
Defines functions print.npar.GDINA print.summary.autoGDINA print.anova.GDINA print.MCmodel print.summary.GDINA print.autoGDINA print.modelfit print.dif print.Qval print.itemfit print.modelcomp print.CA print.simGDINA print.GDINA

#' @include GDINA.R autoGDINA.R modelcomp.R itemfit.R GDI.R dif.R s3GDINA.R MCmodel.R
#' @export
print.GDINA <-
  function(x, ...)
    cat("Call:\n", paste(deparse(extract.GDINA(x,"call")), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
        "\n\n", sep = "")
    packageinfo <- utils::packageDescription("GDINA")
    cat( paste( "GDINA version " , packageinfo$Version , " (" , packageinfo$Date , ")" , sep="") , "\n" )
    cat("# of individuals    groups    items         \n")
    cat("    ",sprintf("%11d",extract.GDINA(x,"nobs")),sprintf("%9d",extract.GDINA(x,"ngroup")),sprintf("%8d",extract.GDINA(x,"nitem")))
    M <- c("User-defined Function","GDINA", "DINA", "DINO", "ACDM", "LLM", "RRUM")
    # cat("Response level        =",ifelse(max(extract.GDINA(x,"dat"),na.rm = TRUE)>1,"Polytomous","Dichotomous"),"\n")
    # cat("\n-----------------------------------------------\n")
    s <- NULL
      s <- "sequential"
    cat("Fitted model(s)       =", s, unique(extract.GDINA(x,"models")), "\n")
    cat("Attribute structure   =",extract(x,"att.dist"),"\n")
    if (any(extract.GDINA(x,"att.dist")=="higher.order")) cat("Higher-order model    =",extract(x,"higher.order")$model,"\n")
    tmp <- max(extract.GDINA(x,"Q"))
    cat("Attribute level       =",ifelse(tmp>1,"Polytomous","Dichotomous"),"\n")
    cat("Number of iterations  =", max(extract.GDINA(x,"nitr")), "\n\n")
    cat("For the final iteration:\n")
    cat("  Max abs change in item success prob. =", formatC(extract(x,"dif.p"), digits = 4, format = "f"), "\n")
    cat("  Max abs change in mixing proportions =", formatC(extract(x,"dif.prior"), digits = 4, format = "f"), "\n")
    cat("  Change in -2 log-likelihood          =", formatC(extract(x,"dif.LL"), digits = 4, format = "f"), "\n")
    cat("  Converged?                           =", extract(x,"convergence"),"\n\n")
    cat("Time used             =", format(extract(x,"time"), digits = 4), "\n")
#' @export
print.simGDINA <-
  function(x, ...)
    cat("Data simulation using GDINA package \n")
    cat("Call:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
        "\n", sep = "")
    cat("\nNumber of items       =", ncol(x$dat), "\n")
    cat("Number of individuals =", nrow(x$dat), "\n")
    cat("To extract components, use the method extract. \n")

#' @export
print.CA <-
  function(x, ...)
    cat("Classification Accuracy \n")
    cat("\nTest level accuracy = ", round(x$tau,4), "\n")
    cat("\nPattern level accuracy: \n\n")
    cat("\nAttribute level accuracy: \n\n")
#' @export
print.modelcomp <- function(x, ...)
  cat("\nItem-level model selection:\n\n")
  if(toupper(x$method)=="LR"& x$LR.args$LR.approx){
      m <- "Two-step approximated LR"
    m <- x$method
  cat("test statistic:",m,"\n")
  if (x$decision.args$rule=="simpler"){
    y <- paste0("simpler model + largest",ifelse(x$decision.args$adjusted," adjusted "," "), "p value rule")
  }else if(x$decision.args$rule=="largestp"){
    y <- paste0("largest" ,ifelse(x$decision.args$adjusted," adjusted "," "), "p value rule")
  cat("Decision rule:",y,"at",x$decision.args$alpha.level,"alpha level.\n")
  cat("Adjusted p values were based on",x$p.adjust.methods,"correction.\n\n")
  ret <- extract(x,"selected.model")
  ret[is.na(ret)] <- ""


#' @export
print.itemfit <-
  function(x, ...)
    cat("Summary of Item Fit Analysis\n")
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$options$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
        "\n", sep = "")
    p <- extract.itemfit(x,"p")
    r <- extract.itemfit(x,"r")
    logOR <- extract.itemfit(x,"logOR")
    testlevel.itemfit <- data.frame(p=c(mean(p$pstat[is.finite(p$pstat)],na.rm = TRUE),
                                        max(p$pstat[is.finite(p$pstat)],na.rm = TRUE),
                                        max(p$zstat[is.finite(p$zstat)],na.rm = TRUE),
                                        p$unadj.pvalue[which(p$zstat==max(p$zstat[is.finite(p$zstat)],na.rm = TRUE))],
                                        p$test.adj.pvalue[which(p$zstat==max(p$zstat[is.finite(p$zstat)],na.rm = TRUE))]),
                                    r=c(mean(r$rstat[is.finite(r$rstat)],na.rm = TRUE),
                                        max(r$rstat[is.finite(r$rstat)],na.rm = TRUE),
                                        max(r$zstat[is.finite(r$zstat)],na.rm = TRUE),
                                        r$unadj.pvalue[which(r$zstat==max(r$zstat[is.finite(r$zstat)],na.rm = TRUE))],
                                        r$test.adj.pvalue[which(r$zstat==max(r$zstat[is.finite(r$zstat)],na.rm = TRUE))]),
                                    l=c(mean(logOR$lstat[is.finite(logOR$lstat)],na.rm = TRUE),
                                        max(logOR$lstat[is.finite(logOR$lstat)],na.rm = TRUE),
                                        max(logOR$zstat[is.finite(logOR$zstat)],na.rm = TRUE),
                                        logOR$unadj.pvalue[which(logOR$zstat==max(logOR$zstat[is.finite(logOR$zstat)],na.rm = TRUE))],
                                        logOR$test.adj.pvalue[which(logOR$zstat==max(logOR$zstat[is.finite(logOR$zstat)],na.rm = TRUE))]))
    colnames(testlevel.itemfit) <- c("Proportion correct","Transformed correlation","Log odds ratio")
    rownames(testlevel.itemfit) <- c("mean[stats]","max[stats]",
    cat("Note: p-value and adj.p-value are associated with max[z.stats].")
    cat("\n      adj.p-values are based on the", extract.itemfit(x,"p.adjust.method"),"method.")
    if(any(is.na(p))|any(is.infinite(unlist(p)))) warning("Proportions have NA or Inf - check results!",call. = FALSE)
    if(any(is.na(r))|any(is.infinite(unlist(r)))) warning("Transformed correlations have NA or Inf - check results!",call. = FALSE)
    if(any(is.na(logOR))|any(is.infinite(unlist(logOR)))) warning("Log odds ratios have NA or Inf - check results!",call. = FALSE)

#' @export
print.Qval <-
  function(x, ...)
    sugQ <- data.frame(extract.Qval(x,"sug.Q"))
    oriQ <- data.frame(extract.Qval(x,"Q"))
      m <- "PVAF method"
      m <- paste(ifelse(x$wald.args$stepwise,"Stepwise","Forward"),"Wald test")
    cat("\nQ-matrix validation based on",m,"\n")

      cat("\nSuggested Q-matrix: \n\n")
      sugQ[sugQ!=oriQ] <- paste0(sugQ[sugQ!=oriQ],"*")
      print(sugQ,right = FALSE)
      cat("Note: * denotes a modified element.\n")
      cat("\nNo Q-matrix modifications are suggested.\n")


#' @export
print.dif <-
  function(x, ...)
    cat("\nDifferential Item Functioning Detection\n")
cat("\nNote: adjusted pvalues are based on the",x$p.adjust.methods,"correction.\n")

#' @export
print.modelfit <-
  function(x, ...)
    cat("Test-level Model Fit Evaluation\n\n")
    cat("Relative fit statistics: \n")
    cat(" -2 log likelihood = ",round(x$Deviance,4)," ( number of parameters = ", x$npar,")\n")
    cat(" AIC  = ", round(x$AIC,2)," BIC = ", round(x$BIC,2),"\n")
    cat(" CAIC = ", round(x$CAIC,2)," SABIC = ", round(x$SABIC,2),"\n")
    cat("\nAbsolute fit statistics: \n")
        cat(" Mord = ", round(x$M2,4)," df = ", x$M2.df," p = ", round(x$M2.pvalue,4),"\n")
        cat(" M2 = ", round(x$M2,4)," df = ", x$M2.df," p = ", round(x$M2.pvalue,4),"\n")
      cat(" RMSEA2 = ", round(x$RMSEA2,4)," with ",x$CI*100,"% CI: [",round(x$RMSEA2.CI[1],4),",",round(x$RMSEA2.CI[2],4),"]\n")

    cat(" SRMSR = ", round(x$SRMSR,4))

#' @export
print.autoGDINA <-
  function(x, ...)
    packageinfo <- utils::packageDescription("GDINA")
    cat( paste( "\nGDINA Version " , packageinfo$Version , " (" , packageinfo$Date , ")" , sep="") , "\n" )
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$options$ASEcall), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
        "\n", sep = "")
    cat("\nInitial GDINA calibration [GDINA1.obj] -> ")
    if(x$options$Qvalid) {
      cat("\nQ-matrix validation [Qval.obj] -> ")
      cat("\nSecond GDINA calibration [GDINA2.obj] -> ")
      cat("\nNo Q-matrix validation [Qval.obj = NULL; GDINA2.obj = GDINA1.obj] -> ")
    if(x$options$modelselection) {
      cat("\nItem-level model selection [Wald.obj] -> \nSelected CDMs calibration [CDM.obj]\n\n")
      cat("\nNo Item-level model selection [Wald.obj = NULL] -> \nFinal calibration [CDM.obj]\n\n")

      m <- toupper(x$Qval.obj$method)
      cat(" - Q-matrix validation is based on the",m,"method [ eps =",x$options$eps,"]\n\n")
      #cat("\n - Q-matrix validation is disabled\n\n")
      cat(" - Model selection is based on the",toupper(x$Wald.obj$method),"method using the",x$options$modelselectionrule,"rule\n")
      cat(" - Reduced models include",x$options$reducedCDM,"\n")
    cat(" - The alpha level is",x$options$alpha.level,"\n")
      #cat(" - Model selection is disabled\n")


print.summary.GDINA <- function(x,...){
  cat("\nTest Fit Statistics\n\n")
  cat("Loglik =", formatC(x$Loglikelihood,digits = 2, format = "f"), "\n\n")
  # cat("Deviance      =", formatC(x$Deviance,digits = 2, format = "f"), "\n")
  cat("AIC    =", formatC(x$AIC,digits = 2, format = "f"),
      " | penalty [2 * p]  =",formatC(x$`AIC penalty`,digits = 2, format = "f"),"\n")
  cat("BIC    =", formatC(x$BIC,digits = 2, format = "f"),
      " | penalty [log(n) * p]  =",formatC(x$`BIC penalty`,digits = 2, format = "f"),"\n")
  cat("CAIC   =", formatC(x$CAIC,digits = 2, format = "f"),
      " | penalty [(log(n) + 1) * p]  =",formatC(x$`CAIC penalty`,digits = 2, format = "f"),"\n")
  cat("SABIC  =", formatC(x$SABIC,digits = 2, format = "f"),
      " | penalty [log((n + 2)/24) * p]  =",formatC(x$`SABIC penalty`,digits = 2, format = "f"),"\n")
  cat("\nNo. of parameters (p)  =",formatC(x$`Number of parameters`,digits = 0, format = "d"), "\n")
  cat("  No. of estimated item parameters = ",formatC(x$`Number of estimated item parameters`,digits = 0, format = "d"), "\n")
  cat("  No. of fixed item parameters = ",formatC(x$`Number of fixed item parameters`,digits = 0, format = "d"), "\n")
  cat("  No. of distribution parameters = ",formatC(x$`Number of population parameters`,digits = 0, format = "d"), "\n")
    cat("\nAttribute Prevalence\n\n")
    ap <- lapply(x$`Attribute Prevalence`,round,digits=4)
    if(x$ngroup==1) {

  # cat("\nPosterior Weights\n\n")
  #     print(round(x$`Posterior Weights`,4))

print.MCmodel <-
  function(x, ...)
    cat("Call:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
        "\n\n", sep = "")
    packageinfo <- utils::packageDescription("GDINA")
    cat( paste( "  GDINA version " , packageinfo$Version , " (" , packageinfo$Date , ")" , sep="") , "\n" )
    cat("# of individuals    groups    items         \n")
    cat("    ",sprintf("%11d",nrow(x$dat)),sprintf("%9d",1),sprintf("%8d",ncol(x$dat)))
    # if (any(extract.GDINA(x,"att.dist")=="higher.order")) cat("Higher-order model    =",extract(x,"higher.order")$model,"\n")
    # tmp <- max(extract.GDINA(x,"Q"))
    # cat("Attribute level       =",ifelse(tmp>1,"Polytomous","Dichotomous"),"\n")
    cat("Fitted model(s)       = MC-DINA\n")
    cat("Attribute structure   = Saturated\n")
    cat("Time used             =", format(x$time.used, digits = 4), "\n")
print.anova.GDINA <- function(x,...){
  cat("\nInformation Criteria and Likelihood Ratio Test\n\n")
   LR <- x$LR
   for(m in 1:nrow(LR)) {
     if(LR$pvalue[m]<0.001) LR$pvalue[m] <- "<0.001"
     if(LR$df[m]==0) LR$chisq[m] <- LR$pvalue[m] <- LR$df[m] <- ""
     if(LR$chisq[m]<0) LR$df[m] <- LR$pvalue[m] <- ""
   out <- cbind(x$IC,LR)
   colnames(out) <- c("#par","logLik","Deviance","AIC","BIC","CAIC","SABIC","chisq","df","p-value")
  if(nrow(x$IC)>2) cat("\nNotes: In LR tests, models were tested against",rownames(x$IC)[which.max(x$IC$npar)],"\n       LR test(s) do NOT check whether models are nested or not.")

print.summary.autoGDINA <- function(x,...){
  cat("\nAutomatic G-DINA Analysis\n\n")
  cat("Relative model-data fit:\n\n")
  cat("\nNote: To evaluate absolute model-data fit, please use modelfit() and itemfit() functions.")

    cat("\nModels for final calibration:\n\n")
    xx <- extract(x$finalmodel,"models")
    names(xx) <- extract(x$finalmodel,"item.names")

print.npar.GDINA <- function(x,...){
  cat("No. of total parameters =",x$`No. of parameters`,"\n")
  cat("No. of population parameters =",x$`No. of population parameters`,"\n")
  cat("No. of free item parameters =",x$`No. of estimated item parameters`,"\n")
  cat("No. of fixed item parameters =",x$`No. of fixed item parameters`,"\n")


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GDINA documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:16 p.m.