Man pages for GGIR
Raw Accelerometer Data Analysis

appendRecordsAppend GGIR milestone data from neighbouring or overlapping...
applyCosinorAnalysesApply Cosinor Analyses to time series
applyExtFunctionApply external function to acceleration data.
CalcSleepRegularityIndexCalculates Sleep Regularity Index
check_logFunction to revise format of user-provided logs
checkMilestoneFoldersChecks for existence of folders to process
check_myfunChecks myfun object before it is passed to applyExtfunction
check_paramsCheck default parameters
convertEpochDataconvert external Epoch data to GGIR part 1 milestone data...
correctOlderMilestoneDataCorrects milestone data from g.part1 generated in older GGIR...
cosinorAnalysesApply cosinor anlaysis and extended cosinor analysis
createConfigFileCreates Config File based on variables in function GGIR...
create_test_acc_csvCreates csv data file for testing purposes
create_test_sleeplog_csvCreates csv sleeplog file for testing purposes
data.calibrateExample output from g.calibrate
datadir2fnamesGenerates vector of file names out of datadir input argument
data.getmetaExample output from g.getmeta
data.inspectfileExample output from g.inspectfile
data.metalongMetalong object as part of part 1 milestone data
data.tsTime series data.frame stored by part 5
detect_nonwear_clippingDetect non-wear and clipping time in the raw accelerometer...
extractIDExtract ID from file header object
extract_paramsExtract parameters from input and add them to params daynames to numbers, needed for report generation...
g.analyseFunction to analsyse meta-data generated by g.getmeta and...
g.analyse.avdayFunction supports g.analyse. Not intended for direct use by...
g.analyse.perdayFunction supports g.analyse. Not intended for direct use by...
g.analyse.perfileFunction supports g.analyse. Not intended for direct use by...
g.applymetricsExtract metrics from acceleration signals
g.calibratefunction to estimate calibration error and make...
g.conv.actlogFunction to read activity log and make it useful for the rest...
g.convert.part2.longConvert part 2 report to long format
g.create.sp.matConverts sleep period information. Not intended for direct...
g.detecmidnightDetect all midnights in a time series
g.dotorcommaAssesses whether decimals in fileheader are stored with comma...
getfolderstructureExtracts folderstructure based on data directory.
get_nw_clip_block_paramsSet monitor brand specific parameters
get_starttime_weekday_truncdataGet starttime (adjusted), weekday, and adjust data...
g.extractheadervarsExtracts header variables from header object
g.fragmentationFragmentation metrics from time series.
g.getboutfunction to calculate bouts from vector of binary classes
g.getM5L5Extract M5 and L5 from time series
g.getmetaFunction to extract meta-data (features) from data in...
g.getstarttimeExtract start time of a measurement
GGIRShell function for analysing an accelerometer dataset.
GGIR-packageA package to process multi-day raw accelerometer data
g.imputeFunction to identify invalid periods in the meta-data as...
g.imputeTimegapsImpute gaps in three axis raw accelerometer data
g.inspectfilefunction to inspect accelerometer file for brand, sample...
g.intensitygradientIntensity gradient calculation
g.IVISCalculates IV and IS
g.loadlogLoad and clean sleeplog information
g.part1function to load and pre-process acceleration files
g.part2function to analyse and summarize pre-processed output from...
g.part3Detection of sustained inactivity periods as needed for sleep...
g.part4Labels detected sustained inactivity periods by g.part3 as...
g.part4_extradctidExtracts ID from filename and finds matching rows in sleeplog
g.part5Merge output from physical activity and sleep analysis into...
g.part5.addfirstwakeAdds first wake if it is missing in part 4 output.
g.part5.addsibAdds the sustained inactivity bout to the ts series.
g.part5.analyseRestAnalyse rest (internal function)
g.part5_analyseSegmentAnalyses the time series per time segment for part 5
g.part5.classifyNapsClassify Naps from identified sustained inactivty bouts
g.part5.definedaysFix missing night in part 4 output
g.part5.fixmissingnightFix missing night in part 4 output
g.part5.handle_lux_extremesCheck lux values for extremes and imputes or removes them
g.part5_initialise_tsInitialise time series data from for part 5
g.part5.lux_persegmentExtract key lux variables per segment of the data.
g.part5.ontsetwaketimingIdentify wake and sleepperiod window timing
g.part5.savetimeseriesSaves part 5 time series to csv files
g.part5.wakesleepwindowsLabel wake and sleepperiod window
g.part6Perform temporal pattern analyses
g.plotfunction to generate a plot for quality check purposes
g.plot5Generate user-friendly visual report. The first part of the...
g.readaccfileGeneric functiont to read large blocks of accelerometer data
g.readtemp_movisensReads the temperature from movisens files. report from milestone data produced by g.part2 report from milestone data produced by g.part4 report from milestone data produced by g.part5 data dictionary for reports from milestone data... report from milestone data produced by g.part6 function around function GGIR
g.sib.detsustiained inactivty bouts detection
g.sib.plotCreate plot of sustained inactivity bouts
g.sibreportGenerate sustiained inactivty bouts report
g.sib.sumsustiained inactivty bouts detection
g.weardecDetects whether accelerometer is worn
HASIBHeuristic algorithms for sustiained inactivty bouts detection
HASPTHeuristic Algorithms estimating SPT window.
identify_levelsIdentifies levels of behaviour for g.part5 function.
isfilelistChecks whether datadir is a directory or a vector with...
is.ISO8601Check whether character timestamp is in iso8601 format.
ismovisensChecks whether the files to process are collected with...
iso8601chartime2POSIXConvert iso8601 timestamps to POSIX timestamp
is_this_a_dst_nightCheck whether the night starting on a calendar date has DST.
load_paramsLoad default parameters
parametersVignetteBuilds Section for Parameters Vignette
POSIXtime2iso8601Convert POSIX to iso8601 timestamp
read.myacc.csvRead custom csv files with accelerometer data
ShellDoc2VignetteExtract Definition from Shell Documentation
tidyup_dfRound numeric columns and replace NA/NaN values by blank
updateBlocksizeUpdate blocksize of data to be read depending on available...
GGIR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:59 p.m.