MagnitudeRule: Dominance (n,k) or p% rule for magnitude tables

View source: R/MagnitudeRule.R

MagnitudeRuleR Documentation

Dominance ⁠(n,k)⁠ or p% rule for magnitude tables


Supports application of multiple values for n and k. The function works on magnitude tables containing negative cell values by calculating contribution based on absolute values.


  n = NULL,
  k = NULL,
  pPercent = NULL,
  protectZeros = FALSE,
  charVar = NULL,
  removeCodes = character(0),
  sWeightVar = NULL,
  domWeightMethod = "default",
  allDominance = FALSE,
  outputWeightedNum = !is.null(sWeightVar),
  dominanceVar = NULL,

DominanceRule(data, n, k, protectZeros = FALSE, ...)

PPercentRule(data, pPercent, protectZeros = FALSE, ...)



the dataset


ModelMatrix generated by parent function


vector containing numeric values in the data set


Parameter n in dominance rule.


Parameter k in dominance rule.


Parameter in the p% rule, when non-NULL. Parameters n and k will then be ignored. Technically, calculations are performed internally as if n = 1:2. The results of these intermediate calculations can be viewed by setting allDominance = TRUE.


parameter determining whether cells with value 0 should be suppressed.


Variable in data holding grouping information. Dominance will be calculated after aggregation within these groups.


A vector of charVar codes that are to be excluded when calculating dominance percentages. Essentially, the corresponding numeric values from dominanceVar or numVar are set to zero before proceeding with the dominance calculations. With empty charVar row indices are assumed and conversion to integer is performed.


variable with sampling weights to be used in dominance rule


character representing how weights should be treated in the dominance rule. See Details.


Logical parameter. If TRUE, adds primary columns for each pair of parameters n,k in the dominance rules


logical value to determine whether weighted numerical value should be included in output. Default is TRUE if sWeightVar is provided.


When specified, dominanceVar is used in place of numVar. Specifying dominanceVar is beneficial for avoiding warnings when there are multiple numVar variables. Typically, dominanceVar will be one of the variables already included in numVar.


unused parameters


This method only supports suppressing a single numeric variable. There are multiple ways of handling sampling weights in the dominance rule. the default method implemented here compares unweighted sample values with the corresponding weighted cell totals. if domWeightMethod is set to "tauargus", the method implemented in tauArgus is used. For more information on this method, see "Statistical Disclosure Control" by Hundepool et al (2012, p. 151).


logical vector that is TRUE in positions corresponding to cells breaching the dominance rules.


Explicit protectZeros in wrappers since default needed by GaussSuppressionFromData


Daniel Lupp and Øyvind Langsrud


z <- SSBtools::MakeMicro(SSBtoolsData("z2"), "ant")
z$value <- sample(1:1000, nrow(z), replace = TRUE)

GaussSuppressionFromData(z, dimVar = c("region", "fylke", "kostragr", "hovedint"), 
numVar = "value", candidates = CandidatesNum, primary = DominanceRule, preAggregate = FALSE,
singletonMethod = "sub2Sum", n = c(1, 2), k = c(65, 85), allDominance = TRUE)

num <- c(100,
         90, 10,
         80, 20,
         70, 30,
         50, 25, 25,
         40, 20, 20, 20,
         25, 25, 25, 25)
v1 <- c("v1",
        rep(c("v2", "v3", "v4"), each = 2),
        rep("v5", 3),
        rep(c("v6", "v7"), each = 4))
sw <- c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1)
d <- data.frame(v1 = v1, num = num, sw = sw)

# without weights
GaussSuppressionFromData(d, formula = ~v1 - 1, 
 numVar = "num",  n = c(1,2), k = c(80,70),
  preAggregate = FALSE, allDominance = TRUE, candidates = CandidatesNum,
  primary = DominanceRule)

# with weights, standard method
GaussSuppressionFromData(d, formula = ~v1 - 1,
 numVar = "num",  n = c(1,2), k = c(80,70), sWeightVar = "sw",
 preAggregate = FALSE, allDominance = TRUE, candidates = CandidatesNum,
 primary = DominanceRule)

# with weights, tauargus method
GaussSuppressionFromData(d, formula = ~v1 - 1,
 numVar = "num",  n = c(1,2), k = c(80,70), sWeightVar = "sw",
 preAggregate = FALSE, allDominance = TRUE, candidates = CandidatesNum,
 primary = DominanceRule, domWeightMethod = "tauargus")

GaussSuppression documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.