
# Tests for valid outputs ----

# Output should be a vector
# test_that("length of format inferior or equal to length of output", {
#   ex <- GIFT_no_overlap(entity_IDs = c(1, 2))
#   expect_identical(length(ex), c(2L))
#   ex2 <- GIFT_no_overlap(entity_IDs = c(10071, 12078))
#   expect_identical(length(ex2), c(1L))
# })

# Tests for invalid inputs ----
test_that("invalid inputs", {
  # Error message when ref_ID and list_ID are missing
    GIFT_no_overlap(entity_IDs = NULL),
    "Please provide the ID numbers of the regions you want to check the
         overlap of.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_no_overlap(entity_IDs = c(1, 2), area_threshold_island = NULL),
    "'area_threshold_island' is a surface in km^2 indicating from which
    surface the smallest overlapping polygon is kept.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_no_overlap(entity_IDs = c(1, 2), area_threshold_mainland = NULL),
    "'area_threshold_mainland' is a surface in km^2 indicating from which
    surface the smallest overlapping polygon is kept.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_no_overlap(entity_IDs = c(1, 2), overlap_threshold = NULL),
    "'overlap_threshold' is a number ranging from 0 to 1, indicating at
    what percentage of overlap, partially overlapping polygons should be
         kept.", fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_no_overlap(entity_IDs = c(1, 2), api = NA),
    "api must be a character string indicating which API to use.",
    fixed = TRUE)
    GIFT_no_overlap(entity_IDs = c(1, 2), GIFT_version = NA),
    "'GIFT_version' must be a character string stating what version
of GIFT you want to use. Available options are 'latest', 'beta' and the 
different named stable versions of GIFT.",
    fixed = TRUE)

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GIFT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:11 a.m.