left_interval, ti, ri)

    pos_min_support <- max(which(U<=a))
    pos_max_support <- min(which(U>=d))

    MF <- rep(0, length(U))

    ## Copia MF_temp para o vetor MF substituindo os zeros nas posicoes adequadas

    for (i in pos_min_support: pos_max_support) {
      MF[i] <- MF_temp[j]
      j = j + 1

    MF <- round(MF, 7)
    MF_Tra <- cbind(U, MF)

    ## Compute the alpha-cuts for the Triangular Fuzzy Set
    alpha <- seq(0, 1.0, 0.05)

    ##linear regresssions to estimate fuzzy set
    res=stats::lm(formula = T1 ~ T2)
    intercept1 <- res$coefficients[1]
    coeff1 <- res$coefficients[2]
    res=stats::lm(formula = T3 ~ T4)
    intercept2 <- res$coefficients[1]
    coeff2 <- res$coefficients[2]

    ## Left-side of a trapezoidal fuzzy set (a,b)
    left_interval <- alpha*coeff1 + intercept1
    ## Flat of a trapezoidal fuzzy set (b,c)
    center_interval <- seq(b, c, 0.05)
    ## Right-side of a trapezoidal fuzzy set (c,d)
    right_interval <-  alpha*coeff2 + intercept2

    ri <- sort(right_interval)
    ri<- ri[2:length(ri)]
    ti <- center_interval
    ti<- ti[2:length(ti)]
    support=c(left_interval, ti, ri)
    compl <- (1-alpha)
    compl <- compl[2:length(compl)]
    compl2 <- rep(1, length(ti))
    ## compl2 <- compl2[2:length(compl2)]
    alpha_cut=c(alpha, compl2, compl)
    alpha_cuts <- cbind(support, alpha_cut)

    ## Output is a list with the name of type of FS, its parameters,
    ## the Membership Function created and its alpha cuts

    Lst <- list(name="Trapezoidal", parameters=c(a,b,c,d), Membership.Function=MF_Tra, alphacuts=alpha_cuts)

    # return(MF_Tra)
  ## Senão, o que retorna ??? return(NULL) ???
## Constant fuzzy set (ConstFS) ##
## Parameters:                  ##
## x is the MF constant value   ##
## for all elements in U        ##
ConstFS <- function(U,x) {
  ## Check if the membership function can be created for those parameters and the Universe U
  flag = 1
  if (x < 0 || x > 1) {
    print("Value x for Constant Fuzzy Set must be include in the [0,1]")
    flag = 0
  if (flag == 1) {
    MF <- rep(x, length(U))
  MF_Const <- cbind(U, MF)

  ## Compute the alpha-cuts for the Constant Fuzzy Set - REVER - [min(U),max(U)] VALE AtEH 0.7
  alpha <- seq(0, 1.0, 0.05)
  left_interval <- rep(0, length(alpha))
  right_interval <- rep(0, length(alpha))
  interval <- seq(0, x, 0.05)

  ## Left-side of a constant fuzzy set
  for (i in 1 : length(interval)) {
    left_interval[i] <- min(U)
  ## Right-side of a constant fuzzy set
  for (i in 1 : length(interval)) {
    right_interval[i] <- max(U)

  ri <- sort(right_interval)
  ri<- ri[2:length(ri)]
  support=c(left_interval, ri)
  compl <- (1-alpha)
  compl <- compl[2:length(compl)]
  alpha_cut=c(alpha, compl)
  alpha_cuts <- cbind(support, alpha_cut)

  ## Output is a list with the name of type of FS, its parameters,
  ## the Membership Function created and its alpha cuts

  Lst <- list(name="Constant", parameters=c(x), Membership.Function=MF_Const, alphacuts=alpha_cuts)

  # return(MF_Const)

## Singleton fuzzy set (SingFS): ##
## Parameters:                   ##
## x only one value for          ##
## MF = 1, if U = x; 0, U <> x.  ##
## Singleton fuzzy set (SingFS): MF = 1, if U = x; 0, U <> x.
SingFS <- function(U,x) {
  ## Check if the membership function can be created for those parameters and the Universe U
  flag = 1
  if (x < min(U) || x > max(U)) {
    print("Value x for Constant Fuzzy Set must be include in the Universe")
    flag = 0
  if (flag == 1) {
    MF <- rep(0, length(U))
    resolution <- U[2] - U[1]
    if ( (x / resolution - round(x/resolution)) == 0 ) {
      position <- which(U == x)
      MF[position] = 1
    } else {
      position <- round(x/resolution)+1
      MF[position] = 1    ## approximate value of x position in U
  MF_Sing <- cbind(U, MF)

  ## Compute the alpha-cuts for the Constant Fuzzy Set - Only position U=x has all alpha-cuts

  alpha <- seq(0, 1.0, 0.05)
  ## Left-side of a singleton fuzzy set
  left_interval <- rep(U[position], length(alpha))
  ## Right-side of a singleton fuzzy set
  right_interval <-  rep(U[position], length(alpha))

  ri <- sort(right_interval)
  ri<- ri[2:length(ri)]
  support=c(left_interval, ri)
  compl <- (1-alpha)
  compl <- compl[2:length(compl)]
  alpha_cut=c(alpha, compl)
  alpha_cuts <- cbind(support, alpha_cut)

  ## Output is a list with the name of type of FS, its parameters,
  ## the Membership Function created and its alpha cuts

  Lst <- list(name="Singleton", parameters=c(x), Membership.Function=MF_Sing, alphacuts=alpha_cuts)

  # return(MF_Sing)

## Gaussian fuzzy set (GauFS)   ##
## Parameters:                  ##
## m – Mean of FS               ##
## s – Standasd Deviation of FS ##
## Non-zero values in the MF - fixed
## Outliers in the alpha-cuts - fixed
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
GauFS <- function(U,m,s) {
  ## Check if the membership function can be created for those parameters and the Universe U
  flag = 1
  if (m < min(U) || m > max(U)) {
    print("Mean of the Gaussian Fuzzy Set must be include in the Universe")
    flag = 0
  if (flag == 1) {
    ## Auxiliar variables
    ## Left-side of a Gaussian fuzzy set (m,s)
    left_interval <- rep(0, length(U))
    right_interval <- rep(0, length(U))
    MF <- rep(0, length(U))
    i = 1
    left_interval[1] <- exp(-0.5*((U[1]-m)/s)^2)
    while (left_interval[i] < 1  & i < length(U)) {
      i = i + 1
      left_interval[i] <- exp(-0.5*((U[i]-m)/s)^2)
    for (j in (i+1):length(U)) {
      right_interval[j] <- exp(-0.5*((U[j]-m)/s)^2)
    ## Unifying Left and Right
    for ( j in 1:length(U) ) {
      MF[j] <- max(left_interval[j], right_interval[j])

    MF <- round(MF, 7)
    MF_Gau <- cbind(U, MF)

    ## Compute the alpha-cuts for the Gaussian Fuzzy Set
    alpha <- seq(0, 1.0, 0.05)

    left_interval <- rep(0, length(alpha))
    right_interval <- rep(0, length(alpha))

    for(j in 1 : length(alpha)) {
      left_interval[j] <- m + s*sqrt(-2*log(alpha[j]))
    for(j in 1 : length(alpha)) {
      right_interval[j] <- m - s*sqrt(-2*log(alpha[j]))

    ## Check if the extreme values are +/- Infinity
    if (left_interval[1] == Inf) {
      left_interval[1] <- U[max(which(MF>0))]
      ##   Procura os valores > U_max de left_interval e substitui pelo valor de U_max
      check <- left_interval > max(U)
      for (i in 1:length(left_interval)) {
        if (check[i] == TRUE) {
          left_interval[i] <- max(U)

    if (right_interval[1] == -Inf) {
      right_interval[1] <- U[1]
      ##   Procura os valores < U_min de right_interval e substitui pelo valor de U_min
      check <- right_interval < min(U)
      for (i in 1:length(right_interval)) {
        if (check[i] == TRUE) {
          right_interval[i] <- min(U)

    ## Unifying Left and Right
    ri <- sort(left_interval)
    ri<- ri[2:length(ri)]
    support=c(right_interval, ri)
    compl <- (1-alpha)
    compl <- compl[2:length(compl)]
    alpha_cut=c(alpha, compl)
    alpha_cuts <- cbind(support, alpha_cut)

    ## Output is a list with the name of type of FS, its parameters,
    ## the Membership Function created and its alpha cuts

    Lst <- list(name="Gaussian", parameters=c(m,s), Membership.Function=MF_Gau, alphacuts=alpha_cuts)

    # return(MF_Gau)
  ## Senão, o que retorna ??? return(NULL) ???
## Intersection of two fuzzy sets on the same Universe ##
## Intersection is given by the Min (interFS)          ##
interFS  <- function(U,FS1, FS2) {
  fs1 <- FS1[[3]][,2]
  fs2 <- FS2[[3]][,2]
  InterFS <- rep(0, length(U))
  for ( i in 1:length(U) ) {
    InterFS[i] <- min(fs1[i],fs2[i])
## Union of two fuzzy sets on the same Universe ##
## Union is given by the Max (uniFS)            ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
uniFS  <- function(U,FS, FS1, FS2) {
  MaxFS <- rep(0, length(U))
  if (FS[[1]] == "Triangular" || FS[[1]] == "Trapezoidal") {
    fs1 <- FS1[[3]][,2]
    fs2 <- FS2[[3]][,2]
    for ( i in 1:length(U) ) {
      UniFS[i] <- max(fs1[i],fs2[i])
  else {
    for ( i in 1:length(U) ) {
      UniFS[i] <- max(FS1[i],FS2[i])
## Complement of a fuzzy set w.r.t the Universe (compFS) ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
compFS  <- function(U,FS) {
  fs <- FS[[3]][,2]
  CompFS <- rep(0, length(U))
  for ( i in 1:length(U) ) {
    CompFS[i] <- (1-fs[i])
## Degree of membership of an element x to a fuzzy set (dmFS) ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
dmFS <- function(x,U,FS) {
  if (FS[[1]] == "Triangular") {
    parameters <- FS[[2]]
    aa <- 0.0
    bb <- 1.0
    T1 <- c(parameters[1], parameters[2])
    T2 <- c(aa, bb)
    T3 <- c(parameters[2], parameters[3])
    T4 <- c(bb, aa)
    ##linear regresssions to estimate Triangular fuzzy set
    res=stats::lm(formula = T2 ~ T1)
    intercept1 <- res$coefficients[1]
    coeff1 <- res$coefficients[2]
    res=stats::lm(formula = T4 ~ T3)
    intercept2 <- res$coefficients[1]
    coeff2 <- res$coefficients[2]
    yL <- x * coeff1 + intercept1
    if (yL < 0 || yL > 1 || is.na(yL)) { yL = 0}
    yR <- x * coeff2 + intercept2
    if (yR < 0 || yR > 1 || is.na(yR)) { yR = 0}
    y = max(yL, yR)
  if (FS[[1]] == "Trapezoidal") {
    parameters <- FS[[2]]
    if ( x >= parameters[2] & x <= parameters[3] ) {
      y = 1
    else {
      aa <- 0.0
      bb <- 1.0
      T1 <- c(parameters[1], parameters[2])
      T2 <- c(aa, bb)
      T3 <- c(parameters[3], parameters[4])
      T4 <- c(bb, aa)
      ##linear regresssions to estimate Triangular fuzzy set
      res=stats::lm(formula = T2 ~ T1)
      intercept1 <- res$coefficients[1]
      coeff1 <- res$coefficients[2]
      res=stats::lm(formula = T4 ~ T3)
      intercept2 <- res$coefficients[1]
      coeff2 <- res$coefficients[2]
      yL <- x * coeff1 + intercept1
      if (yL < 0 || yL > 1 || is.na(yL)) { yL = 0}
      yR <- x * coeff2 + intercept2
      if (yR < 0 || yR > 1 || is.na(yR)) { yR = 0}
      y = max(yL, yR)
  if (FS[[1]] == "Gaussian") {
    parameters <- FS[[2]]
    y = exp(-0.5*((x-parameters[1])/parameters[2])^2)
    if ( y <= 10^(-4) ) {
      y = 0                ## Valor menor do que 10^-4 => 0
  if (FS[[1]] == "Singleton") {
    parameters <- FS[[2]]
    if ( x == parameters[1] ) {
      y = 1
    } else {
      y = 0
## Centroid method for defuzzification ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
centroidFS <- function(U,FS) {
  centroid = 0
  sum_memberhip = 0
  for (i in 1: length(U)) {
    centroid = centroid + (U[i] * FS[i])
    sum_memberhip = sum_memberhip + FS[i]
  centroid = centroid/sum_memberhip
## Method for computing OR on two FS ##
## Mamdani type using MAX            ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
OR <- function(FRBS,x,y) {
  if (FRBS == "Mandani") {
    out <- max(x,y)
## Method for computing AND on two FS ##
## Mamdani type using MIN             ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
AND <- function(FRBS,x,y) {
  if (FRBS == "Mandani") {
    out <- min(x,y)
## Method for computing NOT on a FS ##
## Mamdani type using (1 - MF(FS))  ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
NOT <- function(FRBS,x) {
  if (FRBS == "Mandani") {
    out <- (1 - x)
## Method for computing Implication on two FS ##
## Mamdani type using MIN                     ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
Implication <- function(FRBS,x,U,FS) {
  if (FRBS == "Mandani") {
    FS1 <- ConstFS(U,x)
    MF <- interFS(U,FS1, FS)
## Method for computing Aggregation on FSs ##
## Mamdani type using MAX                  ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
Aggregation <- function(FRBS,U,Lst) {
  if (FRBS == "Mandani") {
    MF <- Lst[[1]]
    for (i in 2:length(Lst)) {
      for ( j in 1:length(U) ) {
        MF[j] <- max(MF[j], Lst[[i]][j])
## Plot a fuzzy set w.r.t the Universe (plotFS) ##
#' @export
#' @rdname hidden_functions
plotFS <- function(Universe,FS) {
  if (FS[[1]] == "Triangular" || FS[[1]] == "Trapezoidal" || FS[[1]] == "Gaussian" || FS[[1]] == "Singleton" || is.na(FS[[1]])) {
    FuzzySet <- FS[[3]][,2]
    plot(Universe, FuzzySet, pch=".", lty=1, ylim=c(0,1))
    graphics::lines (Universe, FuzzySet, col='blue', lty=1, ylim=c(0,1))
  else {
    FuzzySet <- FS
    plot(Universe, FuzzySet, pch=".", lty=1,ylim=c(0,1))
    graphics::lines (Universe, FuzzySet, col='blue', lty=1,ylim=c(0,1))

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FuzzyClass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:37 a.m.