ggduo: 'ggplot2' generalized pairs plot for two columns sets of data

View source: R/ggpairs.R

ggduoR Documentation

ggplot2 generalized pairs plot for two columns sets of data


Make a matrix of plots with a given data set with two different column sets


  mapping = NULL,
  columnsX = 1:ncol(data),
  columnsY = 1:ncol(data),
  title = NULL,
  types = list(continuous = "smooth_loess", comboVertical = "box_no_facet",
    comboHorizontal = "facethist", discrete = "count"),
  axisLabels = c("show", "none"),
  columnLabelsX = colnames(data[columnsX]),
  columnLabelsY = colnames(data[columnsY]),
  labeller = "label_value",
  switch = NULL,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  showStrips = NULL,
  legend = NULL,
  cardinality_threshold = 15,
  progress = NULL,
  xProportions = NULL,
  yProportions = NULL,
  legends = stop("deprecated")



data set using. Can have both numerical and categorical data.


aesthetic mapping (besides x and y). See aes(). If mapping is numeric, columns will be set to the mapping value and mapping will be set to NULL.

columnsX, columnsY

which columns are used to make plots. Defaults to all columns.

title, xlab, ylab

title, x label, and y label for the graph


see Details


either "show" to display axisLabels or "none" for no axis labels

columnLabelsX, columnLabelsY

label names to be displayed. Defaults to names of columns being used.


labeller for facets. See labellers. Common values are "label_value" (default) and "label_parsed".


switch parameter for facet_grid. See ggplot2::facet_grid. By default, the labels are displayed on the top and right of the plot. If "x", the top labels will be displayed to the bottom. If "y", the right-hand side labels will be displayed to the left. Can also be set to "both"


boolean to determine if each plot's strips should be displayed. NULL will default to the top and right side plots only. TRUE or FALSE will turn all strips on or off respectively.


May be the two objects described below or the default NULL value. The legend position can be moved by using ggplot2's theme element pm + theme(legend.position = "bottom")

a numeric vector of length 2

provides the location of the plot to use the legend for the plot matrix's legend. Such as legend = c(3,5) which will use the legend from the plot in the third row and fifth column

a single numeric value

provides the location of a plot according to the display order. Such as legend = 3 in a plot matrix with 2 rows and 5 columns displayed by column will return the plot in position c(1,2)

a object from grab_legend()

a predetermined plot legend that will be displayed directly


maximum number of levels allowed in a character / factor column. Set this value to NULL to not check factor columns. Defaults to 15


NULL (default) for a progress bar in interactive sessions with more than 15 plots, TRUE for a progress bar, FALSE for no progress bar, or a function that accepts at least a plot matrix and returns a new progress::progress_bar. See ggmatrix_progress.

xProportions, yProportions

Value to change how much area is given for each plot. Either NULL (default), numeric value matching respective length, grid::unit object with matching respective length or "auto" for automatic relative proportions based on the number of levels for categorical variables.




types is a list that may contain the variables 'continuous', 'combo', 'discrete', and 'na'. Each element of the list may be a function or a string. If a string is supplied, If a string is supplied, it must be a character string representing the tail end of a ggally_NAME function. The list of current valid ggally_NAME functions is visible in a dedicated vignette.


This option is used for continuous X and Y data.


This option is used for either continuous X and categorical Y data or categorical X and continuous Y data.


This option is used for either continuous X and categorical Y data or categorical X and continuous Y data.


This option is used for categorical X and Y data.


This option is used when all X data is NA, all Y data is NA, or either all X or Y data is NA.

If 'blank' is ever chosen as an option, then ggduo will produce an empty plot.

If a function is supplied as an option, it should implement the function api of function(data, mapping, ...){#make ggplot2 plot}. If a specific function needs its parameters set, wrap(fn, param1 = val1, param2 = val2) the function with its parameters.


# small function to display plots only if it's interactive
p_ <- GGally::print_if_interactive


# Keep players from 1990-1995 with at least one at bat
# Add how many singles a player hit
# (must do in two steps as X1b is used in calculations)
dt <- transform(
  subset(baseball, year >= 1990 & year <= 1995 & ab > 0),
  X1b = h - X2b - X3b - hr
# Add
#  the player's batting average,
#  the player's slugging percentage,
#  and the player's on base percentage
# Make factor a year, as each season is discrete
dt <- transform(
  batting_avg = h / ab,
  slug = (X1b + 2 * X2b + 3 * X3b + 4 * hr) / ab,
  on_base = (h + bb + hbp) / (ab + bb + hbp),
  year = as.factor(year)

pm <- ggduo(
  c("year", "g", "ab", "lg"),
  c("batting_avg", "slug", "on_base"),
  mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = lg)
# Prints, but
#   there is severe over plotting in the continuous plots
#   the labels could be better
#   want to add more hitting information

# address overplotting issues and add a title
pm <- ggduo(
  c("year", "g", "ab", "lg"),
  c("batting_avg", "slug", "on_base"),
  columnLabelsX = c("year", "player game count", "player at bat count", "league"),
  columnLabelsY = c("batting avg", "slug %", "on base %"),
  title = "Baseball Hitting Stats from 1990-1995",
  mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = lg),
  types = list(
    # change the shape and add some transparency to the points
    continuous = wrap("smooth_loess", alpha = 0.50, shape = "+")
  showStrips = FALSE


# Use "auto" to adapt width of the sub-plots
pm <- ggduo(
  c("year", "g", "ab", "lg"),
  c("batting_avg", "slug", "on_base"),
  mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = lg),
  xProportions = "auto"


# Custom widths & heights of the sub-plots
pm <- ggduo(
  c("year", "g", "ab", "lg"),
  c("batting_avg", "slug", "on_base"),
  mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = lg),
  xProportions = c(6, 4, 3, 2),
  yProportions = c(1, 2, 1)


# Example derived from:
## R Data Analysis Examples | Canonical Correlation Analysis.  UCLA: Institute for Digital
##   Research and Education.
##   from
##   (accessed May 22, 2017).
# "Example 1. A researcher has collected data on three psychological variables, four
#  academic variables (standardized test scores) and gender for 600 college freshman.
#  She is interested in how the set of psychological variables relates to the academic
#  variables and gender. In particular, the researcher is interested in how many
#  dimensions (canonical variables) are necessary to understand the association between
#  the two sets of variables."

(psych_variables <- attr(psychademic, "psychology"))
(academic_variables <- attr(psychademic, "academic"))

## Within correlation
p_(ggpairs(psychademic, columns = psych_variables))
p_(ggpairs(psychademic, columns = academic_variables))

## Between correlation
loess_with_cor <- function(data, mapping, ..., method = "pearson") {
  x <- eval_data_col(data, mapping$x)
  y <- eval_data_col(data, mapping$y)
  cor <- cor(x, y, method = method)
  ggally_smooth_loess(data, mapping, ...) +
      data = data.frame(
        x = min(x, na.rm = TRUE),
        y = max(y, na.rm = TRUE),
        lab = round(cor, digits = 3)
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, label = lab),
      hjust = 0, vjust = 1,
      size = 5, fontface = "bold",
      inherit.aes = FALSE # do not inherit anything from the ...
pm <- ggduo(
  rev(psych_variables), academic_variables,
  types = list(continuous = loess_with_cor),
  showStrips = FALSE
suppressWarnings(p_(pm)) # ignore warnings from loess

# add color according to sex
pm <- ggduo(
  mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = sex),
  rev(psych_variables), academic_variables,
  types = list(continuous = loess_with_cor),
  showStrips = FALSE,
  legend = c(5, 2)

# add color according to sex
pm <- ggduo(
  mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = motivation),
  rev(psych_variables), academic_variables,
  types = list(continuous = loess_with_cor),
  showStrips = FALSE,
  legend = c(5, 2)
) +
  ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom")
#  dt,
#  c("year", "g", "ab", "lg", "lg"),
#  c("batting_avg", "slug", "on_base", "hit_type"),
#  columnLabelsX = c("year", "player game count", "player at bat count", "league", ""),
#  columnLabelsY = c("batting avg", "slug %", "on base %", "hit type"),
#  title = "Baseball Hitting Stats from 1990-1995 (player strike in 1994)",
#  mapping = aes(color = year),
#  types = list(
#    continuous = wrap("smooth_loess", alpha = 0.50, shape = "+"),
#    comboHorizontal = wrap(display_hit_type_combo, binwidth = 15),
#    discrete = wrap(display_hit_type_discrete, color = "black", size = 0.15)
#  ),
#  showStrips = FALSE
## make the 5th column blank, except for the legend
#  australia_PISA2012,
#  c("gender", "age", "homework", "possessions"),
#  c("PV1MATH", "PV2MATH", "PV3MATH", "PV4MATH", "PV5MATH"),
#  types = list(
#    continuous = "points",
#    combo = "box",
#    discrete = "ratio"
#  )
#  australia_PISA2012,
#  c("gender", "age", "homework", "possessions"),
#  c("PV1MATH", "PV2MATH", "PV3MATH", "PV4MATH", "PV5MATH"),
#  mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = gender),
#  types = list(
#    continuous = wrap("smooth", alpha = 0.25, method = "loess"),
#    combo = "box",
#    discrete = "ratio"
#  )

GGally documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:29 a.m.