g.report.part5_dictionary: Generate data dictionary for reports from milestone data...

View source: R/g.report.part5_dictionary.R

g.report.part5_dictionaryR Documentation

Generate data dictionary for reports from milestone data produced by g.part5


Creates a data dictionary with the definitions of the outcomes exported in the reports from milestone data produced by g.part5. Not intended for direct use by package user.


g.report.part5_dictionary(metadatadir, params_output)



Directory that holds a folder 'meta' and inside this a folder 'basic' which contains the milestone data produced by g.part1. The folderstructure is normally created by g.part1 and GGIR will recognise what the value of metadatadir is.


Parameters object, see GGIR


Function does not produce data, but only writes data dictionaries for the reports in csv format

The following files are stored in the root of the results folder: part5_dictionary_daysummary_* part5_dictionary_personsummary_*


Vincent T van Hees <v.vanhees@accelting.com> Jairo Hidalgo Migueles <jairo@jhmigueles.com>

GGIR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:59 p.m.