
Defines functions simulate.fastfun update.fastfun predict.fastfun `fastfun`

#' Modification of an R function to be used with methods \code{predict} and \code{update} (similar to a \code{\link[DiceKriging]{km}} object). 
#' It creates an S4 object which contains the values corresponding to evaluations of other costly observations.
#' It is useful when an objective can be evaluated fast.
#' @title Fast-to-evaluate function wrapper
#' @param fn the evaluator function, found by a call to \code{\link[base]{match.fun}},
#' @param design a data frame representing the design of experiments.
#' The ith row contains the values of the d input variables corresponding to the ith evaluation.
#' @param response optional vector (or 1-column matrix or data frame) containing the values of the 1-dimensional output given by the objective function at the design points.
#' @import methods 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ########################################################
#' ## Example with a fast to evaluate objective
#' ########################################################
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(25468)
#' library(DiceDesign)
#' d <- 2 
#' fname <- P1
#' n.grid <- 21
#' nappr <- 11 
#' design.grid <- maximinESE_LHS(lhsDesign(nappr, d, seed = 42)$design)$design
#' response.grid <- t(apply(design.grid, 1, fname))
#' Front_Pareto <- t(nondominated_points(t(response.grid)))
#' mf1 <- km(~., design = design.grid, response = response.grid[,1])
#' mf2 <- km(~., design = design.grid, response = response.grid[,2])
#' model <- list(mf1, mf2)
#' nsteps <- 5 
#' lower <- rep(0, d)
#' upper <- rep(1, d)
#' # Optimization reference: SMS with discrete search
#' optimcontrol <- list(method = "pso")
#' omEGO1 <- GParetoptim(model = model, fn = fname, crit = "SMS", nsteps = nsteps,
#'                      lower = lower, upper = upper, optimcontrol = optimcontrol)
#' print(omEGO1$par)
#' print(omEGO1$values)
#' plot(response.grid, xlim = c(0,300), ylim = c(-40,0), pch = 17, col = "blue")
#' points(omEGO1$values, pch = 20, col ="green") 
#' # Optimization with fastfun: SMS with discrete search
#' # Separation of the problem P1 in two objectives: 
#' # the first one to be kriged, the second one with fastobj
#' f1 <-   function(x){
#'   if(is.null(dim(x))) x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1) 
#'   b1 <- 15*x[,1] - 5
#'   b2 <- 15*x[,2]
#'   return(  (b2 - 5.1*(b1/(2*pi))^2 + 5/pi*b1 - 6)^2 +10*((1 - 1/(8*pi))*cos(b1) + 1))
#' }
#' f2 <-   function(x){
#'   if(is.null(dim(x))) x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1) 
#'   b1<-15*x[,1] - 5
#'   b2<-15*x[,2]
#'   return(-sqrt((10.5 - b1)*(b1 + 5.5)*(b2 + 0.5))
#'          - 1/30*(b2 - 5.1*(b1/(2*pi))^2 - 6)^2
#'          - 1/3*((1 - 1/(8*pi))*cos(b1) + 1)) 
#' }
#' optimcontrol <- list(method = "pso")
#' model2 <- list(mf1)
#' omEGO2 <- GParetoptim(model = model2, fn = f1, cheapfn = f2, crit = "SMS", nsteps = nsteps,
#'                      lower = lower, upper = upper, optimcontrol = optimcontrol)
#' print(omEGO2$par)
#' print(omEGO2$values)
#' points(omEGO2$values, col = "red", pch = 15)
#' }
#' @return An object of class  \code{\link[GPareto]{fastfun-class}}.
`fastfun` <-
  function(fn, design, response = NULL) {
    model <- new("fastfun")
    data <- data.frame(design)
    X <- as.matrix(data)
    fn <- match.fun(fn)
      response <- apply(design, 1, fn)
    y <- matrix(response, ncol=1)
    model@X <- X
    model@y <- y
    model@d <- ncol(X)
    model@n <- nrow(X)
    model@fun <- fn

## ----------------
## CLASS definition
## ----------------

## fastfun Class
#' Class for fast to compute objective.
#' @slot d spatial dimension,
#' @slot n observations number,
#' @slot X the design of experiments, size \code{n x d},
#' @slot y  the observations, size \code{n x 1},
#' @slot fun the evaluator function.
#' @section Objects from the Class : To create a \code{fastfun} object, use \code{\link[GPareto]{fastfun}}. See also this function for more details and examples.
#' @export
           d = "integer",          ## spatial dimension
           n = "integer",          ## observations number
           ## data
           X = "matrix",           ## the design of experiments, size nxd
           y = "matrix",           ## the observations, size nx1
           fun = "function"        ## the evaluator

# if(!isGeneric("show")) {
#   setGeneric(name = "show",
#              def = function(object) standardGeneric("show")
#   )
# }
# setMethod("show", "fastfun", 
#           function(object){
#             show.fastfun(object)		
#           }
# )

##                        P R E D I C T  METHOD

predict.fastfun <- function(object, newdata, cov.compute = TRUE, light.return = FALSE, ...) {
  res <- list(trend = NULL, mean = apply(newdata, 1, object@fun), sd = rep(0, nrow(newdata)))
  if(!light.return & cov.compute){
    res$cov <- matrix(0, nrow(newdata), nrow(newdata))
  res$trend <- res$mean
  res$lower95 <- res$mean
  res$upper95 <- res$mean

if(!isGeneric("predict")) {
  setGeneric(name = "predict",
             def = function(object, ...) standardGeneric("predict")

#' @describeIn fastfun Predict(by evaluating \code{fun}) the result at a new observation.
#' @param newdata Matrix of the new location for the design
setMethod("predict", "fastfun", 
          function(object, newdata, ...) {
            predict.fastfun(object = object, newdata = newdata, ...)

##			     update  METHOD

update.fastfun <- function(object, newX, newy, ...){
  object@X <- rbind(object@X, matrix(newX, ncol=ncol(object@X), byrow=TRUE))
  object@y <- rbind(object@y, matrix(newy, ncol=1, byrow=TRUE))
  object@n <- as.integer(object@n + 1)

if(!isGeneric("update")) {
  setGeneric(name = "update",
             def = function(object, ...) standardGeneric("update")

#' @param object \code{\link[GPareto]{fastfun}} object
#' @param newX Matrix of the new location for the design
#' @param newy Matrix of the responses at \code{newX}
#' @param ... further arguments (not used)
#' @describeIn fastfun Update the \code{X} and \code{y} slots with a new design and observation.
#' @keywords internal
setMethod("update", "fastfun", 
          function(object, newX, newy, ...) {
            update.fastfun(object = object, newX = newX, newy = newy, ...) 

##			     simulate  METHOD

simulate.fastfun <- function(object, nsim=1, seed=NULL, newdata=NULL, 
                             cond=FALSE, nugget.sim=0, checkNames=TRUE, ...){
    simulation <- as.vector(object@y)
    simulation <- as.vector(apply(newdata, 1, object@fun))
  return(matrix(simulation, nrow = nsim, ncol = length(simulation), byrow = T))

if(!isGeneric("simulate")) {
  setGeneric(name = "simulate",
             def = function(object, ...) standardGeneric("simulate")

#' @param object \code{\link[GPareto]{fastfun}} object
#' @param nsim an optional number specifying the number of response vectors to simulate. Default is 1.
#' @param seed usual seed argument of method simulate. Not used.
#' @param newdata an optional vector, matrix or data frame containing the points where to perform predictions.
#'  Default is \code{NULL}: simulation is performed at design points specified in \code{object}.
#' @param cond an optional boolean indicating the type of simulations. Not used.
#' @param nugget.sim	an optional number corresponding to a numerical nugget effect. Not used.
#' @param checkNames an optional boolean. Not used.
#' @param ... further arguments (not used)
#' @describeIn fastfun Simulate responses values (for compatibility with methods using [DiceKriging::simulate()])
#' @keywords internal
setMethod("simulate", "fastfun", 
          function(object, nsim, seed, newdata, cond, nugget.sim, checkNames, ...) {
            simulate.fastfun(object = object, nsim = nsim, seed = seed, newdata = newdata, 
                             cond = cond, nugget.sim = nugget.sim, checkNames = checkNames, ...) 

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GPareto documentation built on June 24, 2022, 5:06 p.m.