Man pages for GapAnalysis
Conservation Indicators using Spatial Information

CucurbitaDataCucurbita occurrences dataset
CucurbitaRastersCucurbita species distribution models dataset
ecoregionsEcoregions shapefile
ERSexEcological representativeness score ex situ
ERSinEcological representativeness score in situ
FCSc_meanCombining ex situ and in situ gap analyses
FCSexFinal conservation score ex situ
FCSinFinal conservation score in situ
GapAnalysis-packageGapAnalysis: An R package to calculate conservation...
Gbuffer@title Geodesic buffer around points (long, lat) using metric...
GetDatasetsPreparing datasets to run GapAnalysis functions
GRSexGeographical representativeness score ex situ
GRSinGeographical representativeness score in situ
indicatorConservation indicator across taxa based on gap analysis...
OccurrenceCountsGenerating counts dataframe for taxa
ParamTestInput Parameter Test
ProtectedAreasProtected areas dataset in raster format
SRSexSampling representativeness score ex situ
SRSinSampling representativeness score in situ
SummaryHTMLCreating a summary HTML document for each taxon
GapAnalysis documentation built on June 14, 2021, 9:07 a.m.