Man pages for GENLIB
Genealogical Data Analysis

gen.branchingGenealogy subset
gen.childrenGet id numbers of children
gen.climbPARInternal function used by gen.findMRCA
gen.completenessVarVariance of completeness index
gen.depthGenealogy depth
genea140Genealogical information for 140 individuals from the Quebec...
geneaJiHighly inbred pedigree
gen.fInbreeding coefficient
gen.fCIAverage inbreeding coefficient confidence interval
gen.findDistanceMinimum genetic distance between two individuals
gen.findFoundersFind common founder ancestors
gen.find.Min.Distance.MRCAFinds the minimum distances between pairs of individuals...
gen.findMRCAFinding most recent common ancestors, MRCAs
gen.founderGet founder id numbers
gen.gcGenetic contribution of ancestors
gen.genealogyCreate object of class GLgen
gen.genoutCreate pedigree data
gen.getAncestorsPARInternal function used by gen.findMRCA
gen.getFoundersPARInternal function used by gen.findFounders
gen.graphPedigree graphical tool
gen.half.founderGet half-founder id numbers
gen.implexGenealogical implex
gen.implexVarVariance of genealogical implex
GenlibR-packageGenealogical Data Analysis
gen.lineagesCreate object of class GLgen for maternal or paternal...
gen.maxMaximum number of generations
gen.meanMean number of generations
gen.meangendepthExpected Genealogical Depth
gen.meangendepthVarVariance of genealogical depth
gen.minMinimum number of generations
gen.nochildrenNumber of children
gen.noindNumber of individuals
gen.nomenNumber of men
gen.nowomenNumber of women
gen.occAncestor occurences
gen.parentGet id numbers of parents
gen.phiKinship coefficient
gen.phiCIAverage kinship confidence interval
gen.phiMeanAverage kinship
gen.phiOverKinship above threshold
gen.proGet proband id numbers
gen.recAncestors coverage
gen.sibshipGet id numbers of siblings
gen.simuHaploGene dropping simulations - haplotypes
gen.simuHaplo_convertConvert proband simulation results into sequence data given...
gen.simuHaplo_IBD_compareCompare proband haplotypes for IBD sharing
gen.simuHaplo_tracebackTrace inheritance path for results from gene dropping...
gen.simuProbGene dropping simulations - Probabilities
gen.simuSampleGene dropping simulations - Sample
gen.simuSampleFreqGene dropping simulations - Frequencies
gen.simuSetGene dropping simulations with specified transmission...
GLCGMatrixGroupSingle-classClasses '"GLmultiPhiGroup"' '"GLmultiPhiGroupSingle"'...
GLgen-classClass '"GLgen"'
GLgroupe-classClass '"GLgroup"'
GLmultiList-classClass '"GLmultiList"'
GLmultiVector-classClasses '"GLmultiVector"' '"GLmultiArray4"' '"GLmultiMatrix"'...
pop140Population of origin of the 140 Quebec samples
GENLIB documentation built on Jan. 17, 2023, 5:16 p.m.