
# test_that("require_namespaces", {

#   skip("This test is too error prone")

#   if ("Hmisc" %in% loadedNamespaces()) unloadNamespace("Hmisc")
#   #NB: survival is required by Hmisc, so Hmisc must be unloaded before
#   if ("multcomp" %in% loadedNamespaces()) unloadNamespace("multcomp")
#   #NB: survival is required by multcomp, so multcomp must be unloaded before
#   if ("survival" %in% loadedNamespaces()) unloadNamespace("survival")

#   expect_false("package:survival" %in% search())

#   suppressMessages(require_namespaces(c("survival")))

#   expect_false("package:survival" %in% search())

#   expect_false(is.null(getNamespace("survival")))

#   expect_error(
#     suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(
#       require_namespaces("DOES_NOT_EXIST_qweqweqweqwe")
#     ))
#   )
# })

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GGally documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:29 a.m.