Man pages for GLDEX
Fitting Single and Mixture of Generalised Lambda Distributions

digitsBaseDigit/Bit Representation of Integers in any Base
fittingfunctionsThis is a collection of functions designed to implement the...
FMKLfittingandbasicfunctionsThis is a collection of functions designed to find the... mixture of generalied lambda distribtions to data... mixture of generalied lambda distribtions to data... mixtures of generalied lambda distribtions to data...
fun.betaThis is a collection of functions used in the calculation of... the final fits using the maximum likelihood estimation... the final fits using partition maximum likelihood...
fun.bimodal.initFinds the initial values for optimisation in fitting the...
fun.check.gldCheck whether the RS or FMKL/FKML GLD is a valid GLD for...
fun.check.gld.multiCheck whether the RS or FMKL/FKML GLD is a valid GLD for...
fun.class.regime.biClassifies data into two groups using a clustering regime.
fun.comp.moments.mlCompare the moments of the data and the fitted univariate... the moments of the data and the fitted univariate... RS and FMKL generalised distributions to data using... RS and FMKL generalised distributions to data using... data using L moment matching estimation for RS and FMKL... data using RS, FMKL maximum likelihood estimation and the... data using moment matching estimation for RS and FMKL GLD data using quantile matching estimation for RS and FMKL...
fun.diag1Diagnostic function for theoretical distribution fits through...
fun.diag2Diagnostic function for empirical data distribution fits...
fun.diag.ks.gCompute the simulated Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests for the...
fun.diag.ks.g.bimodalCompute the simulated Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests for the...
fun.disc.estimationEstimates the mean and variance after cutting up a vector of...
fun.gen.qrnFinds the low discrepancy quasi random numbers
fun.lm.theo.gldFind the theoretical first four L moments of the generalised...
fun.mApplyApplying functions based on an index for a matrix.
fun.minmax.check.gldCheck whether the specified GLDs cover the minimum and the...
fun.moments.bimodalFinds the moments of fitted mixture of generalised lambda...
fun.moments.rCalculate mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis of a...
fun.nclass.eEstimates the number of classes or bins to smooth over in the...
fun.plot.fitPlotting the univariate generalised lambda distribution fits... mixture of two generalised lambda distributions on...
fun.plot.many.gldPlotting many univariate generalised lambda distributions on...
fun.rawmomentsComputes the raw moments of the generalised lambda...
fun.RMFMKL.hsFit FMKL generalised distribution to data using discretised...
fun.RMFMKL.hs.nwFit FMKL generalised distribution to data using discretised...
fun.RMFMKL.lmFit FMKL generalised lambda distribution to data set using L...
fun.RMFMKL.mlFit FMKL generalised lambda distribution to data set using... RS generalised lambda distribution to data set using...
fun.RMFMKL.mmFit FMKL generalised lambda distribution to data set using...
fun.RMFMKL.qsFit FMKL generalised lambda distribution to data set using...
fun.RPRS.hsFit RS generalised distribution to data using discretised...
fun.RPRS.hs.nwFit RS generalised distribution to data using discretised...
fun.RPRS.lmFit RS generalised lambda distribution to data set using L...
fun.RPRS.mlFit RS generalised lambda distribution to data set using... RS generalised lambda distribution to data set using...
fun.RPRS.mmFit RS generalised lambda distribution to data set using...
fun.RPRS.qsFit RS generalised lambda distribution to data set using...
fun.simu.bimodalSimulate a mixture of two generalised lambda distributions. the theoretical mean, variance, skewness and... the theoretical first four moments of the generalised...
fun.which.zeroDetermine which values are zero. a vector after removing all the zeros.
gl.check.lambda.altChecks whether the parameters provided constitute a valid...
gl.check.lambda.alt1Checks whether the parameters provided constitute a valid...
GLDEX.packageThis package fits RS and FMKL generalised lambda...
GLDfunctionsThe Generalised Lambda Distribution Family
hiddenfunctionsThis is a collection of functions designed to implement the...
histsuHistogram with exact number of bins specified by the user
is.infReturns a logical vecto, TRUE if the value is Inf or -Inf.
is.notinfReturns a logical vector TRUE, if the value is not Inf or...
ks.gofKolmogorov-Smirnov test
optimisationfunctionsThis is a collection of functions used in the optimisation...
pretty.suAn alternative to the normal pretty function in R.
qqplot.gldDo a quantile plot on the univariate distribution fits.
qqplot.gld.biDo a quantile plot on the bimodal distribution fits.
QUnifQuasi Randum Numbers via Halton Sequences
RSfittingandbasicfunctionsThis is a collection of functions designed to find the...
skewnessandkurtosisCompute skewness and kurtosis statistics
starshipCarry out the "starship" estimation method for the...
starship.adaptivegridCarry out the "starship" estimation method for the...
starship.objObjective function that is minimised in starship estimation...
t1lmomentsTrimmed L-moments
which.naDetermine Missing Values
GLDEX documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 9:08 a.m.