Man pages for GGEBiplots
GGE Biplots with 'ggplot2'

CompareGensCompare two genotypes biplot
DiscRepDiscrimination vs. representativeness biplot
EnvRelationshipRelationship between environments
ExamineEnvExamine an environment
ExamineGenExamine a genotype biplot
GGEModelProduces genotype plus genotype-by-environment model from a...
GGEPlotGGE biplots with 'ggplot2'
MeanStabilityMean vs. Stability Biplot
OntarioOntario winter wheat (1993)
RankEnvRanking Environments Biplot
RankGenRanking genotypes with respect to the ideal genotype
stattableProduce a two-way summary table of results
WhichWonWhich Won Where/What Biplot
GGEBiplots documentation built on Feb. 9, 2022, 5:09 p.m.