
Defines functions print.gamlss

Documented in print.gamlss

print.gamlss <- function(x, ...){

 ppR <- pp(x)  
 cont1par <- ppR$cont1par
 cont2par <- ppR$cont2par
 cont3par <- ppR$cont3par
 m1l      <- ppR$m1l

  s1 <- "sigma = "; s1.p <- x$sigma2.a
  n1 <- "  nu = "; n1.p <- x$nu.a

  pscr0(x, type = "gamlss")  
  if(x$robust == TRUE) cat("\nROBUST Fit")

  cat("\n\nEQUATION 1")
  if(x$surv.flex == FALSE && x$margins[1] !="DGP0") cat("\nLink function for mu:",m1l,"\n")
  if(x$surv.flex == FALSE && x$margins[1] =="DGP0") cat("\nLink function for sigma:",m1l,"\n")

  if(x$surv.flex == TRUE)  cat("\n")
  cat("Formula: "); print(x$gam1$formula) 
  if( !is.null(x$X2) ){##

  if( x$margins[1] %in% cont2par){
  cat("\nEQUATION 2")
  #if(x$margins[1] !="BE" && !(x$margins[1] %in% c("GP","DGP","DGPII"))) cat("\nLink function for sigma:","log","\n")
  if(x$margins[1] !="BE") cat("\nLink function for sigma:","log","\n")
  if(x$margins[1] =="BE") cat("\nLink function for sigma:","qlogis","\n") 
  #if(x$margins[1] %in% c("GP","DGP","DGPII")) cat("\nLink function for sigma:","identity","\n") 

  cat("Formula: "); print(x$formula[[2]])  
if( x$margins[1] %in% cont3par){
  cat("\nEQUATION 2")
  #if(!(x$margins[1] %in% c("TW"))) 
  cat("\nLink function for sigma:","log","\n") #else cat("\nLink function for sigma:","qlogis","\n")  
  cat("Formula: "); print(x$formula[[2]]) 
  cat("\nEQUATION 3")
  if(!(x$margins[1] %in% c("TW"))) cat("\nLink function for nu:","log","\n") 
  if(  x$margins[1] %in% c("TW"))  cat("\nLink function for nu:","qlogis","\n") 
  cat("Formula: "); print(x$formula[[3]]) 
  if(x$margins[1] %in% cont1par) cat("n = ",x$n,"  total edf = ",format(x$t.edf, digits=3),"\n\n", sep="")  

  if(x$margins[1] %in% cont2par) cat( s1, format(s1.p, digits=3),
                                     "\nn = ",x$n,"  total edf = ",format(x$t.edf, digits=3),"\n\n", sep="")   

  if(x$margins[1] %in% cont3par) cat( s1, format(s1.p, digits=3),
                                     n1, format(n1.p, digits=3), 
                                     "\nn = ",x$n,"  total edf = ",format(x$t.edf, digits=3),"\n\n", sep="")   



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GJRM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:34 a.m.