
windnetplot <-
function () 

# Blank plot for wordlayout to work with

plot(x=NA, xlim=c(160,635), ylim=c(25,425), axes=TRUE, asp=1, xlab="", ylab="")

# Work out label layout and coordinates

labellay <- wordlayout(x=GNAR::vswindcoords[,1], y=GNAR::vswindcoords[,2],
labelpos <- cbind(c(labellay[,1]+0.5*labellay[,3]), c(labellay[,2]+0.5*labellay[,4]))

# Plot the network, and distances and names of wind stations

plot(GNAR::vswindnetD, layout=labelpos, vertex.label=GNAR::vswindnames,
     vertex.size=0, vertex.label.color="black", edge.lty=2, edge.color="red",
     rescale=FALSE, xlim=c(160,635), ylim=c(25,425), axes=TRUE, asp=1, add=TRUE)


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GNAR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:25 a.m.